Eat more iron

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
16 High Iron Foods (700 Calorie Meals) DiTuro Productions
Video: 16 High Iron Foods (700 Calorie Meals) DiTuro Productions


Iron is one of the best-known and most important nutrients in the body, in which it transports and stores oxygen, among other things, in red blood cells. Iron is essential for the production of new cells, neurotransmitters, amino acids and hormones. Iron deficiency is a common problem and can cause symptoms such as chronic sleepiness, apathy and a weak and / or cold feeling. If you don't get enough iron, there are plenty of simple ways to increase your daily iron intake for a healthier body and lifestyle.

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Part 1 of 3: Choose foods rich in iron

  1. Eat lean red meat. Red meat is the largest source of easily absorbed iron. Organ meats, such as liver, are especially rich in iron. As a vegetarian, don't worry as there are more options, which we will discuss later.
    • The iron in meat is called heme iron, which comes from the hemoglobin in the animal tissue. It is more easily absorbed than vegetable sources of iron, with an absorption rate of about 30%.
    • Fat has no iron, so you don't have to feel remorse about choosing extra lean meat or cutting out excess fat from your roasts and steaks.
    • Some examples of iron content in food: beef chuck roast (beef neck), 3.2 mg per 85 grams; ground beef, 2.2 mg per 85 grams. In these examples, keep in mind that an adult 18 years of age or older should eat 8 mg of iron per day; a non-pregnant woman aged 19-70 should consume 18 mg per day.
  2. Opt for iron-rich seafood. In general, seafood is not particularly rich in iron, compared to red meat. But certain types, such as canned mussels and cooked oysters, contain more iron than any other food.
    • Shrimp and sardines are also good sources of iron. Salmon and tuna contain a little less iron, but provide valuable other nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids.
    • A few examples of iron content: canned mussels, 23.8 mg per 85 grams; sardines, 2.5 mg per 85 grams.
  3. Also include pork and poultry in your diet. These white meats provide you with solid amounts of heme iron, although not as much as beef or the iron-rich seafood.
    • Turkey is a good choice and is higher in iron than chicken or ham.
    • If you enjoy liver or other organ meats (such as turkey or chicken giblets) then you're in luck - these can be particularly rich in iron.
    • Examples of iron content: liver / intestines, 5.2-9.9 mg per 85 grams; duck, 2.3 mg per 1/2 cup.
  4. Choose more grains. As a non-heme iron source (not in hemoglobin), the iron in grains (as well as those in beans, fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc.) is not equally absorbable (usually less than 10%), compared to the heme iron (30% ). It does count towards your total iron consumption, but it should not be your sole source of iron.
    • Almost all breads, cereals, and anything containing cereals contain iron. However, breads and cereals with added iron are the best choice if your goal is to increase your iron intake.
    • Examples of iron content: fortified breakfast cereals, 1.8-21.1 mg per 30 grams; fortified instant breakfast cereal, 4.9-8.1 mg per packet.
  5. Opt for the vegetarian options. Even if you eat meat, it is still beneficial to get iron from plant sources such as beans, nuts and vegetables, as they provide a variety of other healthy nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.
    • Proteins such as soybeans, lentils, kidney beans and chickpeas are good sources of non-heme iron. So go ahead and eat a tofu burger, if you're not a meat eater.
    • Dark, leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale, dried fruits such as apricots and plums and figs, nuts and seeds such as peanuts and pumpkin seeds, potatoes and rice, brewer's yeast and molasses are among the many sources of iron available to both vegetarians and omnivores.
    • Examples of iron content: cooked lentils, 3.3 mg per 1/2 cup; cooked spinach, 3.2 mg per 1/2 cup; roasted pumpkin seeds, 4.2 mg per 30 grams.

