Become a lacto ‐ ovo vegetarian

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be a Lacto Ovo Vegetarian   Educating Yourself   Part 1 of  3
Video: How to Be a Lacto Ovo Vegetarian Educating Yourself Part 1 of 3


A lacto-ovo vegetarian does not eat meat, fish and poultry, but does use dairy and certain other animal products. Studies have shown that this type of diet is a healthier option for some people. By learning more about the principles behind this diet, you can learn to adjust your eating habits and become a lacto-ovo vegetarian.

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Part 1 of 3: Introducing yourself

  1. Understand exactly what a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet entails. This type of diet means that you do not eat any meat, poultry or fish, but do eat eggs and dairy products and all products and dishes that contain eggs and / or dairy. A lacto-ovo vegetarian diet therefore differs from other vegetarian diets, such as that of a pescovegetarian or pescotarian (someone who does not eat meat but does eat fish), or a lacto-vegetarian (who uses dairy but does not eat eggs), or that of a vegan, that does not use any animal products or foods made from animal products.
  2. Understand what a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet can do for you. A lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is associated with lower rates of obesity and heart disease, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol, and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.
  3. Realize the challenge. Becoming a lacto-ovo vegetarian can be a major change in your daily meal choices and what you need to do to stay healthy. As with any major health change, it is a good idea to talk to a doctor and / or nutritionist or dietician. That way you can receive guidance in developing a healthy diet that includes all nutrients in the right amounts.
  4. Determine what limits you want to set for your diet. Animal products include meat and eggs, but there are also products that may be derived from animals, such as gelatin and lard, and that are often in processed foods that are not specifically animal. You can make your own choices with regard to the specific foods or products you want to include or not in your diet as a lacto-ovo vegetarian.
    • You can choose to eliminate all animal-derived products from your diet, including gelatin and honey and the like, as many vegans do.
    • But you can also choose to include products such as gelatin and honey in your lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, but not animal products such as meat, chicken and fish.
    • Remember that animal-derived products often appear in foods that are not directly animalistic at first glance. You may have to read labels carefully and ask in restaurants what ingredients are in a particular dish, so that you can be sure whether or not you can eat a particular product or dish based on the limits you set yourself. have asked.

Part 2 of 3: Eating enough

  1. Eat enough and make sure you're getting the right nutrients in the right amounts. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian you can get all the nutrients you need, but just like with any diet, you have to make sure you find the right balance in what you eat.
    • This is best done by eating many different vegetables, fruits and legumes (beans and lentils), different types of cheese, yogurt, grains (wheat, rice, oatmeal, etc.) and other foods. That way, it is more likely that you are getting the right nutrients and that you will not be deficient in certain vitamins or minerals.
    • Exactly how much you need of the different foods depends on the number of calories you need for your age, how active you are, etc. If you have any doubts about this, make an appointment with your doctor or a nutritionist.
  2. Get enough protein. Proteins are the building blocks that your body needs to grow and function properly and are therefore indispensable. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, you can ensure that you get enough protein by eating foods such as beans, nuts and soy products, as well as by eating dairy products and eggs. Good ways to get protein (based on a 2,200 calorie per day diet) include an omelet made from four egg whites, two 20cm diameter pancakes made with egg whites, or 80 grams of cooked beans.
    • Most types of vegetarians face whether they are getting enough protein or protein, and similar dilemmas. Check whether you are indeed getting enough protein and adjust your diet to your needs if necessary.
  3. Get enough vitamin D. As lacto-ovo vegetarians, you can get the calcium you need for healthy bones and teeth from certain types of soymilk, breakfast cereals, dark green leafy vegetables and other foods in addition to dairy products. Fortified dairy products and egg yolks also provide the necessary vitamin D. Good ways to get vitamin D (based on a diet of 2,200 calories per day) include: 1/2 cup low-fat milk, 30 grams of low-fat cheese, or 30 grams of raw green leafy vegetables .
  4. Eat enough iron. Rather than getting your iron from meat, as a lacto-ovo vegetarian you have a wide choice of tasty options including iron-fortified cereals, spinach, beans, whole grain breads and other foods. Good ways to get enough iron (based on a 2,200 calorie per day diet) include: 80 grams of cooked beans, 1 slice of whole wheat bread, 30 grams of raw spinach, or 60 grams of fortified cold cereal.
    • Take a dietary supplement with multivitamins and minerals daily (this is not necessarily necessary, unless you run a marathon every day).
  5. Don't forget your zinc intake. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian you can get your zinc from fortified breakfast cereals, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, wheat germ and dairy products. Good ways to get zinc (based on a diet of 2,200 calories per day) include: 80 grams of cooked beans, 120 ml of low-fat milk, or 60 grams of fortified cold breakfast cereal.
  6. Get the right amount of vitamin B-12. You can get this vitamin through animal products or by taking nutritional supplements. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, you can choose from dairy products, eggs and vitamin-fortified foods for your vitamin B-12 intake. Good ways to get vitamin B-12 (based on a diet of 2,200 calories per day) are, for example: 120 ml of skim milk, a medium egg, or 60 grams of fortified cold breakfast cereal.
  7. Check if you are getting enough iodine. Iodine contributes to the functioning of many organs and is an ingredient often found in iodized salt today. It is also found in many processed products that contain iodized salt. If your diet consists largely of raw foods, you may not be getting enough iodine. Therefore, make sure you always have iodized salt at hand, but don't take too much of it.
  8. Choose foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are important for keeping your heart and brain healthy. Within a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet you can get them from nuts and seeds, soybeans and certain fortified foods. For example, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil or 30 grams of flax or chia seeds are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Certain types of eggs are also rich in omage 3 fat hours. Usually this is stated on the box.

