Make cats stop urinating on the carpet

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Your Cat to Stop Peeing on the Carpet
Video: How to Get Your Cat to Stop Peeing on the Carpet


Some cats develop a habit of urinating on carpets, which is very frustrating for their owners. The smell of cat urine is repulsive and often spreads throughout the house. Cat urine is also very difficult to remove from carpet underlay and fibers, causing the stench to linger. In addition, since cats tend to urinate in areas that already smell like urine, it is often a difficult problem to address. There are many reasons cats urinate outside of their litter box, including urinary tract and bladder problems, problems with the type of litter being used, and conflict with other pets.

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Method 1 of 3: Prevent your cat from urinating on the carpet

  1. Take your cat to the vet. A medical problem, such as a urinary tract infection, could cause your cat to urinate on the carpet instead of the litter box. Before taking any other action to remedy the situation, take your cat to the vet to treat any medical problems that are causing the behavior. It is important to get your cat examined immediately to protect your pet's health and wellbeing and to avoid long-term aversion to the litter box.
    • Prolonged squatting, blood in the urine, frequent urination and meowing while trying to urinate are all signs that your pet has a bladder or urinary tract problem, or an infection. These health problems can cause the litter box to be avoided. These signs can also mean a blockage of the ureter, which can be potentially life-threatening. Only the vet can tell the difference, which is why it is important to go to the vet.
  2. Clean up accidents with enzymatic cleaners. Cleaning up accidents right after they happen will also help keep your cat from using the same area again. It is better to use an enzymatic cleaner than an ammonia based cleaner. Ammonia-based cleaners can cause your cat to urinate in that area more often because she can interpret the ammonia as another cat's urine that she needs to pee over.
    • Consider getting your carpets professionally cleaned if they are heavily soiled.
    • Some carpets can no longer be cleaned if the mess is not removed immediately. Discard carpets that have been soiled several times by your cat.
  3. Place a litter box in the area on the carpet where your cat likes to urinate. If your cat has begun to relieve herself on a rug or rug, place a litter box in that area to encourage her to use the box instead. After she has used the box for a month, you can move it an inch a day until it is back where you want it.
  4. Turn carpets and rugs upside down. Cats may develop a preference for a particular carpet and start using it as a litter box. Turning over carpets and rugs can discourage your cat because the surface texture is different. For a few days, try turning your carpets and rugs over to see if it stops your cat from peeing on them.
  5. Apply double-sided tape to the edges of carpets. Tape can discourage a cat from peeing on a carpet because the tape on its paws feels uncomfortable. Try sticking double-sided tape to the edges of rugs as well as where your cat likes to urinate.
  6. Play around her litter box with your cat. Your cat may be peeing on the rug because she has formed a negative association with using the litter box. Negative associations with the litter box can be improved by, for example, playing with your cat around the litter box. Try to play with your cat a few inches from her box a few times a day to create more positive feelings about her litter box.
    • Don't try to reward your cat for using her litter box by giving her treats. Cats don't want to be disturbed when using the litter box.
    • You can place treats and toys near the litter box, but do not place your cat's food and water bowl next to her litter box.Cats do not want to eat close to where they are in the box.
  7. If it does not improve, see your vet again. Encouraging your cat to use the litter box takes time and effort, but is not always successful. Some vets have special training to help people deal with problems such as urinating outside the box. If your cat is not improving over time, consider consulting with a certified Animal Behaviorist.

