Healed Lycanthropy in Skyrim

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to cure Lycanthropy [skyrim]
Video: How to cure Lycanthropy [skyrim]


The vast forests and icy areas of Skyrim hide many secrets, and perhaps its greatest secret is the clandestine troop of werewolves known as the Companions. Although when you join this group you will have the opportunity to transform into a massive night creature, this power also has its drawbacks and you may eventually decide that it is better to return to your natural state. There are only two ways to heal Lycanthropy, the first being by doing the Companions' quest line, and the second being becoming a Vampire Lord.

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Method 1 of 2: Heal your Lycanthropy through the quests of the Companions

  1. Activate the non-mandatory quest "Purity". After completing the quest 'Glory of the Dead' you must talk to Farkas or Vilkas (you can find both in their respective rooms, which in turn can be found in the basement of Jorrvaskr), just like you would if you would need a new mission. They will appear as if something is not quite right. Be empathetic and ask what's going on.
    • They will tell you that they want to make the same choice as Kodlak, which is to cure their lycanthropy. Offer your help.
    • Non-mandatory quests are given by Vilkas or Farkas when your character asks if there is any work he can do for the Companions, and most can be repeated an unlimited number of times to earn some money. However, you will not be able to get the quest "Purity" until you have completed the last quest of the Companions main storyline.
  2. Finds a head of a Glenmoril witch. If you have a Glenmoril witch head left in your inventory from the previous quest, they will send you to Ysgramor's Tomb (go to the next step); if not, they will offer you their help in getting it.
    • Use "fast travel" to travel to the Glemoril Coven. After you complete the Bloods Honor quest, it should be a location that you should be able to go to by fast travel via the world map. The site can be found northwest of Falkreath.
    • As you enter the witch gathering site, you will find five Glenmoril witches there. Kill them and loot their bodies to collect at least two heads (one for the person who gave you the quest and one for you).
  3. Go to Ysgramor's Tomb. Travel to Ysgramor's tomb with the person who gave you the quest. You can use fast travel or you can follow the marker on your compass of the quest you are currently on. Ysgramor's tomb is in the most northerly part of Skyrim; the area closest to Winterhold's, whose icon on the map resembles a 3-pointed crown on a shield.
    • To reach Ysgramor’s Tomb from Winterhold, head north and cross the water. The tomb is on the coast of a small island.
    • It takes much longer to reach Ysgramor's Tomb from Whiterun. The tomb is northeast of Whiterun. After you leave Whiterun you have to go along the northern ramparts of the village and then further north. During the journey you will pass many mountains, but do not stop before reaching Dawnstar. After reaching Dawnstar, head northeast and cross the water to reach the shores of the island where the tomb is located.
  4. Enter the tomb. Open the doors leading to the tomb and descend the stone steps. Go past the torches until you reach the wooden spiral staircase that leads deeper into the tomb.
    • Go down the stairs to enter a large room where, in the center, burns a blue flame called the Flame of the Harbinger.
  5. Activate the flame. Approach the Flame of the Harbinger and activate it with the button indicated on the screen.
  6. Kill the Wolf Spirit. After you activate the flame, a ghost wolf will jump from the altar and attack you. Defeat him to clear the person who gave you the quest of his lycanthropy.
    • The mind behaves just like a wolf you might encounter in the wild; keep him at bay with the Fireball spell or arrows for easy defeat.
    • This wolf is not a particularly tough enemy. It is especially fast, which is why you have to keep your distance. However, if you prefer to fight with close range weapons, a few heavy blows from a battle hammer will quickly kill the wolf.
  7. Talk to the person who gave you the quest (Farkas or Vilkas). After defeating the wolf you will be told to talk to the person who gave you the quest. He will ask if it is over and say that he now feels like a real warrior.
    • After you talk to whoever gave you the quest, the non-mandatory quest Purity is complete.
  8. Heal yourself from lycanthropy. Go to the flame and reactivate it by clicking the button indicated on the screen. A text box will appear with the phrase, "Cast the witch's head into the flames to cure your lycanthropy forever". Click on "Yes" (Think carefully because this is a permanent decision).
    • A second spirit wolf will emerge from the flame and you will have to overcome it to heal yourself. Use the same methods for killing this wolf that you used for killing the previous wolf.
    • If you defeat the wolf you will be cured of lycanthropy.

Method 2 of 2: Heal your Lycanthropy through the Dawnguard's quest line

  1. Buy the Dawnguard DLC. If you haven't healed your lycanthropy in Ysgramor’s Tomb, the Dawnguard DLC (available for purchase through Steam or from an online store that sells games) will give you three chances to get rid of your animal blood.
    • The Dawnguard DLC focuses on the ancient battle between vampires and those who hunt them, forcing you to choose which side to be on in the fight. If you side with the vampires you will be transformed into a vampire lord, a much more powerful version of the typical vampires you encounter in the game.
    • Turning into a vampire lord purifies your body of lycanthropy, as it is impossible to be a werewolf and a vampire at the same time.
  2. Accept Lord Harkon's offer. The first time you are given the option to become a vampire lord is on the quest "Bloodline", one of the earlier quests in the Dawnguard DLC.
    • After you complete the quest "Awakening", Serana will ask you to take her to Castle Volkihar, the home of Skyrim's first vampires. You can reach the castle by boat: hire a ferryman to take you there or use Ice-water Jetty, which is a small harbor close to Northwatch Keep. When you board the boat you will be transported to the castle.
    • Walk up the hill to the stone bridge that leads to the towering castle. The vampires will be suspicious of you, but they will allow you to move on once they recognize Serana.
    • Enter the castle to meet Serana's father. Once Serana is reunited with her father, he will address you and issue you with an ultimatum: continue to work with the Dawnguard, banning you from ever visiting the castle again, or join the Volkihar vampires by becoming a vampire lord .
    • Choose to become a vampire lord, after which Lord Harkon will explain that the change will clear your body of lycanthropy (note that by choosing to become a vampire lord you will become an enemy of the Dawnguard, which will then randomly will send groups of soldiers to ambush you).
  3. Let Serana turn you into a vampire. If you declined Lord Harkon's offer to turn you into a vampire, you will be offered another chance at a later date during the quest "Chasing Echoes," the 6th quest of the Dawnguard's main storyline. On this quest, Serana and you must enter the Soul Cairn, a gloomy dimension where lost souls are doomed to wander.
    • The entrance to the Soul Cairn can be found in a secret part of Castle Volkihar, where Serana will lead you. A living cannot enter the Soul Cairn, so Serana will offer to turn you into a Vampire Lord.
    • Select the option "Turn me into a vampire" and Serana will bite you and you will lose consciousness. After a moment or two you will wake up like a vampire lord, and therefore be cured of your lycanthropy.
    • If you decline the offer, your soul will be temporarily trapped in a soul gem, leaving you with far less Health, Stamina, and Magicka while in the Soul Cairn.
  4. Become a vampire lord after completing all of the main quests in the Dawnguard DLC. After completing Kindred Judgment, the DLC's final quest, you will be able to ask Serana to turn you into a vampire lord at any time.
    • You can find Serana in Castle Volkihar. She's in the foyer. Go to her and click on the appropriate button to talk to her. If you haven't yet become a vampire lord, she will offer to turn you into it. Accept her offer.
    • You will become unconscious after being bitten. When you regain consciousness you will have become a vampire lord and they will be healed from your lycanthropy.
    • Note that if you instead encourage Serana to heal herself from vampirism, she will no longer be able to transform you into a vampire lord.