Complimenting girls

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Proven Compliments to Give a Girl That Build Attraction
Video: 10 Proven Compliments to Give a Girl That Build Attraction


Compliments are a great way to tell a girl you like her, or just to make a girl feel good about herself. Of course, it's pretty easy to fall into a category where flattery is starting to get a little scary. Follow these tips and you can be sure to brighten up someone's day.

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Part 1 of 2: Complimenting girls with words

  1. Compliment something specific in her appearance. The main type of flattery that men practice on women is to compliment their appearance. There is a way to do this without getting scary or focusing too much on a woman's physical side.
    • Use a specific compliment like "I really like the way that green sweater brings out the green in your eyes." A specific compliment is tailored to the girl and is more than just "you're nice" or "you're attractive."
    • Another great way is to notice how she puts together her outfits. If she's wearing a great pair of earrings, say something like "these earrings look really good on you. You have great taste."
    • Don't make any, absolutely no sexual comment ("nice bunch of wood ..." or "I want something with that") unless you know the girl really well and have accepted that kind of comment.Most girls find that kind of commentary scary.
  2. Use alternatives to "exciting" and "sexy."These are boring compliments and used way too often. Try to come up with something more unusual and more interesting. Even" beautiful "can be used too often. Another way of saying she's attractive will intrigue her, because she has probably not heard that before ..
    • A few good words to try: "radiant," "breathtaking," "elegant," "glamorous" or "gorgeous", just to name a few.
    • You can even use something like "incredible," referring to her appearance as well as her personality and achievements.
  3. Compliment her personality. Too often, people stick to complimenting or making complimenting comments about a woman's appearance. You will have to expand your flattery and compliment her personality as well. Make sure you are as specific and genuine as possible when talking about her personality or they won't take you seriously.
    • Tell her something like "I love the way every party brightens up and I manage to make everything more fun just by being there."
    • Or notice how nice and caring she is. If she's always there for family and friends, say something like "It's incredible how much you do for other people. Just make sure you take care of yourself too!" This shows that you notice what she does and who she is, but also that you care about her.
  4. Compliment for what she has accomplished. Like men, women don't just want to be noticed for their looks. Find out what you've done and what she's proud of, and compliment her on it.
    • If she plays or sings an instrument, ask her to play you something. Praise her skills when she's done. Make sure you are specific. You can say something like "I thought it sounded great how you held those high notes."
    • If she's just made it to the end of a really tough game, tell her how impressive that is. (DO NOT say "You're really good for a girl;" that's not a compliment.)
    • If she has just completed something, such as a dissertation or her doctorate degree, compliment her on her chosen field of work and how much work she has put into achieving her goals.
  5. Let her know what she means to you. Flattery is about letting someone know how important and wonderful that person is, so tell the woman what she means to you and why she is so important to you.
    • For example, you could say something like "I find it very easy and fun to talk to you."
    • Another example: "No one else can make me laugh like you." You draw attention to something specific and wonderful that she does, then you package it in a way that makes it unique and important to you.
  6. Compliment her on her ideas. Letting her know that you think her ideas are important is a great form of flattery. It makes her feel like she's smart, that you listen when she's talking and are interested in what she's thinking.
    • If she does a lot of artistic work (any kind: writing, fine art, photography, music, etc) tell her that you find her incredibly creative. Better yet, give a specific example of her creativity. Say something like "I love the way you used greenery in that painting; it really comes out really nicely."
  7. Ask for her opinion. This will certainly compliment her for showing that you respect her and what she thinks, and that you pay attention to her ideas.
    • If she's interested in politics, talk to her about it. Tell her she really got you thinking.
    • Do ask her for her opinion on something you know she's an expert on. For example, if the woman you're complimenting is a marine biologist, ask her opinion on anything related to the ocean.

Part 2 of 2: Complimenting girls with a gesture

  1. Give her a small token of your appreciation. This doesn't have to be a super expensive diamond necklace or anything, just a small thing to let her know you've been thinking about her and that she's important to you.
    • If she likes flowers, give her a nice bouquet with her favorites. By giving her a bouquet of her favorite flowers, instead of going back to a standard bouquet of red roses (although some women just love roses, of course), you show that you pay attention to what she loves and what she dislikes. (such as insincere flattery).
    • If she likes gardening, you could give her a bag of seeds that she's been wanting for some time or a new pair of gloves.
    • If she likes to write, or does she write in a diary or diary, give her a nice notebook or a special pen. Again, what you give should be appropriate for her as a person and what she loves.
  2. Show that you listened to her. Showing that you listen to what she says and pay attention to the things she does is a great compliment and many people forget to do so. This of course means that you should listen when she says something and pay attention to what she wants to do.
    • If she's had a disagreement with a roommate or family member, make sure to ask how they are doing. You show that you think this is important and that you pay attention to her.
    • If she's talking about a new haircut or a piercing or a tattoo, compliment her when she actually did it. Say something like "This new hairstyle is a beautiful frame for you" or "That tattoo is so creative and beautiful. Did you design it yourself?"
  3. Show that you are interested in her performance. Even if it's a small thing, ask her to show you something she's made that she's proud of. This could be anything from baking a cake, repairing the engine in her car, to fixing a leaky faucet.
    • Ask her to help you with a project where she can unleash her skills. For example, if she's really good at interior design, ask her for some ideas on how to make your living space better or more comfortable.
    • If she's good at web design, ask her to design the web page for your new book, business, or just a blog.
  4. Let her pick the movie / restaurant / music. By encouraging her to do something for both of you, you show that you think she has good taste and that you are confident enough to put that into practice. There is little else more complimentary than someone who thinks you have good taste.
    • Say something like, "You always know what's good if you want to choose where to eat."
    • Ask her to help you pick out clothes (if that's something she likes to do). Tell her you're not good at it and that she has such a keen eye for it that you'd love to go shopping with you. You can spend more time with her and show her how important her skills and opinions are to you.
  5. Offer a helping hand. If she's going through a tense time or she's trying to host an event, take care of her elderly parents, and so on, offer to help her out. You show that you've noticed what she's going through and that you like her enough to help.
    • If she's going through a busy time at work, school, or due to some interest, offer to bring her food and put it away afterward (bonus points if you prepared the food yourself).
    • If she's organizing something like an event, offer to sacrifice some time so she can make it a success. She will remember that you were there for her and will be flattered that you show an interest in what she is doing.
    • Don't offer to do things that will benefit you. If she's really stressed and you offer to give her a massage and she says no, find another way to show your appreciation by asking what she needs.
  6. Show her that you respect her. This is a hugely important part of being flattering, and a way to not make complimenting quite scary. Make sure you respect her boundaries and herself as a person. If you're disrespectful, all that flattery will seem scary.
    • For example: If you say something nice about her appearance and she doesn't respond well to it, leave it. Don't berate her just because she hasn't responded positively to your compliments.
    • Remember, just because you said or did something nice doesn't mean she owes you anything.


  • Being specific, sincerity, and respect are the keys to complimenting girls (or whoever: women are human too, after all) appropriately. Be specific with your compliments, make sure you mean what you say, and respect her response.
  • Find and acknowledge something new about her.
  • She will feel particularly flattered if you ask her out. Even if she says no, she'll probably be thrilled that you apparently thought her important enough to have the courage to ask her out.


  • Don't chase her with compliments.
  • Don't show up with compliments you've already given before. Keep nagging about the same three compliments will make her feel like those things are the only thing you like about her, or that you've noticed (especially if they're all about her looks).