Method 2 of 3: Understanding common litter box problems

  1. Think about how often you change the litter box. Cats don't like to use a dirty litter box, and they can start releasing elsewhere if their litter box is dirty when they need to. If you don't change your cat's litter box every day, this could be the reason why your cat is peeing on the rug.
    • In addition to scooping out your cat's litter box every day, you should also remove all the filling once a week and clean the bowl with warm water and unscented soap or baking soda. When you're done, dry the bowl and fill it with fresh cat litter.
    • Try a self-cleaning litter box to make it easier for you to keep the litter box clean.
  2. Make sure you have enough litter boxes at home. It is important to have a litter box more than the number of cats in the house. For example, if you have three cats, you must have four litter boxes. If you only have two litter boxes and you have three cats, the number of litter boxes could be the reason why your cat is peeing on the carpet.
  3. Assess whether your cat can easily enter the litter box. If your cat has to walk a long way to get onto the litter box, or if the litter box itself is difficult to get in or out of, this could be why your cat is peeing on the carpet. Place your cats' litter boxes where they can easily get in when they are in a hurry, such as one upstairs and one downstairs.
    • Make sure your cat is able to see approaching people or animals approaching and get away easily. Cats don't like to feel cornered.
    • Meet the needs of senior cats by providing containers with lower sides for easier entry and exit.
    • Place litter boxes near or where your cat is urinating on the carpet.
  4. Find out if the litter you're using is causing the problem. Cats can avoid the litter box because they don't like the smell or texture of the litter, or because the litter layer is too thick. A shallow bed of medium to fine clumping litter is best, but you can also try offering your cat different types of litter to see what she likes best.
    • Give your cat a choice of types of litter by placing two litter boxes with different types of litter next to each other. At the end of the day, you can check to see which one your cat has used.
    • Provide a shallow layer of cat litter. Most cats prefer a litter box with about an inch to 2 inches of filling.
  5. Find out if the litter box is causing your cat discomfort. Some cats avoid using a litter box because they don't like its size or shape. Edges can also cause discomfort for your cat, causing her to avoid the bowl. Remove the rim and cover from the litter box to see if that is what is causing her not to use the litter box.
    • Also consider the size of your cat's litter box. If it is too small for her, she can also avoid using it.

Method 3 of 3: Consider potential health and behavioral problems

  1. Decide if stress could cause your cat to urinate on the carpet. Other pets, children or a noisy environment can all cause your cat to feel stressed and avoid the litter box. Make sure your cat's litter box is in a shady, quiet, and secluded place. If your litter box is in a high-traffic area, she will be less likely to use it.
    • Try using Feliway nebulizers to make your cat more relaxed. This product releases a scent that is comforting to some cats.
  2. Think about medical conditions your cat has or has had. Your cat's medical history can provide an explanation for why your cat is not using the litter box. If you suspect your cat is ill, take her to the vet as soon as possible. Treating an illness early can help stop litter problems and save your cat from pain and discomfort. Urinary tract infections and bladder stones are common conditions that can cause your cat to urinate on the carpet.
    • Urinary tract infections can cause the cat to avoid the litter box, even after the infection has been treated. Your cat may still associate the litter box with pain and want to avoid it.
    • Bladder grit is another common cause of litter box aversion. Cats with urinary stones may urinate in the litter box because they feel the urge to urinate more often.
    • Kidney stones or a urinary blockage can also result in an aversion to the litter box. Your cat may meow or howl when using the bowl and the fear of pain may persist after treatment.
    • Keep in mind that prompt treatment of these conditions is essential to prevent your cat from developing a long-term aversion to the litter box.
  3. Find out if the cause of your cat's litter box problem is spraying. Spraying is when your cat sprays a little urine against a piece of furniture or other surface to mark her territory. The amount of urine is much less than with a normal urine. If your cat is exhibiting this type of behavior, many of the suggestions in this article will help, but there are a few additional things you need to do to stop your cat from spraying.
    • Spraying is most common in male, unneutered cats, but unsterilized female cats can also exhibit this behavior, so it is important to have your cat spayed or neutered.
    • Spraying is also common in households with more than 10 cats, so ensuring that you have fewer than 10 cats in the house can also help.


  • If you have a kitten that urinates on the carpet, make sure she is not intimidated by an older cat or other pets. Also, make sure your kitten knows how to get to the litter box and get in and out with ease.
  • If you have several cats and you are not sure which one is urinating where it should not be allowed, ask your vet to use fluorescein to help you identify the spouse. All urine lights up under blacklight. The fluorescein stains the urine strongly, so that in a household with several cats you can check which cat is the defaced one.
  • Always wear gloves when using litter scoops and disposing of litter. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water when you are done.
  • Consider installing a cat flap if your cat is an indoor / outdoor cat. A cat flap will make it easier for your cat to go outside if he wants to pee outside instead of inside.


  • Never make unexpected changes to the litter box or the place where it is located. For example, gradually replace cat litter by mixing it with your old brand. If you need to move your cat's litter box, keep one in the old spot and put one in the new spot until he or she uses the new box regularly.
  • Never use ammonia or vinegar to clean carpets that your cat has peed on. The smell resembles cat urine, which makes domestic cats urinate in the same place again.
  • Do not use branded litter with a strong odor when your cat is peeing on the carpet. Many cats find strong smells offensive and prefer unscented cat litter.
  • Do not rub your cat's nose in the urine or lift her to put her in the bowl or confine her in a small room. These measures will not solve the problem and they can actually make it worse by creating more negative associations with the litter box.