Surprise your boyfriend

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
9 Romantic Surprises You Can Do for Your Partner (Matthew Hussey)
Video: 9 Romantic Surprises You Can Do for Your Partner (Matthew Hussey)


Surprising your boyfriend can be a great way to bring you closer together. A surprise can make a strong, emotional impression and it can stop time, shake up expectations, and make you both feel good. If you surprise someone now and then, you show them how much you love them, whether the relationship is early or has been going on for years. You can learn how to organize a treat, party, or adult activity to keep the relationship exciting and show you care.

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Method 1 of 5: Come up with ideas

  1. Brainstorm ideas. Your relationship is unique, and so is your boyfriend. Think about what he likes and what makes him feel good. Wonder what activities, events, places and hobbies he enjoys. Notice what turns him on, is passionate, or what makes him laugh.
    • If the relationship is early, try to find clues in casual conversations. Try not to betray your plan so that you can really surprise him.
    • Consider asking a friend or family member for ideas.
    • You can also think of things that you are not sure he likes, but that there is a good chance that he will.
  2. Pay attention to what he likes. You can get all kinds of ideas by listening to what he says, watching what he does, and paying attention to the conversations he has - not just with you, but with others as well. Remember what he orders at a restaurant, what things he does in his spare time, and what he watches on TV. Listen carefully when he says he really likes something when the two of you are out or when you are cuddling. Find out what makes him laugh.
  3. Make a list. Write down your ideas about what you know or think he likes. Try to write down as much as possible so that you can choose from a long list and so that you know a few things for future surprises. If you write down ideas, it often leads to other ideas.
  4. Try to step outside your comfort zone. It's surprising when you do something you wouldn't normally do just because you love someone. For example, you can buy tickets to a football game for you and your friend just because you know he likes it - although you don't like football or crowds at all. It's okay to sacrifice every now and then to be able to share an experience together that he likes more than you. Hopefully he will do something like that for you some other time.
  5. Think outside the box. If you don't put in that much effort, the surprise will likely make less of an impact. For example, if you just buy something from the store for Valentine's Day, it will be less meaningful because someone is more likely to expect it. If you're creating or organizing something unique to both of you, it's much better. This is your chance to show how much the other means to you.
    • The things you do to initiate the surprise are basically less important than the idea that you want to organize something new or unexpected. This creates the surprise that makes the surprise so powerful.
    • Know that your surprise really doesn't have to be very big or expensive. Little things can mean just as much. Just make sure your boyfriend doesn't expect you to.
  6. Pay attention to what he dislikes. It's important that you have an idea of ​​the things he doesn't like, doesn't like to do, or places he doesn't like to go. Of course you don't want to make a nice dinner with salmon and asparagus if he thinks asparagus is nasty. He might eat it because he doesn't want to be a bummer, but it's less fun for him than he intended. So pay attention to negative reactions to certain dishes, experiences and activities.

