Accept yourself, your life and your reality

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024


It can be difficult to accept yourself, your life, and the reality you live in. Maybe you don't like your future perspective. You may not be so fond of aspects of your personality. You may not like certain features of your appearance on certain days. It's common for people to be self-critical, but there are a number of ways to learn to accept yourself and your life.

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Part 1 of 2: Learn to accept yourself

  1. Recognize your own strengths. It's so easy to look in the mirror and point out your insecurities to yourself. However, instead of adding up all the things you would like to be, try counting the things you are now. List your strengths, such as the things you are good at, the values ​​you hold, and the friends you have.
    • If you have trouble brainstorming about your strengths, ask a friend or family member what they think your positive traits are.
  2. Be honest with yourself. This is one of the hardest things for most of us to do, but a necessary step towards running your own life. In many of today's societies, the focus is on the individual, we are encouraged to strive for success, and often we look for praise in recognition of that success. We think criticism is negative, so we shun anything about ourselves that can trigger such a reaction.
    • Try to be honest with yourself and imagine looking at yourself through the eyes of a stranger. Ask yourself what that person thinks of you, and be as objective as possible about the facts, rather than how you think about yourself.
  3. Admit your mistakes. Remember that you cannot fix it until you admit there is a problem. You can think of mistakes you make as an opportunity to learn, as a way to get where you want to be in life. Believe in yourself, realize that only you can change yourself, that only you can control your destiny. Decide what is important to you and set your mind to it. Eliminate self-doubts and believe that you can become whatever you envision yourself.
    • When you realize that mistakes are opportunities to learn, and that your reality is not fixed forever, then when faced with a challenge, you are more likely to persevere and grow meaningfully.
  4. Talk to someone you trust. Ventilate your feelings about your life to a friend or family member who cares about you, and you will get the attention you need. You may find that by speaking your thoughts, you realize that they are exaggerated, or that your life is not that bad.
    • If you don't feel like just pouring out your heart, ask a friend or family member for advice on how to make or change your life in the ways you don't want to accept.
  5. Get professional help. Sometimes it is easier or more efficient to enlist the help of a professional. A therapist can help you learn to accept yourself and your reality. This could be a psychologist, psychiatrist or licensed counselor or other mental health professional.
    • To find a psychologist in your area, try the following website:

Part 2 of 2: Practice mindfulness

  1. Learn the benefits of mindfulness. Being aware of your reality and your sensations has proven effective in teaching people to accept themselves. Some forms of mindfulness training that involve self-compassion require the input of a professional, but others can be practiced at home. Some of the benefits of conscious self-compassion include:
    • Learning to be less self-critical.
    • Learning to deal with problematic emotions.
    • Learn to motivate yourself through encouragement, rather than self-criticism.
  2. Make time and set your alarm. Give yourself 10-20 quiet minutes every night and morning to meditate. Once you set the alarm, you can let your mind wander, knowing that you won't be late for work because the alarm keeps you on your schedule.
    • Make sure the alarm clock has a moderate and pleasant sounding alarm to return from the mindfulness session in a pleasant change.
  3. Sit up straight in a chair. Find your most comfortable chair and sit down. Keep your posture upright and close your eyes to keep distractions out.
    • Also make sure to sit in the quietest area of ​​the house to minimize distractions.
  4. Watch your breathing. Pay attention to the way you breathe, but keep it natural. Do not adjust this unless you feel it is necessary. Feel every aspect of your breath moving in through your nose / mouth, descending into the lungs and energizing your entire body.
    • Feel your old breath rise and go out, sending some of your physical and mental tension with you.
    • Do your best not to collapse, but let your body relax a bit.
  5. Count your breaths. Take four breaths and then start counting again. Just think about your breath and your body.
    • If you find yourself thinking about something else, accept that you have gone astray, but don't judge yourself. Calmly return your attention to your breathing.
  6. Be consistent. Practice this mindfulness meditation every day, and you will gradually find yourself becoming more alert and more accepting of yourself, as well as your environment, getting better at just being or being, without making a value judgment on it.
    • It can take a lot of practice to get this done, so don't give up! Keep in mind that this will take time.


  • There are certain factors that are beyond your control. Don't try to control them. Just put the ideas you have into action and work hard towards them.
  • Don't blame others for the choices you have made yourself.
  • Find a picture of yourself when you were little. Think about how far you've come since then. Watch how much you have grown and think about all the goals you have achieved. You're a great person, so don't consider yourself worthless because everyone has a role in this life.
  • When you feel down, do things to distract you. This could be something artsy, yoga / working out, making music, or whatever you like to do to relax.


  • If you ever find that life is getting too much for you, get professional help.