Dealing with a boy

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When you’re dealing with THAT guy
Video: When you’re dealing with THAT guy


We girls know very well how we want to be treated - so let's make a reciprocal gesture and learn how to treat the men in our lives so well. It's mostly about love, respect and being kind to him - but it's also about having fun together! See step 1 to learn more about this!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Treat him well

  1. Be honest. Whatever your relationship, being honest is always the best tactic.
    • You want your husband to be honest with you; so make sure you are against him too.
    • Never hide or hide things from your husband - you may think that will prevent him from getting hurt or angry, but it can cause even bigger problems in the long run if he eventually finds out.
  2. Be kind. Being nice to each other is important in any relationship, but it is often forgotten.
    • The "attract-reject" game may work when you are dating, but not once you are in a serious relationship.
    • Being kind involves a lot of things - it means being patient and understanding when your partner makes a mistake, it means doing nice things for him because you care, and it means treating him with dignity and respect , in a way that you want to be treated yourself.
  3. Be loving. Men may not like to admit it, but most of them regularly crave some attention, care, and love.
    • So don't forget to show your love by giving him a big hug and kiss if he looks a little down.
    • If you are already at the stage of your relationship where you have expressed your love for each other, don't be afraid to let him know how you feel about him or wait for him to say it to you first.
  4. Keep the element of surprise in it. People often fall into predictable and easy-going patterns once they are in a committed relationship.
    • While this has benefits, it's also nice to keep having fun in your relationship, and do something unexpected every now and then just to keep it fun and vibrant.
    • Plan a romantic weekend for the two of you, or plan a day out to a museum visit, zoo or exhibition. Book a skydiving session or diving lesson. Do something you have never done before and you will discover whole new sides of your partner!
  5. Be loyal. Treating a boy well is all about loyalty - it's not about anything when you're nice to his face and then complain about him to his family and friends.
    • It is important that he knows that you are there for him and that you support him 100% - just as he is there for you.
    • The next time someone disagrees with or criticizes your husband, stand up for him - this is letting him know you're on his side.

Part 2 of 3: Being there for him

  1. Trust him. If you want your friend to trust you 100%, then you need to let him know that he can trust you 100% too. Trust goes both ways.
    • Don't panic if he doesn't call you back or reply to your message right away - guys tend to forget things like this - it doesn't mean he's doing wrong things.
    • If your friend is open and honest with you and has never done anything to hurt you, then you have no reason not to trust him. So if he wants to go out for a night and catch up with his friends, be relaxed about that.
  2. Make him feel good. If you want to treat your boyfriend well, that includes making him feel good. You also don't want to be with someone who puts you down all the time, and neither does he.
    • Be mindful of his feelings - thank him when he does something nice for you so he knows you appreciate him, and apologize if you say something that is inappropriate or unkind.
    • If he is having a hard time at work, let him know that you believe in him and that you have confidence in his ability. He will have more confidence in himself after that.
  3. Listen to him carefully. Sometimes we just need to be able to express and share our feelings with someone.
    • You want to be the one to be there for your boyfriend when you need to, so show him that he can tell you anything by listening carefully to him.
    • Try not to interrupt or make judgmental comments - just listen to what he has to say, try to empathize with him, not some constructive advice.
  4. Boost his ego. Men often have a big ego, and you can boost his ego by complimenting him at the right time - he'll feel great.
    • Tell him that he looks great today, that you can see his efforts at the gym really take off, or that his new haircut looks great on him.
    • Let him know that he is the only man for you and that you are happy with him.
  5. Let him know he can count on you. Your boyfriend needs to know that he can always count on you and that you are always there for him when he needs you.
    • Catch him if necessary - support him if he wants to take a particular risk with a new business plan, support him if there are problems in the family, and let him cry with you if something bad has happened.
    • A loving relationship is about being together in good times and bad - so don't be a girlfriend who is alone when things are going well!

Part 3 of 3: Doing nice things for him

  1. Plan a nice date for you. Treating a guy well also means doing nice things for him on a regular basis, so what are you waiting for? Plan that nice date for you together!
    • Go for the classic date and book a restaurant and movie if you haven't in a while, or try something adventurous like paintball, take a dance class or go to a concert.
    • Even a quiet evening at home can be exciting with some candles, some romantic music and a good bottle of wine!
  2. Cook for him. The saying "love goes through the stomach" is actually quite true, so do something nice for your friend by cooking him a delicious meal, be it his favorite dish or something new and exciting.
    • If you really can't cook, don't worry - choose a very simple yet tasty recipe, such as a pasta dish or a coconut-infused curry, and give yourself lots of time to prepare it.
    • You can also just order a takeaway from his favorite restaurant and serve it beautifully - with real plates instead of disposable plastic plates!
  3. Give him a massage. A massage to your friend is always good, especially after a long stressful day.
    • Buy some massage oil that smells good, dim the lights (or light some candles) and put on some relaxing music.
    • Ask him to take off his shirt and lie down. Massage him from the lower back up to his shoulders, focusing on muscle knots or other areas of tension. He'll feel so good afterward that he might fall asleep right away!
  4. Dress up nicely. It doesn't hurt to dress up every now and then and make him feel lucky with you. You will be very happy when you see how much he appreciates it.
    • Do the things you did when you first met - spend three hours getting ready if that's what you need - shave, rub, put on makeup, and curl your hair.
    • Put on your prettiest dress and stilettos - then you're all set, whatever the night brings you, whether it's a night on the dance floor or a romantic evening at home.
  5. Be entrepreneurial in the bedroom. Almost all men appreciate it when a woman is entrepreneurial in the bedroom, so show that side of you, let go, and watch your man melt in your hands!
    • Try to take charge if you're normally the one who has a compliant role - experiment with tying your boyfriend or handcuffing him if that's what turns him on.
    • Be aware that sexual intimacy is important in a healthy relationship; so don't refrain your husband from sex if you're angry with him, but solve it in the bedroom!


  • Know that you reap what you have sown, so treat him how you want to be treated yourself.
  • Boys are just as sensitive as girls, if they don't show it, it doesn't mean they don't feel it. If he's upset, comfort him just as you would comfort a sad friend. Be sensitive and intimate with him. Show him your feminine side.


  • Don't stalk or claim him, let him be himself.