Defrost ground turkey

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Thaw Ground Turkey : Hearty Recipes
Video: How to Thaw Ground Turkey : Hearty Recipes


If you want to thaw ground turkey, there are three safe ways to do so to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Choose which method is easiest for you, depending on how much time you have to thaw the turkey and when you want to cook the meat. Also remember that you can cook ground turkey straight from the freezer if you are short on time!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Thaw minced turkey in the refrigerator

  1. Place the frozen turkey in its wrapper or in a drip-resistant container in the refrigerator. Make sure the turkey is in a sealed container so that it does not leak during thawing. Place the minced turkey in the packaging on a dish or in a plastic bag in case something does leak.
    • Place the ground turkey on a shelf or in a drawer of your refrigerator, away from open foods, such as fruits and vegetables, in case something leaks.
    • Never let frozen turkey thaw on your countertop, as bacteria can grow on the outer layer of the meat that heats up first.
  2. Leave the ground turkey in the refrigerator for up to a day until thawed. How long it takes for the turkey to thaw depends on the temperature of the refrigerator. Even half a kilo of turkey takes 12-24 hours to thaw.
    • The back and bottom of the refrigerator are usually the coldest. Cold air descends and every time you open the fridge door, warm air enters the front.
  3. Prepare the minced meat within 1-2 days after thawing. The turkey mince will keep for up to two days after thawing. If you cannot cook everything, you will need to refreeze the remaining meat within this time.
    • If you don't want to wait for the turkey to thaw completely, you can also safely cook the turkey while the meat is still partially or completely frozen. This way it takes about 50% longer to cook the meat than if it is thawed.
    • You can also thaw the last bit of turkey in a bowl of cold water or in the microwave.
    • Remember, meat will lose quality if you thaw and refreeze it often. This is due to the loss of liquid every time you thaw it.

Method 2 of 3: Defrost ground turkey in the microwave

  1. Place the ground turkey in a microwave-safe bowl or container. Take the turkey out of its packaging and place it on a platter or in a container. Make sure the dish or tray has at least 2-3 cm of space between the turkey and the walls so that any moisture does not drip over the edges.
    • Do not microwave the turkey in its normal container as it may melt or catch fire.
  2. Defrost the turkey on 50% power for two minutes per pound. Place the minced turkey in the microwave and set the power to 50%, or use the defrost function. If the meat has not thawed after the first cooking time, continue thawing in one-minute sessions.
    • Turn the meat over in the microwave after the first two minutes if you need to thaw longer. This will help defrost the meat evenly, as microwaves are hotter in some areas than others.
  3. Prepare the ground turkey immediately after defrosting. You should cook the ground beef quickly after it has thawed in the microwave to prevent the growth of bacteria. After preparation you can store leftovers in the fridge or freeze.
    • During microwave thawing, parts of the turkey are likely to begin to cook, which is why bacteria will grow more easily on meat thawed this way.
    • If the turkey is already partially thawed, you can start with one minute per pound of meat instead of two minutes.

Method 3 of 3: Defrost ground turkey with cold water

  1. Place the ground turkey in a plastic bag. Remove the turkey from its original packaging and place it in a resealable or other hermetically resealable plastic bag. Make sure the meat is completely enclosed in the bag to prevent bacteria and water from getting into it.
    • This method is much faster than thawing the meat in the refrigerator, but requires more attention in the process.
    • Thawing ground turkey in cold water produces a more even thawing than in the microwave, because the temperature is the same everywhere.
  2. Place the turkey bag in a large bowl or other container and fill it with cold water. Make sure the bowl or container is large enough to fully submerge the turkey bag. Fill the container almost to the brim with cold water and place it in the sink or on the countertop.
    • Never use hot water to defrost ground turkey, as it greatly increases the risk of harmful bacteria.
  3. Let the turkey sit for at least an hour and change the water every 30 minutes. Defrosting takes about one hour per pound of ground turkey. Change the water every half hour to make sure it stays cold and to reduce the risk of bacterial growth.
    • Set an alarm on your phone or watch to remind you to check the turkey and change the water.
    • If the turkey is already partially thawed, it may take as little as 30 minutes to thaw in cold water.
  4. Prepare the turkey as soon as it is completely thawed. You must prepare the ground turkey immediately to prevent the growth of bacteria. Place cooked leftovers in the fridge or freezer.
    • Remember, you can cook the turkey just fine if it's not completely thawed yet. The frozen parts just need a little more time to cook, so you can do this if you don't want to wait until everything is thawed.
    • If the turkey does not thaw in water quickly enough, you can finish the thawing in the microwave.


  • Never let ground turkey thaw on the counter or in hot water. Always prepare it immediately after thawing, unless you let it thaw in the refrigerator.