Disguise yourself

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Former CIA Operative Explains How Spies Use Disguises | WIRED
Video: Former CIA Operative Explains How Spies Use Disguises | WIRED


Do you want to disappear? Whether you want to surprise your friends and family or avoid a particular person for good, taking a few simple steps in changing your traits, clothes, and gestures can help you disguise yourself effectively.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Changing your traits

  1. Change your hair. A drastic haircut is the fastest way to look completely different. However, if you want to disguise yourself, you'll have to choose something that won't draw too much attention - a blue mohawk or pink wig probably aren't the right choices.
    • Men can style their hair differently by using products such as hairspray or gel to create a more lavish style than usual, or they can shave their heads completely. Also consider a tan, or using cheap talcum powder to make some gray streaks, that will really confuse people. If you have a beard or mustache, shave it in a different model or remove it completely. If not, consider growing a beard or small mustache.
    • Women can consider using realistic looking wig or extensions to change the shape of their hair. You can also quickly get back to you old style that way, if you want to disguise like that again. Make people insecure by changing regularly and without warning. Dye your hair a different color every week and make sure you won't be discovered. Try combinations of highlights and full color patterns.
  2. Wear glasses and sunglasses. Clark Kent did. Adding a frame to your clothing will not immediately recognize you. People will recognize you when they look closer, of course, but not at the first screening. By adding glasses or sunglasses you can finish a disguise neatly.
    • If you use contact lenses, consider colored lenses, or one of those old frames that you don't wear anymore.
  3. Embrace makeup. Draw moles, beauty spots, wrinkles or other imperfections on your face for a dramatic effect. Lighten or darken your skin to further confuse people. Get a color from a spray can or an eye-catching fake tattoo.
    • If you're male or if you don't usually wear makeup, just a little bit of makeup can have a big effect on your appearance. Just using a little eyeliner and changing your clothes can give you a completely different look.
  4. Change your height and posture. Try changing your height with high-heeled shoes, or by walking more curved and changing your posture than usual. Consider losing or gaining weight if you have the time, or just start dressing like you've gained weight. Wear extra layers to give the impression that you have gained a few pounds.

Method 2 of 3: Change your clothes

  1. Change your clothing style. If you usually look neat and classy, ​​consider dressing up in punk or going goth. Wear old clothes that you rarely wear, or look in your parents' closet for vintage clothes that your acquaintances aren't used to wearing.
    • Men may consider dressing older or younger. If you usually dress like a 19 year old, think about how your dad dresses and adopt his style. Wear a polo shirt tucked into khaki pants with your cellphone attached to a belt clip and you'll look 20 years older in no time.
    • Women may want to consider dressing more masculine by wearing pants while usually wearing skirts to change their overall appearance. If people are used to seeing you with makeup and nice clothes, it will be a surprise if you suddenly wear a sports jacket.
  2. Make use of accessories. It will help give your new look credible. Pairing smart pants with a flannel shirt will be a surprising disguise, but not necessarily one that will last. It will just look strange. Think of yourself as an actor who takes on a personality that everyone has to convince. Wear hats, matching jewelry, and other items that match the style.
  3. Change the fit of your clothes. Wearing wider clothes than usual can be a great way to change your body shape and look different. Buy some surprising items of clothing a few sizes larger than you would normally wear. Dress in layers to add some weight, and layer up throughout the day to make sure you look different in the morning than in the evening. No one will be able to find you if you keep changing yourself.
  4. Bring spare clothes. A few years ago, an Asian man boarded a plane wearing a mask that made him look like an older white man. Later he took off his mask and changed himself during the flight, and was not recognized by anyone. Having a supply of clothes on hand to change into (in a backpack or purse) will not only help you disguise, but you will also continue to develop your disguise throughout the day.
    • Bring emergency makeup and hair dye for a quick transformation. Shoe polish can work very quickly.

Method 3 of 3: Change yourself

  1. Develop a new personality. Name your new identity and develop a credible story for yourself. This will help you get to empathize better and makes your presentation more natural. Develop a different sense of humor than you normally have, start listening to different music, and start developing different habits. If you are a liberal by nature, imagine that you are a true conservative and adopt the style, attitude and behavior of that personality.
    • You can even consider including an accent in your disguise. Practice while alone and speak only with that accent in public. Periodically changing your accents with different people keeps them guessing.
  2. Make yourself older. Looking older, or significantly younger, is a particularly effective way of making fun of people. Dyeing your hair gray when you are young and teaching yourself a stumbling gait with a stick will make you unrecognizable to people who know you.
    • Putting a pebble in your shoe is uncomfortable, but if you really want to disguise yourself, it can be a great way to make sure you walk differently. Bandage your knee to naturally limp.
  3. Avoid people. The most important part of a disguise is to avoid drawing attention. Hide where everyone can see you is the best way to disguise yourself. Avoid making eye contact with people you know, keep your head low, and walk calmly and slowly. Look like you're busy, like you're on your way to somewhere with a purpose, and make sure you come across as unobtrusive.
  4. Dress like someone of the opposite sex. If you want to push yourself to the limit, consider either dressing ambiguously or convincingly as a member of the opposite sex. Switch back and forth to keep your disguise varied.


  • Be less social. Don't always talk in class, especially to close friends. They will start to suspect who you are.
  • Avoid bright colors or eccentric clothes, this will definitely turn heads.
  • Try to change your voice (e.g. tone, speed of speech, or sound)
  • Don't just smile or smile. People will become suspicious.
  • Wear thick glasses.


  • If you are hiding for illegal reasons, you may need to take more drastic measures.
  • You can appear suspicious.


  • A wig
  • Sunglasses (optional)
  • Darker clothing (or lighter, depending on your normal gear)
  • The ability to stand out
  • Fat suit (optional)
  • Makeup
  • Plasticine (optional)
  • Contact lenses
  • Hair extensions / coloring / bleaching