How to become more feminine

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 26 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
7 Ways to Increase Your FEMININE Energy *life changing*
Video: 7 Ways to Increase Your FEMININE Energy *life changing*


Have you ever wanted to be more feminine? Maybe your parents or husband said that they would like to see you more feminine and gentle? If you don't know how to achieve this, here are some helpful tips for you.


  1. 1 Take care of your hygiene. Take a shower at least once a day. Cleanliness is key when you strive to become feminine.
  2. 2 Take care of yourself. A daily shower isn't everything. Pay attention to the condition of your nails, they may need a manicure. Do it. If your hair is too dry, apply a moisturizer to it. These little details make a big difference.
  3. 3 Smell matters. Wear perfume every time you leave home. Put a small bottle of your favorite perfume in your purse - you can wear it throughout the day.
  4. 4 Take care of the condition of your skin. It's important to choose the right cleanser that's right for your skin type. To avoid skin problems, remember to wash off your makeup every night before going to bed. At the same time, do not overdo it, you do not need to wash your face more often than twice a day. Washing frequently can irritate the skin.
  5. 5 Apply light makeup. Try to find the right colors, and most importantly, don't overdo it with your makeup. Choose natural colors and learn how to apply beauty products correctly. The more you practice, the better you will get.
  6. 6 Don't forget about waxing. Do not be lazy to remove hair from all exposed parts of the body: legs, armpits and face.
  7. 7 Maintain a clear brow line. Pluck hairs as they grow back at least once a week. Try to maintain a clear, regular eyebrow shape.
  8. 8 Be polite. Always say thank you and please, it is very important to create a feminine look.
  9. 9 Keep your home clean. A woman is unlikely to make a good impression on people if she has a dirty, unkempt home. Always keep your surroundings clean.
  10. 10 Establish rules for dealing with people. Being feminine means respecting yourself.Determine how you want to be treated, and be sure to stick to the rules you set.
  11. 11 Smile. The more often you smile, the more joyful your life becomes and the better your well-being. Smile, a cheerful disposition and a cheerful smile are always liked by people.
  12. 12 Be a good friend. Let them say that there is no female friendship, you know that this is not true. There are so many selfish people in this world who only care about themselves, let's not follow their example. Always help your friends if they need it.


  • Pay attention to how you hold your back when sitting or standing. Watch your posture.
  • Take care of your health! Go in for sports. You will feel good and look attractive. Buy yourself some nice sportswear, and go!