Getting taller

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO GROW TALLER | 7 Minute Stretching Routine
Video: HOW TO GROW TALLER | 7 Minute Stretching Routine


Do you feel that your friends are suddenly going through a growth spurt and that you are left hopelessly behind? Maybe the rest of the family is very tall and you wonder what you can do to catch up to them? The truth is that, for the most part, your height is determined by something that you have no control over - your genes. But know that there are many factors that influence your height that you can do something about. A whole battery of habits, methods and foods that can make a positive contribution to your final height. So, if you're still growing, read on to learn more about natural ways that can help you get taller.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Get taller

  1. Balanced nutrition. Someone who looks a bit plump often also appears shorter. But that's not only it, feeling fit by eating good and healthy food also makes you taller and you feel better!
    • Eat enough protein. Proteins, such as those found in poultry meat, fish, soy, and dairy products, help build muscle and bone health. Simple carbohydrates such as those in pizza, cakes, candy and soda are junk and should not be eaten.
    • Get enough calcium. Calcium helps develop healthy bones and is found in leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale and dairy products (yogurt and milk).
    • Keep your zinc stock up. There are indications that there is a link between zinc deficiency and stunted growth in boys. Good sources of zinc are oysters, wheat germ, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, lamb, peanuts and crab.
    • Vitamin D. Vitamin D promotes bone and muscle growth in children, and deficiency can slow growth and cause obesity in teenage girls. The best source is the body itself by ensuring that you are out and about (exposure to sunlight), but other sources are fish, alfalfa and mushrooms.
  2. Get plenty of exercise while you are still growing, but also afterward. This can make a modest contribution to your ultimate height. Do exercises such as skipping rope or playing basketball on a regular basis. Move. Go outside and train your muscles for at least 30 minutes a day.
    • Join a gym. This gives you access to a huge range of great training equipment and equipment for muscle development. This also motivates you to continue exercising, as you may be less serious about exercising at home.
    • Join a sports association. By joining a sports club your natural competitive drive will be addressed, you will automatically burn more calories and who knows, it may help you to grow taller. The biggest advantage of a team sport is that you are in motion unnoticed for a long time.
    • If there is no other option, go for a walk or a jog. Walk to the greengrocer or supermarket, library or school.
  3. Get enough sleep. Your body mainly grows during sleep, so make sure you work those hours so you have more time to grow. If you are under 20, try to get between 9 and 11 hours of sleep every night.
    • The growth hormone (HGH) is produced by the body itself, especially during sleep. Continuous and deep sleep promotes the production of growth hormone HGH, which is produced in the pituitary gland.
  4. Understand that your genes are the most important factor in your growth rate. Scientists assume that 60% to 80% of your height is determined by your genes. Either you have the "right" genes to grow tall or you don't. That doesn't mean that it isn't possible to grow tall if your parents are a bit on the small side, but it does mean it is more likely that you won't grow that tall yourself.
  5. Don't try to hold back your growth. While you may not be able to do much about your natural heightened predisposition, you can take steps to ensure that your height is not limited by environmental factors. Drugs and alcohol are both associated with stunted growth if you use these drugs during those years when your body is still developing. Poor nutrition is another factor that can negatively contribute to your growth.
    • Can caffeine hold back your growth? According to scientific research, this is not the case, but the side effects can affect processes in your body. Caffeine can cause you to sleep less well, so that you do not get the amount of sleep you need.
    • And what about smoking? The effects of smoking and second-hand smoke on the body mass index (BMI) are not yet fully known. Columbia University's Internet Health Resource says: “While the research is generally inconclusive, the available research results indicate that children who smoke or are exposed to cigarette smoke are smaller than children who do not smoke, or whose parents do not smoke. "
    • Can steroids limit your growth? No doubt. Anabolic steroids prevent bone growth in younger children and teens and lower sperm count, reduce breast size, increase blood pressure and increase the risk of a heart attack. Children and teenagers who suffer from asthma and use inhalers for it (containing a small dose of steroid) are on average 1.2 cm smaller than others who are not on this treatment.
  6. You can expect to keep growing for a few years after your teenage years. Many children look at themselves and wonder, "Have I finished growing yet?" If you are still under 18 the answer is probably "No!" If you are still in puberty, then you are also still growing. Instead of worrying about your final height, try to stay positive and think about the fact that you have some time to grow up.

Method 2 of 2: Exaggerate or emphasize your height

  1. Think about your build. Always stand upright instead of bent and slumped. Broaden your shoulders and push them back slightly. An upright posture will make you look much longer!
  2. Wear closer clothes. Tighter clothes accentuate your figure. If you walk a bit sluggishly, that effect will disappear and you will look shorter. Wear clothes that fit tightly around your body and that make you feel good about yourself. Don't put on clothes that make you feel insecure or uncomfortable.
  3. Make yourself taller. Girls can wear high heels to look longer and boys can wear sturdy shoes with heavy soles. Avoid flat shoes or flip flops.
  4. Show those long legs. If you have long legs, wear shorts or mini skirts to emphasize your legs. Avoid wearing leg warmers or leggings that make your legs look shorter.
  5. Wear dark clothes. Sometimes looking taller is all about being slimmer. If you manage to look slimmer, chances are you will look taller too. Certain colors such as black, dark blue, and forest green can all help you look slimmer and taller, especially if your outfit is dark in tone.
  6. Put on clothes with vertical stripes. This also makes you look longer than you are. Horizontal stripes have the exact opposite effect.


  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • To get bigger it is important to do stretching exercises. Lie on the floor and get a massage. This relaxes your muscles, making you just a little bigger.
  • Do not go on a diet (unless necessary) because if you are still growing you may not get enough nutrients, which will keep you smaller.
  • Wear clothes that make you look taller. Baggy clothes give the impression that you are shorter than your actual height.