Grow your eyebrows

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Grow Your Eyebrows
Video: How To Grow Your Eyebrows


If you've plucked your eyebrows a little too enthusiastically, you probably want to regrow them as soon as possible. While there is no magic trick to get your eyebrows back quickly, there are ways to make it a little easier. Keep reading for detailed instructions on how to get your eyebrows back in shape.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Wait quietly

  1. Prepare for it to take a few months. Eyebrows that have been plucked take a long time to come back. For some people it only takes six weeks, but others have to wait a year for their eyebrows to return to their old shape. So you have to be patient. Look at it like this: for the time being at least your eyebrows don't need any maintenance ...
  2. Stop epilating. You probably already know this, but we reiterate that your eyebrows will not grow faster if you keep pulling them out. Sometimes, epilation can even permanently damage the roots, so that the hairs never come back.
  3. Have them come back in rows. If you don't have to think about leaving all your hair back before you can get them back in shape, you can keep them coming back row by row. Let a row of hair grow back, and pull out the rest around it. When the first row has grown out, start with the next row next to it. Keep doing this until your eyebrows have returned to their original shape.
    • This way, your eyebrows will keep looking neat while you grow them.
    • This method does take a long time, so prepare for it to take even longer than having everything come back all at once.

Method 2 of 3: Stimulate growth

  1. Use an eyebrow serum. An eyebrow serum is a product designed to stimulate growth at the roots with peptides. Some of these serums work better than others; they can be quite expensive, and they don't work right away. If you want to try one, look for eyelash serums, which contain the same active ingredients and are available at many drug stores.
  2. Eat healthy foods. Encourage hair growth naturally by making sure you get enough vitamins and minerals to keep your hair and skin healthy. Get enough protein, B vitamins, iron, zinc and omega3. Include these healthy foods in your diet:
    • Walnuts, avocado and olive oil
    • Carrots, mangoes and sweet potato
    • Lean meats, salmon and other fish
    • Leafy greens such as spinach and kale

Method 3 of 3: Keep your eyebrows in shape in the meantime

  1. Use an eyebrow pencil. While you wait for your eyebrows to grow back, you can color them in with an eyebrow pencil. Choose a pencil that matches the color of your eyebrow well or is a shade lighter. Make short, thin strokes in the same direction as your hair grows.
    • If you're using an eyebrow pencil, subtle lines are better than thick ones. Don't overdo it by giving yourself very thick eyebrows; keep it when filling in the gaps.
    • When you go out at night, you can take a shade darker than your eyebrows.
  2. Apply petroleum jelly to your eyebrows before going to bed. Do this for at least a month. The petroleum jelly conditions your skin and hair follicles, which can revitalize dry, brittle strands of eyebrow hair and ultimately lead to better growth.
    • If you want your eyebrows to look thicker and better for a particular occasion, you can apply petroleum jelly right beforehand to distort the look of thicker brows.


  • Keep your eyebrows in shape by smearing a little bit of oil on them every day.