Method 2 of 5: Special treats

  1. Just give him a present. A gift from nowhere? That is always appreciated. If you know there is something he would like, such as a game or sportswear, just buy it for him.
    • If nothing can think of what he wants, or if it is too expensive for you, surprise him with something cheaper that you know he will like, such as a book or a DVD about something that interests him.
    • If you're too young to buy a big present, put a sweet note in his bag at school, or decorate his locker when he's not around. Surprise!
    • The more you pretend it's nothing, the more surprising it will be. If you say to him, "It's not a small thing, I just had to think about you," he will be knocked back. Guaranteed.
  2. Buy tickets for something he likes. A competition, concert, beer festival, or other nearby event are all great ideas for guys. Buy the tickets and make sure he has nothing to do that day. See if there are other activities nearby and make it a special day for the two of you together.
    • If you don't really like what he likes very much, it is still good to do it together. Then you show that you show interest, even if you are not that fond of football yourself. Come along and make sure you have a nice day together.
    • You can also organize an evening for friends among themselves. Buy him and a friend tickets to a game or band and send them out for a night. Stay at home and enjoy an evening alone.
  3. Pamper him for a whole day. Every boy likes to be treated like a king all day long. If you want to surprise your boyfriend, wait until he is off for a day and tell him to spend all day saying what to do. Let him be the boss.
    • Make sure he doesn't have to do chores for a whole day and don't plan anything for yourself. Do whatever it takes to make him relax. Let him control things. If he wants to go out, you guys go out. If he wants to stay home, you stay home.
  4. Organize a nice dinner. Many people say that the man's love goes through the stomach. That is probably true for many men. Preparing his favorite meal can spoil him no matter how long you've been together.
    • If the two of you haven't been together that long, and you've never cooked for him, it's always a nice surprise to invite him over and have some great cooking whatever you make. And then you can give him breakfast in bed the next morning.
    • Organize a picnic or make a reservation at his favorite restaurant. Eating at home is fun, but sometimes it is also great to go to a restaurant that he likes very much, which also shows that you care about him.
    • Take a snack tour in a city he likes. Go to any local brewery to sample beers (you drive) or research the best bitterballen at all the cafes in a particular neighborhood. Choose something he likes and eat a lot of it. Plan the route in advance.
    • Surprise him with lunch at work. Even if he's too busy to go out to dinner with you, you can show him how much you love and remember him even when the two of you aren't together by putting in some effort and having a nice lunch to prepare.
  5. Don't forget the little things. A lot of guys like things that seem relatively unimportant to you. If you're organizing something complicated like a relationship memory scavenger hunt, some guys might find it really clingy. But things that you find very drowsy, he may find important again. Try the following as a surprise:
    • Borrow his car and fill it up.
    • Ask if he'd like to watch that action movie he loves so much.
    • Make a really tasty sandwich for him while he's hanging in front of the TV.
    • Clean up his house for him.

Method 3 of 5: Organize a surprise party

  1. Throw a party somewhere else. A surprise party is fun, but how about doing it in a public place so you don't have to clean up afterward? Much better for a boy. Plan the party at a friend's house or at a nearby cafe or restaurant.
  2. Provide the drinks and snacks. Don't forget: Guys love to eat and drink. If you're throwing a surprise party, get real men's snacks. Find out what he likes best and make sure there is enough of it.
    • If your friend likes meat and potatoes, organize a barbecue. Ask a friend who is good with the grill to make some tasty spare ribs or burgers and make sure there is enough for everyone.
    • If your friend is more into healthy food, take him to a nice place he hasn't tried yet. Book for all his friends, treat him to a delicious menu and organize the whole evening.
  3. Never mind the decoration. You don't have to put a lot of time and effort into decorating a party for boys. If you really like it you should just do it. But if it takes too much time and energy, just let it go. He probably doesn't see how much effort it takes to make intricate decorations.
  4. Don't give him any hint. Pretend you forgot it's his birthday, or throw a surprise party on any day. You can congratulate him so he doesn't get sad, but don't hint that a room full of people, food, and gifts is waiting for him.
    • You can also organize a surprise party for any occasion that people normally don't throw a party for. A promotion, for example, could be very important to him, but he wouldn't expect a party for it. You can surprise him by celebrating this achievement with him.
  5. Signal his friends. It is very important to show that you like his friends. Surprise your friend by inviting his friends to watch a football game or to play cards for a night.
    • You can also ask his friends to meet you at a restaurant or concert so that he is surprised when he sees that all his friends are already there.
  6. Do something with his family. If your friend is close to his family, include them in your plan. It sure impresses and shows that you take the relationship seriously.
    • It doesn't have to be a big party. Simply invite them over for dinner on a weekday, or ask if he would like to have dinner with his parents with you. It may be a relief for him to see that you are interested and like it.

