Remove make up

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Removal of Special Effects (SFX) | Makeup vs No Makeup
Video: Removal of Special Effects (SFX) | Makeup vs No Makeup


At the end of a long, exhausting day, or on weekend evenings, when you come home from a party in the early hours, you may be tempted to delay taking your makeup off and jump into bed. Doesn't seem like a big deal, right? Wrong. Leaving your makeup on can dry out and break your lashes, clog your pores and lead to breakouts. Take those few minutes to follow these tips for an easy makeup removal routine. You will wake up the next day with fresh, happy skin.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Remove eye make-up

  1. Wait about five minutes for the petroleum jelly to work. The oil in the petroleum jelly dissolves the oil in your lipstick, which is what makes it so effective. It pulls the oil from your lips instead of repelling it like water does.
  2. Scrub and moisturize your lips. Scrubbing will remove any remaining color particles. Moisturizing will keep your lips soft and healthy so that your pout lips are ready for your lipstick as soon as you wake up.
    • You can use a scrub specially designed for your lips; a clean, wet toothbrush, or a mixture of brown sugar and honey.
    • Use gentle, circular motions to exfoliate your lips. Again, you don't want to over-treat your lips and are left with raw, cracked lips.


  • If you have extremely sensitive eyes, ask about the pH of your makeup cleanser before buying it. Your tears have a pH of 6.9-7.5, so a cleanser with such a pH should be gentle enough for you to use.
  • The skin around your eyes is thinner and more sensitive than the rest of your face, so it's important to find a cleanser that is gentle, effective, and made especially for your eyes.


  • Try to avoid oily makeup cleanser on your eyes. It can temporarily cloud your vision.
  • Do not use cotton balls to remove your eye makeup. It's too fluffy and the fibers can come off and get into your eye. A washcloth is way too rough for the sensitive skin around your eyes.


  • Rubber band, hairpins or a fabric hair band
  • Cotton pads
  • Eye make-up cleaner
  • Make-up cleaner
  • Facial cleanser
  • Moisturizing face cream
  • Vaseline
  • Cotton ball, washcloth or facial sponge