Fix heartbreak

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to fix a broken heart | Guy Winch
Video: How to fix a broken heart | Guy Winch


Heartbreak can hurt a lot and you can be completely devastated. It can affect your sleep, your appetite and your self-image. In order to move on from a broken heart, you must first try to accommodate your pain. Allow yourself time to grieve without judging yourself. Then start doing constructive things that help you make sense of what happened and move on with your life.

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Method 1 of 3: Be at peace with your feelings

  1. Don't judge yourself for your feelings. It is very normal to get angry with yourself if you have certain feelings while dealing with your heartbreak. Try to get those judgments out of your mind as soon as possible. Make a commitment to feel sad, angry, rejected, disappointed, or confused, and not to suppress any of your emotions.
    • If you find yourself judging yourself, replace those thoughts with positive responses. For example, say to yourself, "I am only human. I can feel that way. "
    • In order to let go of these feelings, it is very important that you can let them in without judging them.
  2. Do whatever you need to to express your feelings. You won't be able to progress towards a healthier, happier future without hurting you. Don't try to postpone it or pretend it's not there. Let the feelings wash over you in any way that will do you good: crying, sleeping, screaming, or venting to friends are all acceptable outlets.
  3. Put on mindful meditation. Mindfulness techniques can help you learn to process your feelings. Sit somewhere quiet and focus on your breathing. Inhale through your nose and exhale through pursed lips. When thoughts and feelings come to you, try to name and accept them.
    • For example, if you're afraid you'll never find someone to love again, you might think, "I'm worried about the future."
    • Don't try to analyze the feeling further. Just breathe in and out and accept that the thought is there.
    • It is a good idea to meditate mindfully while doing something physical, as it makes it easier for your body to release some of your stress hormones. For example, you can meditate mindfully on a walk, or you can do yoga exercises while meditating.
  4. Make take care of yourself to an absolute priority. Dealing with heartbreak can be exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally, so spend time taking care of your mind, body, and soul. Eat healthy, get enough exercise, keep a diary and get a good rest.
    • Other ways to take care of yourself include watching a movie you like, going to a spa or sauna, or petting your pet at home on the couch.
    • If you feel the urge to respond to your feelings in an unhealthy way, such as having sex or taking drugs at random, try to resist the temptation and rather take extra care of yourself.

Method 2 of 3: Working through the pain

  1. Open your heart to people you trust. If you shut yourself off from everyone and avoid other people, you only make it harder for yourself to get over your heartbreak. Instead, tell others what you are going through so that they can support you, encourage you, and give you good advice.
    • For example, say to a friend, "It is very difficult for me to accept that it is over. Do you have time to have a chat? "
  2. Talk to a therapist. If you are having a hard time accepting that your relationship is broken, or if you have feelings of anxiety or depression, a therapist can often help. A therapist can help you get over your feelings step by step and develop healthy ways to accommodate them.
    • Ask your doctor, or within your family or circle of friends if they know a good therapist in your area.
  3. Do a forgiveness ritual. Write a letter in which you write down everything that happened in great detail, or talk to an empty chair and pretend that the person who hurt you is sitting on it. You can also repeat forgiving phrases to yourself, such as, "I have decided that I am going to get rid of the pain and the feelings of revenge. I forgive so that I can make way for abundance in the future. "
    • Forgiving the person who broke your heart may be the last thing you want, but forgiveness is for you, not him or her. It gives you the opportunity to let go of the pain so that you can open your heart again to possibilities in the future.
  4. Concentrate on the things you have learned. Keeping thinking about the end of your relationship and asking yourself all about what went wrong won't help you move forward. Instead of dwelling on the past, try to stay focused on the future. Ask yourself: How can I use what I have learned to improve my future?
    • For example, if you keep blaming yourself for having sex too soon with the person who broke your heart soon after, you might decide to wait longer before you become intimate with someone in a relationship, or else in every case until you are sure that he or she is serious about you.
    • You could also think about how you have grown through your relationship. Ask yourself, "What have I learned from this? Could this have made me more mature? "
  5. Keep a gratitude journal. At the end of each day, write down a few things that make you happy or that you are grateful for. This is a really good habit as it helps you focus your thoughts on the positive things in your life.
    • For example, you could write something like, "I am grateful for my friends for helping me divert my attention from my heartbreak, for my job because it occupies me, and for my dog ​​for always being there for me."

Method 3 of 3: Get your mind off your heartbreak

  1. Distance yourself from the source of your pain. You will have a hard time moving forward if you keep in touch with the person who broke your heart. Therefore, block his or her number, remove his or her name from your social media, and do not go to the places he or she visits often.
    • If someone has decided to leave you, the temptation can sometimes be to beg them to come back, or to stalk them on the Internet to see if your ex might already be in another relationship. If you do such things, you will not progress. Free yourself from those tendencies to move on with your life by distancing yourself from the person both physically and mentally.
  2. Spend time with your friends and your family. Since it was released, you probably suddenly have a lot of free space in your calendar. Use that extra time to do more with your friends and family. Make regular plans to go shopping, eat together, or go to a movie or concert together. Eat more often with your family at night and call that acquaintance you haven't spoken to for so long.
    • Positive social interaction will keep you entertained and boost your confidence as it will remind you how many people there are who really care about you.
  3. Pick up a hobby that gives you satisfaction. Spend your free time doing an activity that has nothing to do with your ex. If you've ever played a particular team sport or volunteered in a homeless shelter, pick it up again. Other ways to spend your free time you could try include painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument.
    • Having a hobby that is only yours will help you meet new people with whom you have things in common.It's also a great way to start building new memories without your ex.
    • This is also a great time to learn something new! Try out a totally new hobby that has always interested you.
  4. Take steps to achieve an important goal. Concentrate on creating the most interesting life for yourself by focusing on a few areas in which you would like to get better. Maybe you have always wanted to take a long journey, or have you wanted to get your VWO diploma for a long time, or lose 8 kilos. Whatever your goal is, determine a number of concrete steps for yourself and get started.
    • Increase your chances by setting SMART goals for yourself that are specific, measurable, achievable and realistic, and set a deadline for yourself.
  5. Move to boost your mood. Invest in your physical and mental well-being by making time for physical exercise. Try to move for at least half an hour on most of the days. Fun activities you could try include running, walking, rollerblading, swimming, or kickboxing.
    • Choose one or two types of sports that you enjoy, and agree to practice them regularly.
    • Regular exercise can also have a tremendously positive effect on your mood and help combat feelings of depression or anxiety.