Make meat pie

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Meat pie is a delicious snack for all carnivores, and a tasty starter or side dish that you can serve at a dinner or take with you as a snack at a party. Make a large meat pie for the whole family, or make small pies, one for each person. The meat pies in this article are easy and fun to make, and a fun activity for the whole family. Use savory ingredients such as potato, carrot, peas and flavored ground beef; you will make an amazing meat pie that your friends and family will love! With just a few ingredients that you do have at home, you can make a delicious meat pie or pasties for a dinner at home or a picnic or dinner with a friend!



  • 1 1/4 cup of flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/3 cup butter or shortening
  • 4 tbsp cold water


  • 1 cup potatoes cut into pieces
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped onions
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 1/3 cup of flour
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme or finely chopped sage
  • 1 1/4 cup beef stock
  • 1 1/2 cup finely chopped carrot and peas
  • 2 cup ground beef

To step

Method 1 of 5: Make the dough

  1. Make the crust of the meat pie. Mix the flour and salt together in a large mixing bowl. In a large mixing bowl, stir together 1 ¼ cups of flour and 1 tsp salt.
  2. Cut the butter into the flour. There are many different ways to cut the butter into the flour; all ways are fine. Make sure the butter is hard and start cutting the butter into large pieces. Cut the pieces of butter smaller and smaller until the butter is completely mixed with the flour. Try to cut small pieces about the size of a pea.
    • You can also use a food processor. The easiest way to cut butter is to use a food processor. You then let the flour mixture mix for a minute or two, until the butter is chopped to the right size.
    • Use a dough cutter for the butter. A dough cutter is a great way to evenly chop the butter - quickly and without too much effort. Roll the dough cutter through the flour mixture, removing the butter from the metal rods each time you pass through the bowl if necessary. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
    • Use a fork or two knives. If you don't have a dough cutter or food processor, don't worry. You can grind the butter with a fork, or use two knives in opposite directions. You can even use the end of a metal spatula for the butter.
    • Use your fingers when adding shortening to the flour. Shortening does not change due to the heat of your fingers or room temperature, so you can easily crumble it in your fingers.
  3. Mix cold water into the flour mixture. If you always add the cold water one tablespoon at a time, the water can dissolve better in the flour mixture, so that the dough does not become too compact.This is because the mixture should not become too firm and form a loose ball, and should not look damp or wet.
    • Be careful. The key to a light crust is to avoid kneading the dough too much. If you knead the dough too much, the crust will become hard and also more difficult to shape.
    • There are now soft lumps in your mixture. These should be moist enough not to fall apart when you gently squeeze them between your fingers.
  4. Make a ball of the dough with your hands. Very carefully make a ball of the flour mixture and divide the ball into two equal halves. The recipe is for two servings of dough; one for the bottom, and the other for the top layer.
    • It is recommended that you let the dough rest in the fridge until you are ready to roll it out and bake it. If you have already preheated the oven and want to continue, you can also put the dough in the freezer for a while so that it cools down quickly.
    • If you want to keep the dough a little longer, freeze it by placing it in a plastic seal bag in the freezer. If you want to use it at a later time, let it thaw in the fridge overnight and then just roll it out.
  5. Roll out the dough to make the crust. Place the dough on a floured surface, flatten the dough with your hands, and roll with a floured rolling pin from the center to the edges. Try to make a circle about 12 cm in diameter.

Method 2 of 5: Make the filling

  1. Cook the meat. Place 2 cups of ground beef and half a cup of chopped onions in a large saucepan over medium heat. Season with thyme, cloves, finely chopped garlic (optional), and salt. Fry over medium heat and stir through the ground beef so that it becomes crumbly and mixes with the spices, until the meat has browned evenly.
    • If you like a slightly more spicy pie, add some cinnamon or nutmeg.
  2. Discard the fat from the pan. Once the meat is cooked through, use a wooden spoon or spatula to slide the meat to one side of the pan and hold the pan the other way so that the fat can flow to the other side. Scoop the fat out with a spoon, or drain the fat into a plastic container. Put a lid on the container and throw it in the trash.
    • Do not run grease down the sink or toilet, or use hot water to run it down the drain. This is because the grease ends up in the sewage system or can solidify in the pipes.
    • Always be careful when dealing with hot fat.
  3. Now add the vegetables and the beef stock. Cut a potato into small pieces and add it to the pan along with 1 ¼ cup beef stock. Then add 1 ½ cups of carrot and peas. The beef stock will keep the filling moist after you have drained the fat from the pan.
    • You can peel the potato if desired.
    • If you're up for something new, get a sweet potato instead of a regular one.
    • You can adjust the amount of beef stock; be careful not to make the filling too thin; it shouldn't be soup.
  4. Thicken the pie filling (optional). Maybe the filling has become too thin and you want to make it thicker. You can do this in different ways. Here are a few ways to choose from:
    • Mix two tablespoons of flour with ¼ cup of cold water, or 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with ¼ cup of cold water, then add to the mixture in the pan.
    • Thicken the mixture with flour. For each cup of filling, take about 2 tbsp flour. Add the flour per tablespoon. Slowly add the flour and stir well throughout the pan. This will prevent lumps from getting into the filling. Cook and stir for 1 minute more until the sauce has thickened and is boiling.
    • Thicken the filling with cornstarch. Add 1 tbsp cornflour per cup of sauce. Add the cornflour per tablespoon and stir well until the sauce is thick and bubbling. Let the sauce with the cornstarch cook for an extra two minutes.

