Managing staff

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Staff Management: How to Manage People at Work (Top 10 Tips)
Video: Staff Management: How to Manage People at Work (Top 10 Tips)


Managing people is much more of an art than a science. There is no secret formula or set of rules to follow. Like any true art, it takes a personal style and unwavering commitment to the development of this art.

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  1. Free your mind from the word "manager" and replace it with "leader". Leaders don't need titles or promotions, but are people who inspire and motivate, regardless of the situation or the team.
  2. Don't lose your sense of humor. It makes you approachable and helps you to put things in perspective. Don't take yourself too seriously. Everyone slips from time to time.
  3. Remember that your direct reports are humans. They are not resources and they are not human capital. They are people with families, feelings and problems. It is not possible to separate work from home and home. Be aware that people have private lives and do what you can to deal with them with feeling. Treat everyone as your equal, regardless of their title or position. Don't forget to smile a lot and always have a pleasant attitude.
  4. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Know your team's strengths and weaknesses and make room for improvement.
  5. Have a clear plan for what needs to be done. "By not planning, you plan to fail." Set short and long term goals.
  6. Be decisive. When asked for your opinion, you have to present it well thought out and convincingly. Don't just chat and don't beat around the bush. Set a deadline for important decisions, and then make a decision. If someone has an argument that convinces you to change a decision, acknowledge that idea and fully embrace it.
  7. Communicate your expectations. Write them down if necessary. Ask for feedback from the people you lead. Make sure they know what to expect from you. Address discrepancies immediately and clearly.
  8. Make sure you have a clear picture of which things you can and cannot change. Accept the things that you cannot change and don't put any energy into them at all. Then you focus all your efforts on the things you can change. Decisive people are always sought after and successful.
  9. Remember that different people are motivated by different things and people do what they are encouraged to do. Your job is to make sure their incentives match your goals. For example, if you give a bonus to people to produce more, don't be surprised if the quality starts to suffer, in favor of the volume.
  10. Win the trust of everyone within the organization. Managers often have access to more information than other employees. It is imperative that you never betray the trust of the company, your manager, your colleagues or your employees. Make sure people can trust you completely.
  11. Be consistent. Your actions and reactions must be consistent. You don't want to be the type of manager that everyone has to ask what kind of mood you are in before they approach you with a problem.
  12. Being flexible is very important and does not conflict with being consistent. You have to be flexible to change direction, adjust rules and change resources to stay competitive.
  13. Only focus on solutions and not on problems. People tend to be solution-oriented individuals.
  14. Take the time to recruit and fire people as soon as possible. Take the time to recruit high-quality personnel. Interview several people and do thorough research into everyone's background. When you employ a disruptive personality or someone who just doesn't want to perform, you should do everything you can to fire them as soon as possible.


  • Don't be afraid of failure. Anytime you or the people below you fail at something, it just means that you've discovered something else that isn't working. This means that you have come a step closer to something that is going to work.
  • Tackle matters immediately. Don't become a policy manager. This can happen when someone on your team sends more personal than business emails, so you need to create a policy for the department that doesn't allow work computers to be used for personal email. Everyone is then punished for the abuse of one person. Instead, you raise the issue directly with the person abusing a privilege. Let them know that they are abusing the privilege and will be subject to disciplinary action if it does not stop immediately.
  • Don't forget the rules of goal setting. Objectives serve S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Be: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Time-bound, Ethical and Relevant.
  • When confronting someone, focus only on his or her actions. Usually, someone will perceive such a confrontation as a personal attack. By focusing on the inappropriate action, you can keep the conversation more professional.
  • Never tell anyone that something is impossible. Anything is possible if there are enough time and resources. You should always answer, "The following things have to happen, and it will take so long and cost so much."


  • Don't be afraid to admit mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. You will eventually make them. If so, admit them and learn from them. It is always acceptable to make mistakes. Mistakes don't repeat.
  • Know that you can never control people or events. In fact, the only thing in your life that you have any control over is your own actions. Use your actions to motivate and inspire. Don't waste your time trying to send people. That will not work.
  • Being aware that people have a private life does not mean that you can get involved in the private life of your people. Stay focused on your business relationship, but don't forget that people also have private lives that they should pay attention to - that's your best starting point. Avoid giving advice on personal and relationship issues.