Part 2 of 3: Getting more iron

  1. Combine fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of vitamin C with iron. Vitamin C ensures a better absorption by the body of iron, so it is wise to eat meals that contain both substances in a high degree.
    • We think of oranges when we talk about vitamin C, and citrus fruits are indeed an excellent choice. This also applies to tropical fruits such as mango and guava, and vegetables such as bell pepper, broccoli and (sweet) potatoes. The CDC website offers an extensive list of foods rich in vitamin C in the article on iron consumption.
    • Especially for vegetarians who consume non-heme iron, it is important to take iron in combination with vitamin C. Consider combinations such as celery with strawberries or lentil soup with a tomato salad.
  2. Avoid foods that can reduce your absorption of iron. While foods rich in vitamin C can aid in iron absorption, other foods can do just the opposite.
    • Dairy products contain iron, but also calcium, which can contribute to a reduced absorption of iron. People who take iron supplements are often told not to eat milk products when taking iron pills, and you may also want to consider avoiding milk products with iron-rich meals for the same reason.
    • The polyphenols in coffee and tea, when consumed in large amounts, can hinder the absorption of iron, so try not to drink these drinks in excessive amounts.
    • The protein in proteins is also an absorption inhibitor to be reckoned with, as are foods rich in minerals such as zinc and phosphorus which, like calcium, can "compete" with iron for absorption.
  3. Cook in iron pots and pans. Certainly if you cook on high heat, traces of iron remain in the prepared food. This is especially true when cooking acidic food, such as a tomato sauce.
  4. Use supplements as needed. Talk to your doctor about whether it is helpful to take iron supplements in your case. Pregnant women will often be prescribed an iron supplement due to the extra load on the body and the iron requirement of the fetus. This can be included in the prenatal vitamins you receive or as a separate supplement.
  5. Don't overdo it. In general, you should be much more concerned about getting too little iron than too much. But the build-up of excess iron in the body can also be a problem.
    • An overdose of iron is called hemochromatosis, and the symptoms are similar to those of an iron deficiency.
    • While it is possible to get too much iron from the overconsumption of iron supplements, hemochromatosis is usually a genetic disorder.
    • Be aware that most iron supplements contain more iron than the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). If you take an iron supplement in addition to a multivitamin that also contains iron, you risk overconsumption.
    • It is very unlikely that you can get too much iron from your regular diet. So don't try to get out of eating that liver with onions your mother-in-law prepared by saying you're getting too much iron otherwise!

Part 3 of 3: Know your iron needs

  1. Know the function of iron in the body. Iron is a mineral that is present in every cell of our body and is therefore essential for the functioning of your body and good health.
    • As part of the protein hemoglobin, iron aids in the transport of oxygen throughout the body. It is also a vital component of enzymes that facilitate digestion as well as numerous other bodily functions.
    • The bottom line is that iron is everywhere - and is needed everywhere - in the body.
  2. Know how much iron you need. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of iron depends on gender and age. Follow this link for a full table. A few main points:
    • Children from 7 months to 8 years old need between 7 and 11 mg of iron per day, depending on the age.
    • Teenagers 9 to 18 years old need 8 to 15 mg / day, depending on age and gender.
    • Men from 19 years old need 8 mg daily.
    • Women 19-50 need 18mg / day and 8mg / day after that. Pregnant women need 27 mg / day.
  3. Understand iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the US. and the main cause of anemia, which affects all organs in the body.
    • Iron deficiency can, among other problems, cause fatigue and mental impairment in adults, preterm birth and developmental disorders of motor / mental functioning in children.
    • Iron deficiency most often occurs during periods when the body is growing strongly (in childhood or during pregnancy, for example) or due to blood loss (such as during menstruation or internal bleeding).
  4. Keep track of how much iron you take and get tested if you're concerned. Use the nutritional information on your food labels to keep track of how much iron you are taking in, and look up the amount you should be getting daily, depending on your age and gender, according to the RDA.
    • If you suspect that you are not getting enough iron, or if you have complaints such as fatigue or apathy, a simple blood test can determine whether you have an iron deficiency or anemia (a shortage of red blood cells that can be caused by an iron deficiency).
    • Regular checks of your iron levels can help you know if your iron supplement is working and help you adjust the dosage as you know when you are getting enough.