Method 4 of 5: Surprise your boyfriend (for adults)

  1. Welcome him at the door in something sexy. Put on your most sultry, seductive outfit and greet him at the door as soon as he arrives. That's a nice welcome for him, especially when you know he's had a long or bad day.
    • It doesn't have to be very naked. Anything that makes you look extra good shows him that you made an effort to surprise him.
    • Just make sure he's alone or it can get very uncomfortable.
    • Even better: Forget the door. Wait for him in the bedroom.
  2. Try something new. Is the grind starting to get in a bit? Do some research and try a new technique that drives him crazy. Such surprises always fall well.
    • If you don't feel like it, wake him up with one of your old tricks. That is always a nice surprise.
  3. Give him a sensual massage. The next time your boyfriend is around, surprise him by giving him a sensual massage. This allows him to relax, and it can also be very exciting. What's not to like about that?
    • Massage does not mean that you also have to make love. Even if you're new to the relationship, a shoulder massage can be great for your boyfriend.
  4. Say exciting things. If you're normally very good, it will come as a huge surprise if you suddenly start saying exciting things to him that you normally only hear in certain movies. And it can be very exciting. However, if you think this will make your friend uncomfortable, don't overdo it.
    • If it makes you uncomfortable yourself. then ask him to say exciting things to you. Give him the opportunity to try something new if he wants to.
  5. Send him exciting text messages throughout the day. If your friend is having a busy day, let him know that you think of him "that way" and you will drive him crazy. An exciting SMS is one of the best surprises. Let him know what you plan to do with him later.
    • Be careful with photos. If you're in a long-term relationship, sending pictures may not be a bad thing. But if you haven't known someone that long, or it's someone you think could use the photos against you, think again.
  6. Do things you used to do. If you've been in a relationship for a long time, you probably went through a phase earlier where you gave each other a lot of naughty surprises, or teased each other. Think about what you did or said then, and repeat it again. Maybe you forgot to put on some panties under your pretty black dress when you went to a restaurant or the cinema - help him remember by doing it again.
  7. Ask him about his fantasies. If you're not sure how to surprise your boyfriend in the bedroom, talk about it.Learning about your boyfriend's fantasies can help you get closer to him and become even more intimate. You don't want to risk doing a wild striptease for him and he'll turn his nose up at it. Always talk to him about what he would like to do and do your best to open up to it.
    • Never do anything you don't like. Just because he wants something doesn't mean you should do it to surprise him. Be honest with him. In addition, just talking about fantasies can also be exciting enough.

Method 5 of 5: Surprise your boyfriend (other ideas)

  1. Go for a drive together. You don't necessarily have to have a goal - except to be together. Go out and find the adventure, if you don't know where you are going it can be even more exciting. If you like the mountains, the beach, or the forest, throw camping gear in the back and hit the road.
    • Always bring a first aid kit, flashlights, food, water, a spare tire, blankets and other things as a precaution, especially if you are going out for several days.
  2. Surprise him with a babysitter. Kids are great, but it can be hard to do fun things together every once in a while to keep your relationship going. Find a nanny and have the children under the pans for the evening or night so that you can rekindle the fire without crying babies or children arguing. It can be a wonderful surprise for your friend to come home to a quiet house and spend the whole evening with you in peace.
  3. Play a joke. If your boyfriend has a sense of humor and loves jokes, you can surprise him with that too. For example, you can hide in the fridge and scare him when he wants to grab a beer, or you can scare him by dressing up and then wake him up, or bake a cake and throw it in his face. A good joke will make you both almost choked with laughter.
  4. Write a message on the bathroom mirror. After showering, write on the mirror how much you love him. You can write a sentence, a quote or a short poem. It disappears when the steam is gone, but it reappears when he gets out of the shower.
  5. Send him one love letter. Forget email or text. Write an old-fashioned love letter with pen and paper and mail it. He can hold a love letter in his hands, and it can remind him later how much you loved him.
  6. Leave notes. Put little notes that let him know you love him or make him laugh where he will find them during the day. Put one in his wallet, in his jacket pocket, in the car, on his desk, or all over the house. Those little tokens of affection can cheer him up when he's having an off day and make him laugh because he knows you're thinking about him.
  7. Change the background of his phone, tablet or computer. Replace the background with something funny, like a picture of yourself pulling a funny face, or something else he likes or thinks sexy. He will be surprised when he turns on the device and he will immediately think of you. Even small things like this can strengthen the relationship because they are unexpected.
  8. Surprise him with something precious. Buy a nice frame for his diploma or certificate. Restore an old family photo. Sew that hole in the shirt he's had since high school. Use software to cut the background noise from the cassette tape he was singing on as a child.