Help yourself

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ezekiel - help yourself • 1 hour •
Video: Ezekiel - help yourself • 1 hour •


Many scientists believe that you can control almost half of the things that make you happy. A sense of well-being results in positive feelings, but positive feelings also create a sense of well-being. When you invest in your happiness and well-being, you create a process of positive feedback that starts and supports itself. By stimulating positive, realistic thoughts, you can create an upward spiral of happiness. Help yourself, but don't isolate yourself and don't shy away from asking others for help. There are things we can only get from others and things we can only give ourselves.

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Method 1 of 2: Create an upward spiral of happiness

  1. Encourage your positive feelings. Try to notice when you feel good and then feel good about it. The more you immerse yourself in positivity, the happier and more resilient you will feel. Rather than trying to force happiness, develop a sense of well-being, strength, and connection yourself. Affirm the positive thoughts that come to mind. Say them out loud or put them on paper to increase their resonance. "The sun's rays feel nice and warm on my skin." or "I'm proud of myself for doing the dishes."
    • At the end of each day, try to evaluate your day to determine what enjoyed you. Name three things that have brought you a feeling of joy.
    • Positive emotions help you deal with trauma or endure difficult times and provide you with resilience for the difficult times that may lie ahead.
  2. Try to find your happiness. People are known for having a hard time finding the things that make them happy. The pursuit of power, wealth, and fame rarely leads to personal satisfaction. Stress can cause us to replace satisfying things with coping mechanisms. Moments when you're entertained or rave reviews aren't necessarily your happiest moments. Before setting your goals, take the time to identify what really makes you happy.
    • Try to keep a diary during a regular week and make notes several times a day. What activities make me happy? What do the different activities that make me happy have in common?
    • Identify where you are when you feel happy and what your body is doing at the time. Are you outdoors? Are you on the move? Are you alone or in the presence of others? What time of the day is it?
  3. Set goals that are meaningful to you. Once you've identified some of the things that make you happy, ask yourself what these things have in common. What activities do you immerse yourself in? When do you feel like you are doing your best work or being at your very best? Set goals that will help you achieve greater involvement in your daily activities.
    • For example, if you felt happiest walking your dog, waiting for the bus, and watering the lawn, your goal may be to spend more time outdoors.
    • If you felt happiest helping a coworker at work or cooking together with your partner, the new goal you have in mind may be to find activities that help others.
  4. Show yourself the world. Concentrate on gaining experience rather than accumulating possessions. Spend the extra money you have on traveling and learning new things. Having countless great memories makes you feel more alive than acquiring material objects. Learning new things keeps you mentally strong later in life and can introduce new joy into your routine. Taking up a hobby can be a great reminder that you need to make time for other things without closing yourself off.
    • Volunteer for an organization you believe in to strengthen your sense of belonging and usefulness.
    • Try to set aside extra money for buying gifts for others. Take a friend for dinner or buy a nice bottle of wine for the person who has organized a dinner party.
    • Set personal learning goals for yourself. Take language lessons and then after you complete the course, travel to a country where they speak the language you have learned. You could also take a cooking class and then organize a dinner so that you can show your cooking skills.
  5. Show your gratitude. Wanting to have what you already own makes you happier than looking for new things. Change can be energizing, but investing your attention in the people and places you love makes a bigger contribution to your overall sense of happiness. Research what you already have and appreciate it. Make a list of things you are grateful for and share with those you love.
    • Appreciate the people around you. Helping yourself does not mean closing yourself off from the outside world. Take the time to tell your friends and family that you love them and what you appreciate about them as well.
    • If you feel that it is best to express yourself on paper, make a list of the names of the people you are grateful for and write a letter every day.

Method 2 of 2: Take care of yourself

  1. Get enough sleep. Insufficient sleep can worsen any problem you may be dealing with. Adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep per night with as few interruptions as possible. Too much sleep can cause lethargy and depression, while a lack of sleep can be detrimental to the resistance of your immune system, your weight and your psychological well-being.
    • If you are having trouble getting a good night's sleep, you could try developing a relaxing bedtime routine. Give yourself an hour before bed to brush your teeth, put on comfortable pajamas made of soft material, and engage in a soothing activity. Think of reading a book, meditating, watching a television program or listening to music.
    • Reduce your alcohol consumption and caffeine intake, and try not to take naps.
    • When you have a work-related or stressful thought running through your mind at night, calmly say to yourself, “This is not the time to think about it. It's time to sleep. ”
  2. Get plenty of exercise. When you get regular exercise, you will have more energy and confidence and feel healthier and more relaxed. Most adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Divide the physical activities into different times throughout the week. If you don't like going to the gym, go for brisk walks, bike rides, or take part in dance or yoga classes.
  3. Make sure you eat well. Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier than eating out, so educate yourself to cook the meals you love and make sure you stock up on enough foods. Instead of worrying about vitamins and supplements, simply eat enough fruits and vegetables and ensure a varied diet. When you eat a wide variety of foods, you will get the nutrients your body needs. Make sure you're getting the protein and carbohydrates you need for energy.
    • Eat at least three meals a day with an occasional healthy snack.
  4. Avoid negativity during an inner conversation. Treat yourself the way every person wants to be treated, so with compassion, respect and love. Instead of being too hard on yourself, talk to yourself in a calm manner. When faced with negative thoughts and feelings, you could name them. Identify situations that cause such feelings. Accept the feelings as they are, but try to find the root cause.
    • If a negative thought seems to recur often, you could name it and label it as nothing but an annoying byproduct of your environment. Say to yourself, “Oh, there is shame-for-one's-body again. Probably because I am in a waiting room with all kinds of magazines around me, each showing one body type. ”
  5. Apply mindfulness. Mindfulness involves paying attention to your thoughts, senses and feelings that you are having at the moment, without interpretation or judgment. This could take away or lessen your anxiety and help you relax, allowing you to leave a negative spiral. You can apply mindfulness by paying attention to your senses. Try to absorb everything you see, smell, hear and feel at that moment.
    • Try to express in words what you are doing when you start to feel tense or stressed. For example, say something like, “I'm walking down the street. I keep my coat closed. I breathe."
    • Feel your breath flowing in and out of your body. Try to identify which parts of the body move during the inhale and exhale. If your mind is about to wander, remind yourself to focus on your breathing.
    • To relax your entire body, you could contract each muscle group in turn and then release this tension.
  6. Draw up a budget. Make sure you have a clear insight into your income and expenses. Make sure you have enough money to cover your monthly expenses and try to set aside money as well. If you spend more than you earn, you should reduce your expenses. Drawing up a budget will make you less anxious and will help you make better decisions.
    • Calculate your income per month, what you spend and what you spend your money on. Then calculate what you can afford each month.
    • If you don't have a savings account yet, now is the time to open one. Calculate the amount that you can deposit into your savings account per month.
    • Examples of ways you can start saving money include cooking your food at home, buying loose ingredients instead of processed food or ready meals, traveling by public transport, and not buying drinks at cafes, bars, or coffee houses.
  7. Consult an expert. An example of a realistic way in which you can help yourself is recognizing the value of help from an outside party. There are situations we cannot get out on our own.If you are struggling with an addiction, mental illness, financial problem, legal problem or abuse, it may be difficult for you to make a full recovery without the knowledge and skills of a professional.