Increase your fertility naturally

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fertility 101: How to increase your chances of pregnancy
Video: Fertility 101: How to increase your chances of pregnancy


There are many couples who are unsuccessfully trying to conceive and find that it is more difficult than they thought. Unfortunately, there are several factors that can contribute to infertility, so it is not always easy to know the origin of this problem. Some couples facing this issue have to undergo extensive fertility treatments to get pregnant, while others simply have to make some lifestyle changes to increase their fertility. These changes are a variety of simple and effective tips to increase the chances of pregnancy. These natural techniques can be beneficial for all couples who would like to have a child.

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Part 1 of 2: Making lifestyle changes

  1. Watch your weight. A healthy BMI increases fertility for both men and women. This is because your weight affects the production of your hormones. Being overweight decreases sperm production in men and causes a decrease in the frequency and consistency of ovulation.
    • A normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. You can calculate your BMI on the internet.
  2. Eat healthy. Your weight largely depends on what you eat. While no studies to date show that a particular diet would increase your fertility, a balanced diet improves overall health, including reproductive health. Avoid sugar and other simple carbohydrates, as well as fatty or fried foods. Rather, opt for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, lean meat proteins (such as skinless fish and chicken), and healthy fats (such as fats rich in omega 3 and omega 9).
    • Note that once you get pregnant, you need to adjust your meals and especially avoid certain types of fish, such as tuna, which can contain a high concentration of mercury.
    • Celiac disease that is not taken care of is considered a possible cause of reduced fertility in women. If you have celiac disease, you should try to avoid gluten while trying to conceive. For more information about a gluten-free diet during pregnancy, see your doctor.
  3. Stay active. Another important step in maintaining a healthy weight is plenty of exercise.
    • Try to do moderate cardio (anything that gets your heart racing, like jogging, cycling, swimming, etc.) for at least 30 minutes five times a week.
    • Women should also stick to a moderate exercise schedule as vigorous exercise performance lowers progesterone levels. This hormone is important for ovulation. Avoid vigorous exercise for less than five hours a week.
  4. Avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STDs, especially chlamydia and gonorrhea, can cause infertility in both men and women. Both STIs sometimes have no symptoms, so it's always a good idea to get tested for STIs before you stop using a condom when you want a baby.
    • Both infections are bacterial and you can treat them with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.
  5. Stop smoking. The use of tobacco products is a major cause of infertility for both men and women. Women who smoke age their ovaries and deplete their egg supply prematurely. In men, smoking is associated with reduced sperm count, reduced sperm mobility and even malformed sperm.
    • It's rarely the best way to suddenly give up smoking forever. Consult your doctor about the best way to quit smoking that will also meet your desire to get pregnant.
    • You can also find more information in the article quitting smoking.
  6. Reduce your alcohol consumption. Experts have linked the use of alcohol to a number of fertility problems in both women and men. Excessive drinking can confuse ovulation, making it difficult to determine when you are most fertile. In men, excessive alcohol consumption is associated with low levels of testosterone, which can eventually lead to decreased sperm count and even impotence. You should always drink in moderation and consider avoiding alcohol completely if you want to get pregnant.
  7. Check the lube. Consider avoiding lube completely during intercourse. Many lubricants contain chemicals that kill sperm or make it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg. If you must use lube, try simple baby oil or a fertility-friendly brand.
  8. Stop caffeine. Drinking too much caffeine affects your fertility, especially for women. Family planning experts advise women who are planning to conceive to limit the amount of caffeine they drink to 200 or 300 mg per day.
    • This roughly means a large cup of coffee or two small espressos (or less).
  9. Work during the day, if possible. When your work hours change, your sleep quality decreases, which can also mess up your reproductive hormones. If you work at night, check whether you can work temporarily during the day. If this is not an option, try to sleep at the same time of the day as much as possible.
  10. Discuss your medication with your doctor. Some medications can lead to decreased fertility. Discuss the possible side effects of your medication with your doctor. He or she may be able to adjust or reduce your medication dosage while you're trying to conceive.
    • Never change your medication without your doctor's advice.
  11. Avoid exposure to chemical and toxic products. Both women and men should avoid exposure to chemicals and other toxic products. These can lead to menstrual problems in women and a reduced and affected sperm quantity in men. You should have as much protective clothing and equipment as possible when using chemical products. Some products to avoid are:
    • Nitric oxide if you work as a dentist or dental assistant
    • Organic solvents such as those used in dry cleaning
    • Agricultural chemicals
    • Industrial and processing chemicals
    • Chemicals for hair care
  12. Reduce your stress. Increased stress levels can affect reproductive hormones and fertility in both women and men. If you are under a lot of stress at work or at home, take the time to relax with meditation, your favorite hobbies, or any activity that can help lower your stress level.
    • Learn more about ways to reduce stress here.
  13. Avoid high temperatures. Temperatures much higher than the normal body temperature around the man's testes can affect sperm production. Wear loose and airy underwear (such as cotton) and avoid hot environments such as saunas and hot baths.

Part 2 of 2: Use an optimal timing method

  1. Check your cervical mucus on a calendar. Women can observe their body temperature and changes in their cervical mucus to determine when they are most fertile - also called the sympto-thermal method. After the last day of your most recent periods, start recording information about your cervical mucus on a daily calendar.
  2. Check the mucus when you urinate. One of the easiest ways to check this is to rub toilet paper in the morning before you urinate. It's good to observe your mucus for a variety of reasons, including:
    • Color - is it yellow, white, transparent or opaque?
    • Consistency - Is it thick, sticky or stretchy?
    • Feel - Is it dry, wet or slippery?
    • In order not to make a mistake between regular lubricant and cervical mucus, you should avoid having intercourse during the cycle in which you first record the information.
  3. Notice how the mucus changes during your cycle. You will notice several distinct changes in your cervical mucus throughout the month. These changes are usually:
    • No obvious secretion in the first three or four days after the end of your period
    • Slightly opaque, sticky secretion for three to five days
    • An abundance of clear, wet and slippery secretion for three to four days, indicating the period just before and during ovulation
    • A sharp decrease in cervical mucus for the next eleven to fourteen days until the next period begins
  4. Check your basal body temperature on the same calendar as your cervical mucus. Your basal body temperature indicates your temperature when you have completely relaxed. Many women notice a slight increase in their body temperature - around 0.3 ° C - during ovulation, which helps you determine your most fertile days.
    • Since the change in temperature is so small, you need a very accurate digital thermometer that measures in tenths of a degree.
    • You can use the thermometer orally, vaginally or rectally, but always use the same method to get accurate results.
  5. Take your temperature every morning before you get up. To have a consistent basal temperature in the same conditions every day, keep your thermometer on your bedside table and measure your temperature before you get up in the morning. You should also ensure that you sleep for at least three uninterrupted hours of sleep at night to counteract changes due to disruptions.
  6. Try to get pregnant on the days when you are most fertile. Your most fertile day is about two days before your basal temperature goes up. By keeping track of both your cervical mucus and your basal temperature, you can determine your most fertile day when your cervical mucus becomes excessive and clear, but your basal body temperature has not yet risen.
    • Although two days before your temperature rises is still for ovulation, it is still an ideal time as your partner's sperm can survive in your reproductive organs for up to five days.
    • It can take several months with this period before you get pregnant. Be patient and schedule sex periods with your partner every month during this time.


  • It is always good to discuss a long-term fertility problem with your doctor. If you're trying all of these options to boost your fertility and still can't get pregnant, make an appointment with your family doctor. It may be a good idea to have a full fertility test to find out if there is an underlying problem that is preventing you from getting pregnant.