Hide baldness

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024


Has your hair gotten thinner, or are you starting to go bald? Millions of people suffer from hair loss and it can have a major emotional impact, especially as a woman. Talk to your doctor, dermatologist or a hair loss specialist for more information about the latest medical treatments for hair loss. In the meantime, or if you don't want to undergo hair replacement treatments, you can limit thinning or baldness by changing your hairstyle and hair products.

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Method 1 of 3: Hiding baldness (for men)

  1. Find a good hairdresser. The right haircut can make your hair look thicker and hide thinner areas. While the hairdresser is a great option if you just want a short and simple haircut, it's worth going to a hairstylist. Although a stylist costs more, he or she will personalize your style to hide your thinning hair and / or bald spots and can teach you how to style it.
  2. Keep your hair shorter. If your hair is long, it will hang, causing your hair to flatten and lose volume. It will also peel off, exposing your scalp. Shorter hairs (but not super short), on the other hand, provide more volume and a "feather effect", where one section of hair covers the edge of the next section, so your scalp does not shine through.
  3. Shave your head. If you don't want to deal with maintaining a good haircut and / or the volume of your hair, another method of hiding baldness or thinning hair is to shave your head completely. This may seem counterintuitive, but it can work because it is intentional. Bald heads are stylish, and people won't know if you shave your head because you like it or because your hair is getting thinner.
    • Use an electric razor to shave your hair as short as possible. Then use shaving cream and a razor blade to shave off the stubble completely, as you would if you shave your face.
    • Shave your head regularly to avoid stubble. Otherwise, if you are really going bald, it will be obvious that you only have hair on the sides.
    • Protect your head from the sun. Use sunscreen on your head every day and wear a hat outside to protect your head. Skin cancer can occur anywhere you have skin, including on your scalp.
  4. Leave facial hair on. Bald or balding men can look very good with a beard and / or mustache, and it will distract from the hair on your head. However, make sure to keep your facial hair short and well-groomed. A wild, unsaturated beard will look strange on your short hair or shaved head, and it will look unprofessional in most workplaces.
  5. Cover your head with a hat. A hat or bandanna can hide baldness very effectively. Baseball caps are good for casual occasions, but fedoras and straw hats are also very stylish and suitable for different environments. Wearing a hat also has the advantage of protecting your head from the sun. However, keep in mind that you may not be able to wear a head covering in all situations. Many places of worship and workplaces require men to take off their hats when entering the building, and a bandana is too casual.
  6. Use a colored lotion or powder on your scalp. Some companies make products that reduce the contrast between your hair and your scalp by coloring your scalp. This ensures that your skin is less distinguishable from your hair, so that balding spots are less visible. This is especially helpful for people with a light-colored scalp and dark hair.
    • Follow the directions on the product to apply the lotion to your skin. Make sure to cover your scalp well and let it dry completely. Once dry, the lotion should be resistant to sweat and rain. However, the lotion will transfer to your skin when you run your fingers through your hair and will stain your pillowcase at night. The color will last until you wash your hair.
    • If you choose a powder formulation, you should rub the powder well into your scalp. Cover any areas where your scalp shows through your hair. The powder will also cling to your hair, making it look fuller. Like lotion, it is resistant to wind, sweat and rain, but it can stain your clothes or pillowcase. It will last until you wash your hair.
  7. Use a hairpiece. Although toupees and hairpieces are less fashionable today than in previous decades, there are still some great options that will hide your baldness effectively. This works best for men who are not completely bald yet, as the hairpiece can blend into your natural hair.
    • Make sure to choose a high-quality hairpiece that is made from real human hair and matches your hair color. Only real hair looks natural.
    • You may also be able to get a custom hairnet. This means that real hair is tied into a mesh base. The gauze is then glued or clamped to the head so that it looks like the hair is growing from the scalp. The hairpiece must be cut properly to make it look natural. The mesh also needs to be reinstalled when the glue or clips come off and as your natural hair grows.
    • Let your hairstylist help you update your hairpiece on a regular basis. Take it with you when you get your haircut so your stylist can work it into your haircut.
    • Keep your hairpiece clean and secure it on your head. If your hairpiece falls off, it will destroy the usefulness of the hairpiece.
  8. Get micropigmentation applied to your scalp. This is similar to using colored scalp lotion or powder, only the results are permanent. This involves applying small tattooed dots all over the scalp. The process is tedious and can take several sessions to cover the entire scalp. Micropigmentation of the scalp comes with the risk of looking coarse and fake if the color isn't right, or if it's not done properly, so find a reputable scalp micropigmentation specialist.

Method 2 of 3: Hide baldness (for women)