Part 3 of 3: Expanding your menu

  1. Try to step out of your comfort zone. Switching to a lacto-vegetarian diet can be a major change and you may feel that it is difficult to sustain if you are only concerned with what you shouldn't eat. But you can also see your diet as a way of opening up to new and interesting possibilities. By trying new things, you can be sure that your diet is varied and that you are getting all the nutrients you need.
  2. Try out the cuisines from different countries. Many international cuisines abound with options for lacto-ovo vegetarians. Eating out at a wide variety of restaurants can be a fun way to try new foods and get ideas for dishes to prepare at home.
    • Within Asian cuisine (which includes Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese cuisine) you often find dishes without meat that are prepared on the basis of vegetables and / or tofu. Some of these dishes are prepared with fish sauce, so check to be sure.
    • Within the cuisines of Southeast Asia (for example Indian, Pakistani and Nepalese cuisine) you will often find meatless dishes based on lentils and / or rice, vegetable curries, different types of yogurt and other dishes that fit very well within a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.
    • Also in Mediterranean cuisines (including Italian, Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine) it is usually not that difficult to find dishes without meat. Search the menu for dishes that include falafel (chickpea balls), couscous, aubergine, tabouleh or feta. Many specific dishes and sauces are explicitly vegetarian, such as pasta primavera (with vegetables) and pasta with pesto sauce (marinara sauce contains fish).
    • Options for lacto-ovo vegetarians in Mexican cuisine include burritos with beans, fajitas with vegetables and nachos, enchiladas with cheese or beans, quesadillas, tamales, rice dishes, huevos rancheros, guacamole, salsas, baked bean puree and much more. If you want, check to make sure these dishes are not prepared with lard or other animal products.
  3. Look for meat substitutes. If you have a recipe or dish that actually includes meat, there are always ways to replace the meat with lacto-ovo vegetarian options. Meat substitutes are for example:
    • Tempeh, which is made from fermented soybeans, can be sliced ​​or prepared as meat for frying, baking, grilling, etc.
    • Seitan is a meat substitute made from wheat gluten. It has a soft taste and the structure is reminiscent of that of meat. You can cut it into strips or pieces and use it as a meat substitute in many different recipes.
    • Tofu is compressed, congealed soy milk into blocks. Soft tofu can have a texture that is between creamy and crumbly, while firm tofu can be cut into strips or pieces and then grilled, marinated, baked, etc.
    • So-called "textured vegetable protein" (also called soy chunks) is made from soybeans and is available in many different forms (flakes, chunks, etc.). You can add these flakes or pieces to dishes to increase the protein content of the meal, or you can use them to replace the ground beef in chili con carne, spaghetti, burgers and basically any other type of dish.
    • Beans are rich in protein and can be used as a meat substitute. For example, you can make vegetarian chili con carne by using more beans instead of meat.
    • Vegetarian or vegan alternatives have now been developed for many animal products. Many supermarkets now stock things like “burgers” made from beans, “frankfurters” made from soy, “turkey” made from tofu, and “bacon” made from ingredients like tempeh or seitan.
    • Although as a lacto-ovo vegetarian you can eat cheese, you can also choose to take vegan “cheese” made from soy.
    • Quorn is also a great meat substitute.
  4. Use cookbooks and recipe websites to get ideas. Recipes for lacto-ovo vegetarian dishes are not difficult to find. You will soon get a lot of ideas for new dishes and new or different products or ingredients that you can include in your menu.
    • The Nutrition Center and other organizations maintain lists of ideas and recipes and the search engines on the internet can also help you with numerous possibilities.