Making moon sand

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DIY Moon Sand!!
Video: DIY Moon Sand!!


If your kids are tired of the Playmobil and want something "more exciting", then it's time to conjure up the moon sand and amaze them. With a fun story to tell, you can even make them believe that an astronaut took this amazing stuff all the way back from the moon so they can play with it! Instead of buying moon sand from the store, you can make your own moon sand at home.

Moon sand "Ingredients"

With sand and corn flour

  • 450 gr. cornmeal
  • 360 ml of water
  • 2.3 kg of fine, clean sand

With flour and baby oil

  • 1.25 kg of flour
  • 60 ml of baby oil

With corn flour and vegetable oil

  • 600 gr. cornmeal
  • 175 ml of vegetable oil

All recipes can be supplemented with lime paint, food coloring, fragrances or glitter.

To step

Method 1 of 3: With sand and corn flour

  1. Pour 360 ml of water into a large bowl. Take a bowl that is no longer so beautiful and that you can easily clean later. You can use a large, not so beautiful plastic bowl.
    • If you want to color your sand, stir in a few drops of food coloring or watercolor.
    • To make glow-in-the-dark moon sand, you can stir in some glow-in-the-dark paint.
    • To give your moon sand a nice fragrance, you can add a few drops of baking ingredients, such as lemon or vanilla. You can also add spices to your sand later.
  2. Decide whether you want to add color, scent, or glitter to the sand. You can buy colored sand or plain sand. Colored sand is more expensive, but with regular sand you have a blank canvas to work with. If you have plain sand and want to have different colors, you need to divide the sand evenly into smaller containers and only then add the individual colors. Here are a few ways to give plain sand a little something extra:
    • Mix a few teaspoons of glitter into the sand to make it sparkle.
    • Mix a few tablespoons of powdered tempera paint, powdered watercolor, or lime into the sand to color it. If you have already colored the water, you don't need to do this. Keep in mind that powdered tempera paint produces a brighter color.
    • A nice scent around your moon sand and To give color, you can add a few drops of tablespoons of powder to make drinks, such as Kool-Aid.
    • To make your moon sand smell nice, add some baking spices such as apple pie, pumpkin pie, cinnamon, cocoa, or vanilla sugar.
  3. Keep it in an airtight container. After your child has had enough (and you, of course), put the moon sand in an airtight, resealable container. Keep it in a cool, dry place, such as in a closet, under the bed, or in a toy box.
    • When you play with it again (it'll last for a few months, but it's so cheap you can always make a new supply), you can bring it back to life with a few tablespoons of water. Use your hands to work the water through the sand and it will be as good as new in no time.


  • You can find essential oils in health stores and some hobby stores.
  • Moon sand should be stored in an airtight container, but it also does not dry out under normal conditions.
  • If you can't find corn flour, choose corn flour.
  • You can find oil-based candy coloring in the baking supplies section of a hobby store.


  • This sand is not edible. Let your child know that although the sand smells good, this not means it is edible.
  • Also teach your kids not to use it near their face as it can irritate the nose and eyes.


  • Food coloring, powdered tempera paint, Kool-Aid or lime powder (optional, colors of your choice)
  • Glitter (optional, should be very fine)
  • Container with lid for mixing and storing
  • Stir stick or large wooden spatula
  • Gloves (optional)