  1. Cut your hair in layers. The right haircut can make your hair look thicker and hide thinner areas. It's worth going to a hairdresser who can adjust your haircut to your liking, hide thinning hair and / or bald spots and learn how to style it. Ask your stylist to add layers to your hair instead of keeping it all one length. Layers create more volume and make hair appear thicker, hiding thinning areas.
  2. Use a boar bristle brush. These brushes are softer than synthetic and help prevent breakage, which is important for thinning hair. Boar bristles also distribute the hair's natural oils across the hair shaft, keeping hair healthy and shiny. The healthier your hair, the less thin it will look.
  3. Choose the right hair color. Changing your hair color so that there is less contrast between your hair and your scalp will help hide thinning hair. If the color of your scalp is lighter, choose a lighter shade. If you have a dark skin tone, use a dark hair color, such as dark brown or black. While you can dye your hair yourself using home color kits, if you let your hair stylist dye your hair, you can have the dye match your skin tone and thinning hair.
  4. Cover your head with a hat, turban or scarf. Wearing a hat or a nice scarf can hide baldness or thinning hair very effectively. There are many stylish hats for women, including fedoras and sun hats, and beautiful scarves worn over the hair are also in fashion. Wearing a hat or scarf also has the advantage of protecting your head from the sun.
  5. Wear a wig or hairpiece. Wigs are the best option when thinning hair around the temples or on the forehead becomes too visible or when you are completely bald. Wigs are a great way to boost self-esteem and feel more normal again, especially for women whose hair loss is due to cancer treatments or other medical conditions.
    • There are two types of wigs: full wigs that cover the entire scalp and partial hairpieces that only cover certain areas. If you are completely bald or have very short or thin hair, a wig made from human hair is your best option. You can have the wig styled by your hairstylist, who can also show you how to wear it. If you only have a few thin patches, a real human hair piece can be a more convenient and less expensive option. Have your hair stylist apply the hairpiece to cover your thin areas.
    • You have many choices including the length, color, texture (real human hair or synthetic), quality / price and the application (clip-on, interlocking, combing / clips and weaving / binding) for the wig / it hairpiece. Discuss your options with your hairdresser to choose the best one.
    • Although synthetic hair is cheaper, only real human hair looks completely natural.

Method 3 of 3: Hide baldness (for everyone)

  1. Give your hair more volume. Flat hair is close to your scalp and will emphasize your bald patches as your hair will spread out and show bald patches through them. Therefore, styling your hair to maximize volume will help make your hair look thicker. Hair with more volume will also appear more youthful.
    • Use a volume shampoo.Many shampoo brands offer volumizing formulas that prevent product build-up (which can weigh down and flatten hair) with ingredients that give individual strands a fuller appearance, giving your entire hairstyle a fuller appearance. Look for "volume" or "volumizing" labels on the bottle. After washing with volume shampoo, this effect should remain visible until the next wash.
    • Use a hair dryer and round brush to dry your hair. Use a small amount of volume product in your hair. Then gently blow-dry your hair with a round brush to pull your hair up and away from your scalp. This will help dry your hair with frizzy volume and make it appear thicker. Pulling your hair aside while drying and then brushing it in the opposite direction will also add volume.
    • Avoid using hair gel or heavy products that contain silicone. Gel causes hair to stick or clump, exposing your scalp. Silicones make hair heavy and counteract your attempts to gain volume. Stick to lighter products that specifically state that they add volume, such as texturizing sprays / lotions or mousse.
  2. Use microfibers made specifically for thinning hair. Many companies produce colored microfibers that adhere to your existing hair. These are available as a spray or in powder form. This is the most convenient way to cover thinning hair.
    • Shake or spray the fibers on your hair. They are electrostatically charged so they cling to your hair shaft and make your hair look fuller.
    • These products are usually resistant to sweat, wind and rain and will last until your next shampoo.
    • Make sure to choose a color that matches your hair or is slightly lighter. Darker microfibers and colors that don't match your skin tone will look artificial and draw attention to your hair, which is not what you want.
  3. Use Minoxidil. This is an FDA-approved topical hair regrowth treatment, and many companies sell over-the-counter hair regrowth products containing Minoxidil. Follow the directions on the product label and use the product consistently for at least eight weeks. Some people will see clear results with Minoxidil, while others will not see anything.
    • Products containing Minoxidil are available in lotion or foam form and available without a prescription. Most pharmacies in the United States sell hair growth products containing Minoxidil.
    • Minoxidil takes time to work. Hair growth usually occurs after the drug has been used for several months and lasts only as long as you keep using it. Hair loss will start again within a few months after you stop taking Minoxidil.
    • Minoxidil works best in younger patients with a short history of hair loss. The treatment has not been studied in people over the age of 65, so it may not work for age-related baldness.
    • Follow all directions on the Minoxidil product packaging. Do not use more than prescribed and do not use a blow dryer immediately after applying the Minoxidil to dry your hair as this can make the treatment less effective.
    • Do not use Minoxidil if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


  • Being confident in who you are and accepting your thinning hair can help you look better than someone trying too hard to hide a bald spot, especially in men. Many men look good bald.
  • Always protect your scalp with sunscreen, and wear a hat whenever possible when out in the sun. Bald or thinning hair exposes your scalp to harmful UVA and UVB rays. Wearing sunscreen and a hat will help prevent sunburn and skin cancer on your scalp. Some companies make hairspray with SPF and sunscreen sticks that make applying to your scalp easier than traditional sunscreen.
  • Do not wear hats and caps for too long. They trap heat and make your hair look flat and tacky.


  • Do not comb your hair over a bald spot if you are a man. It is out of fashion, and it puts more emphasis on your baldness than it does with shorter hair. Do not do it.
  • Many wigs and toupees can fall off. Be careful not to trip or swim to avoid losing your wig / toupee.
  • Long hair extensions for women can actually draw more attention to your thinning hair by weighing down the hair on your scalp. Extensions can also damage your natural hair. Clip-in hairpieces that are shorter are less harmful than long extensions that are tied or woven.
  • Talk to your doctor about using Minoxidil. Some people may be allergic to Minoxidil, and the product may interact negatively with some medications. Follow all directions on the product packaging and do not use Minoxidil if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.