Walk like a model on the catwalk

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Walk The Runway Like A Model | Modeling Course | Part 1
Video: How To Walk The Runway Like A Model | Modeling Course | Part 1


Walking as a model is not that difficult at first, but perfecting it is an art. Don't worry, because practicing is a lot of fun! Practice walking in heels so that you can put one foot in front of the other. Learn techniques to keep your face straight and focus. And ultimately work on your personality so that you walk with rhythm, confidence and a proud gait.

To step

Part 1 of 3: The correct facial expression

  1. Keep your chin slightly down. Do not let your head hang, but pretend you have an invisible string on your crown that is pulling you up. Since you're standing above the crowd on the runway, keep your chin down slightly so people can see more of your face. In addition, you get a little more attitude if you tilt your chin down a little, because you then turn your face slightly.
  2. Don't laugh and keep your mouth closed naturally. You should not distract from the clothes you are wearing by smiling. Look in the mirror with your mouth closed to see what that looks and feels like. Ask someone else what your facial expression looks like. Sometimes someone else sees something that you don't see yourself.
    • For example, ask a friend, "Do I look so strong?"
    • If your lips naturally move apart, you don't have to force them together.
  3. Focus your eyes on something in front of you. When it comes to a good facial expression of a supermodel, the main focus is on the eyes and eyebrows. Keep your eyes fixed on a fixed point and don't look around. Concentrate on where you are going, watch alert and attentive. If you focus on something that gives you a purpose, you will see it in your eyes.
    • It can be tempting to make eye contact with someone in the audience for a moment; but always keep the same facial expression and try to avoid eye contact.
    • Be careful not to trip. Check where you are walking from time to time so that you stay balanced and walk confidently.
    • Use a mirror or a friend to check what you look like. Try different facial expressions until you find one that feels natural and works well as a supermodel look.

Part 2 of 3: Walking and posture

  1. Stand up straight! Imagine an invisible rope running down your spine and through the top of your head, lifting you up. Keep your shoulders slightly back and stand as straight as you can. This attitude is most important if you want to look like a supermodel, even if you are not as tall as a real model.
    • Keep your body relaxed while making yourself tall. You don't have to keep your body stiff to look tall. Practice walking comfortably upright in front of the mirror.
  2. Put one foot in front of the other and take long strides. Imagine that you are walking on a rope where you have to put one foot in front of the other, then your hips will automatically swing out like a real model. Try to radiate confidence while walking like this. If you are a boy, you don't have to put your feet in front of each other, just of course next to each other.
    • Don't overdo it with your swinging hips. You can let them move back and forth a bit, but don't exaggerate this movement on purpose.
  3. Let your arms hang at your sides and keep your hands relaxed. You don't have to move your arms, because that will happen automatically. Let them hang and move only a little. Then you look calm and calm when you walk the catwalk. Also, keep your hands relaxed so that they look slightly bent and slightly open. Don't keep your fingers pressed together too tightly. You can keep 0.5 cm of space between all your fingers.
    • Don't keep your arms too stiff, bend them slightly and let them swing slightly with your body.
    • Don't move your hands too much or clench your fists or you'll look nervous.
  4. Practice with your heels on. No run on the runway is complete without a pair of high heels that will make you taller. But if you're not used to walking in heels, you probably need to exercise. Put on your heels in the morning as soon as you get ready. Walk it around so that you can get used to walking as a model, and so that you can get used to the heels at the same time.

Part 3 of 3: Working on your mentality

  1. Set a rhythm and keep it consistent as you walk. Listen to music with a strong beat that has the style you want when you practice walking with your heels on. Concentrate on the mindset you want to convey, and hold it as long as possible while you walk. If you can put a rhythm and mentality into your walk, it comes to life and you get the look of a supermodel.
    • Think flirtatious and confident as you walk to the beat.
    • When you walk the catwalk, think of that music that gets you in the right mood.
    • When walking to the beat, remember to pull your shoulders back and keep your body in a supermodel pose.
  2. Assume an attitude. When you get to the end of the runway, wait a second, and lean on one hip with all your confidence and elegance. You can now look at the audience for a moment and let go of your concentration for a short moment. You don't have to move your head too much - your gaze comes mainly from your eyes. Then retake yourself, adopt your rigid expression, and walk back in the same way.
    • Practice your posture in the mirror. Be especially aware of how long to stay at attention and make eye contact with your audience. The nerves can make a few seconds seem much longer. Get used to holding your posture for a few minutes by practicing in front of the mirror, then the memory of your muscles will store it so you can rely on it when you are in front of your audience.
  3. Walk the catwalk like a predator. There are a few signature supermodel runs, and Karlie Koss has one that is famous for its predator-like style. Speed ​​up your run on the catwalk by raising your knee a little more than usual and putting one foot in front of the other. You then get a lighter step in your walk. Your hips will sway a little more because your walk is faster. Your arms also move back and forth a little more. Move your head slightly back and forth with the movement of your body as you go down the catwalk.
  4. Walk with an attitude like Naomi Campbell's. Pump your legs with determination and attitude up and down with purposeful steps down the catwalk. Because you move more forcefully, your hips sway more. Let your arms swing as they naturally do when you walk like this. Keep your head tilted slightly to one side, and shrug very little while walking like this.
  5. March like Sasha Pivovarova. With this walk you keep your hands almost still at your sides. You also put your feet together more than in front of each other, as is traditionally usual on the catwalk. Lightly stamp on the catwalk, but otherwise keep your body calm and still. Don't move your head or arms too much. Be calm and determined as you walk.