Attract more viewers for your videos on YouTube

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Tell A Story In Your YouTube Videos To Attract More Audience
Video: How To Tell A Story In Your YouTube Videos To Attract More Audience


Many people are known or even become famous for their YouTube videos. But for every YouTube celebrity, there are thousands of people who struggle to be seen. If you want to attract more viewers to your YouTube videos, you not only need a great video, but you also need to know how to describe and share a creation of your own. Using good descriptions, sharing your video with loads of people, and making sure your video looks great are a few ways to get your video into the YouTube stratosphere.

To step

Part 1 of 5: Create appropriate descriptions

  1. Give your video an appropriate name. If it is a lizard, then the word "lizard" must also appear in the file name of the video. You can call the video "".
  2. Give your video an attractive title. Make these short, captivating and to the point. If your video is about how your kids spilled macaroni and cheese all over, just call it "Macaroni and Cheese Disaster." It should stimulate the interest of the viewers without revealing too much.
  3. Give a clear description of your video. Most people ignore this step, but you will have to take it really seriously to increase the number of viewers. Describe your video as precisely as possible within the space provided, and take 2-3 paragraphs to provide an interesting and precise description of what people can expect when they start watching the video.
  4. Use the best tags. Use all keywords from your title and description also in the "tags" section, to interest more viewers. The more relevant these are, the more often the video will pop up when people search for something. For example, if you're posting a video of your cute sleepy dog, use words like "Sleepy," "Dog," "Hilarious," and "Cute." Just make sure you don't include any extra tags in the description, as they won't be included when people search for them.
    • You can use tags that describe your video as well as other relevant and popular videos, so you can be sure that as many people as possible will watch your video when they search YouTube.

Part 2 of 5: Share your video wisely

  1. Share your video with as many people as you can once you post it. The sooner you share it, the more likely it is to become a YouTube sensation. If you wait a week to share when it is already getting almost no viewers, it is much more likely that it will be forgotten by the YouTube community. Remember that everything depends on the right timing. Think about when your audience is likely to watch and make the video public just before that (evenings and weekends are usually a good idea).
  2. Email your video to your friends, family and colleagues. Make a list of email addresses of people you know well enough to know they're interested in your new YouTube video, and send them a link encouraging them to watch. You can even add, "I'm curious what you think!" to indicate that you expect them to look at it. If you're not so worried about annoying people, send the link to as many people as you can.
    • If you have an intriguing subject and a convincing email, chances are everyone will want to take a look at the video, even without knowing you well.
  3. Share your video via social media. Post your video to Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites you are a member of.
  4. Use a blog or a website to promote your videos. If you have a blog or website, you can use it to market your videos. If you don't have this, but you know friends who have websites or blogs that are popular, ask them to help you get your video out by sharing it with their fans.

Part 3 of 5: Editing your videos

  1. Cut out any excess pieces from the video. Create your video, go to the editor and remove the long pauses and other distractions from the video. If the speed of the video is faster, people will keep watching.
  2. Add music to your video. A good audio track can spice up the video and disguise audio problems you may have had. YouTube just released an audio library for you to choose from, via
  3. Add text with information - an email address, website, twitter handle and more. Some people may not watch the video on YouTube. In that case you also want to let them know who you are. Text can also capture or direct attention to the screen. Use it to your advantage.
  4. Make credits (maybe even some bloopers). Post something at the end of your video to let them know where to find you. Add some bloopers or extra footage. People love that and they may keep watching for longer.

Part 4 of 5: Increase the likelihood that people will come and see

  1. Use annotations. Annotations are a great way to increase your viewing audience. They can link a video to another video, or they can link a video to your playlists or channels. An annotation can give viewers a link to another similar video, in case they like this video and can spend hours watching all of your other videos.
  2. Try to get subscribers. Subscribers are a great way to get more viewers, guaranteed. When someone subscribes to your video, they can view all of your newly created videos on their homepage, and they can also indicate that they want to receive an email when you post a new video. If you want more subscribers, ask people to subscribe at the end of the video, add an annotation encouraging people to subscribe, or subscribe via email.
  3. Ask viewers to mark a video with a "Like" or "Share". At the end or at any point in the video, you can ask the viewer to indicate that they like or want to share the video by stating something like 'pressing the like button only takes 0 , 12 seconds'. This is because people, even though they like the video, often don't think about reporting it.
  4. Create playlists. Playlists / playlists are lists of videos that can be played one after the other, just like the playlists of your music. If you create a full playlist for your videos, viewers will be more likely to watch more of your videos. For example, if you create a playlist of several videos demonstrating various gymnastic skills, your viewers can watch a video about a handstand and go straight to a video about a handstand skip.

Part 5 of 5: Increasing the number of viewers by purchasing a package

  1. Consider "buying" viewers. Depending on your account and how it is done, this could violate YouTube's usage rules and risk the termination of your account. As with any shady internet service, this always comes with the risk of being scammed.
  2. Choose a provider that can guarantee that your video will not be deleted or that your account will be blocked. The best service has the following characteristics:
    • High viewer retention: This means that the viewer will watch the entire video, or at least part of it.
    • Not just mobile viewers: in the past, users and services have used these types of views improperly, blocking accounts and removing videos.
    • Drip Feed views: This means that the number of viewers of your video will only increase slowly but surely, so it comes across as natural to YouTube.
    • Your views are mixed with extra likes, comments and subscriptions: this makes the growth in viewers look more natural.
  3. Choose a service that fits your budget. There are several companies that offer this service, and each has different prices. Do research to find out which one is affordable, and read the experiences of other users of the service to avoid being scammed.


  • Include an interesting title that is short but says enough about the video. Do not make spelling mistakes.
  • Change is good. Make sure all your videos are fresh and interesting; make sure they don't all deal with the same topic, vary from time to time.
  • Befriend someone just starting out on YouTube; help others boot up and they will likely reward you with views. And who knows; if they get "famous," they might tell everyone about you at some point!
  • Always be nice to others on YouTube because people shall appreciate it.
  • Comment on every video you watch. Especially on the lesser known videos; the person who posted them will certainly appreciate it. If you want to give criticism, the rule of thumb is that for every point that you do not like, you name two aspects that you do like.


  • What you should not forget is that if all you do is to get more viewers, you will get nowhere. You really have to be looking for an audience, creating content and entertaining people.
  • Don't spam other people's videos. Some people will look at your work, but most people will just get annoyed.
  • Please observe security when posting videos; if you are under 18 and want to post anything, get parental consent and never accept invitations from strangers to meet you.
  • Your YouTube channel should be creative, colorful and representative of who you are. You can make your channel creative by using a background or a cover photo; you can choose from the possibilities that Youtube offers, or be even more creative and create your own background with the help of photo editing sites such as Pixlr. By making your channel interesting and beautiful, you will likely get more subscribers.


  • An internet connection
  • A YouTube account (free)
  • A possibility to record videos
  • Friends and / or relatives