Method 3 of 5: Make a whole meat pie

  1. Preheat the oven to 175 ° C.
  2. Make a whole meat pie. Roll the dough around the rolling pin that you dusted with flour. Start at the edge and gently roll the dough around the rolling pin. Then put the dough in the baking tin by gently rolling it off the rolling pin and placing it in the baking tin.
    • Try not to stretch the dough too much.
  3. Push down on the crust. Push the crust up to about 1.5 cm high along the edge of the baking tin and fold any extra dough left over at the edge back on the edge, so that the crust is extra thick at the edges.
  4. Fill the cake with the filling. Slowly pour the filling into the baking tin that already contains the dough. Make sure it is evenly distributed and do not overfill the baking pan.
  5. Cover the pie with dough. Roll out another circle of dough and carefully place it on top of the filling. At the bottom of the pan and top, squeeze the dough together so that you have an edge that looks like you made it with your knuckles. Cut off any excess dough with a sharp knife.
  6. Make a few cuts in the top layer of dough. Use a sharp knife to make a few cuts in the top layer of dough so that steam can escape during baking in the oven.
    • Coat the top of the crust with egg or melted butter. This way the crust remains moist so that the crust will not tear quickly.
  7. Bake the meat pie. Place the meat pie on an oven rack in the center of the oven, and bake for about 45 minutes, or until the top layer is golden brown.
    • When your pie comes out of the oven it will be hot! Let the pie cool on the counter before serving.

Method 4 of 5: Make meat pie patties

  1. Cut the dough into pieces. Roll out the dough and cut it into 6 pieces, each piece is about 150 g. Roll the pieces into 6 small balls.
    • Dust the work surface with flour so that the dough does not stick to it.
  2. Roll out your dough. Roll the pieces into flat circles about 20 cm in diameter. If the dough is very hot it can be difficult to shape. If necessary, let it chill in the refrigerator for about 5-10 minutes.
  3. Fill each patty. Divide the filling over the circles of dough by placing ¾ cup of filling on each half of the circle. Gently fold the dough over the filling and use your fingers or a fork to press the edges.
  4. Make a few slices on the top of each patty. Use a sharp knife to make a few cuts in the top of the patties. This allows the steam to escape from the pastry during baking, preventing the pastry from bursting in the oven.
    • Coat the tops of the patties with egg or melted butter to keep them moist.
  5. Bake your patties. Bake your patties on a baking tray that you have lightly greased, or on a nonstick baking tray. Place the baking tray in the oven for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the crust is golden brown and fluffy.
    • Enjoy your patties even more by adding some ketchup.

Method 5 of 5: Experiment with the meat pie

  1. Try out different meats. Use ground pork, chicken, turkey, or any other meat you like. You can also mix different types of meat if you want to make a special meat pie. For example, you can fry bacon and put it through the minced meat. Or buy your favorite Italian sausages, remove the filling from the skin and mix it through your pie filling. You can also use lamb, beef, or even tuna pieces for your meat pie.
    • Make sure the meat is well cooked before adding it to the filling.
  2. Make a mincemeat sweet pie. If you'd like to make a sweet, savory, and flavorful pie, add the following ingredients to the filling recipe:
    • 240 g raisins.
    • 120 g finely chopped figs.
    • 60 g cranberries.
    • 2 peeled and chopped apples.
    • Lemon zest and the juice of 1 lemon.
    • Orange zest and the juice of 1 orange.
    • 1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg.
    • 1/4 tsp freshly ground allspice.
    • 1/4 tsp freshly ground cloves.
    • 180 g brown sugar.
  3. Make a spicy meat pie. Make the meat pie nice and hot by adding a few extra ingredients and herbs. For example, you can add 1 jalapeño pepper and 2 cloves of garlic to your filling. Also add 4 tsp curry powder, ½ turmeric and ⅛ cayenne pepper. Put them in the pan when you are baking the minced meat and enjoy a delicious spicy meat pie.
  4. Try to be creative with making your meat pie. Use your favorite ingredients and herbs to make your own version of the meat pie. For example, if you want to give your meat pie a Mexican flavor, add bean puree and cheddar cheese to the filling. If you'd like to make a vegetarian meat pie, replace the ground beef with ½ cup (90 g) of brown lentils. You can also add artichoke hearts. Feel free to add whatever you like!
  5. Ready.


  • If you have leftover dough, roll it out into a small square, grease it with butter, sprinkle cinnamon and brown sugar over the butter, roll it up, and cut into small slices. Add the small cinnamon treats to the meat pie in the oven for about 15 minutes, or until the crust has turned golden brown.
  • First roll out the dough on baking paper; it is then easier to put it in your baking pan.
  • You can bake your pasties and if necessary freeze them. To reheat them, place a patty on a baking tray and heat it up in the oven at 150 ºC for about 20 minutes, or until the patty is completely warm, including the inside.
  • If you don't want to make your own dough, you can also use puff pastry from the supermarket so that you can make the cake faster.
  • You can place the cake on a wire rack after baking so that it cools down faster.


  • Always use oven gloves when working on a baking tray or when taking something out of the oven.
  • If dishes in your oven are not cooking evenly, turn the pie halfway through the baking time so that the other side is cooked just as well.


  • Big bowl
  • Rolling pin
  • Large cutting board
  • Paring knife
  • Measuring cup
  • Fork
  • Knife
  • Baking mold
  • Baking tray
  • Large pan