Hold your girlfriend romantically

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to Touch a Woman without CREEPING her out!
Video: 10 Ways to Touch a Woman without CREEPING her out!


If you want to show your girlfriend that you think about and love her without saying a word, then you need to learn how to hold her romantically. By initiating a warm, romantic touch, you can deepen the bond with your girlfriend and make her feel special.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Prepare yourself

  1. Be confident and relaxed. Your touch can communicate many things to her, but what you may not know is that it can also convey your state of mind. If you feel nervous, tense, or anxious, your girlfriend will most likely be able to feel it through your touch. If you get nervous about holding your girlfriend, remind yourself that she's not just your girlfriend (she loves you!), And she probably hopes you will hold her hand or your arm around her hit.
    • Be confident, but not cocky. While your girlfriend is likely to look forward to your touch, don't assume that you can touch her whenever you want. Treat her personal space with respect.
    • Calm yourself by inhaling for four seconds and then exhaling for four seconds. Repeat this at least four times and you should feel more comfortable.
    • If you're still nervous, squeeze the fleshy part between your thumb and index finger. Applying pressure to this area can quickly calm your nervous system.
  2. Make sure she likes the contact. The easiest way to do this is to just ask her. Saying something like, "Can I hold you?" Is not only sweet, it is also a way to be 100% sure that she likes being touched. You can also try touching her on non-threatening areas, such as her upper back or between her elbow and hand, and watch for her reaction.
    • Pay close attention to her body language. People can read each other's emotions very accurately through touch - if they pay close attention. If she seems uncomfortable in any way - if her muscles are tense, avoiding eye contact, or just making you feel like she doesn't like it, stop what you're doing.
    • Don't be angry or offended if your girlfriend isn't in the mood to be touched. It probably has little to do with you - some people just don't like being touched. It doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't like you.
    • Think about how long you've been dating or statements she's made about her boundaries in the past. It's not a good idea to grab her butt after the two of you together for just a week, especially if she's indicated she's willing to take it slow.
  3. Consider your environment. If you're in the middle of a cafeteria or at a family gathering, you probably won't hold her in the same way you would if you were alone on the couch with the two of you. It can make things uncomfortable for her and the people around you. If her parents are around, it could even get her into trouble!
    • When in public, hold back - just hold hands, or wrap arms around each other, or maybe put your hand in her back pocket. Save the hugs and really intimate things for when you're alone.

Method 2 of 3: Hold your girlfriend while you are walking or standing somewhere

  1. Hold her hand. Holding hands not only makes you feel connected, but also declares to the world, "We are a couple!" Get close to her so that you are shoulder to shoulder. You can see how she reacts to this first touch, and your hands will be close enough that you can easily hold hers.
    • If you're nervous and your palms are sweating (which is normal and okay, but not always the best feeling), give them a quick wipe on your pants before trying to grab her hand.
    • Hook your little finger into hers. This is a great move if you haven't held your hands yet or if you're nervous - it's very flirty and makes it easy for her to drop your hand if she doesn't want to hold hands yet.
    • Slide your hand under hers so that your palms touch.
    • Intertwine your fingers through hers so that your hands are clasped together. Or try putting your thumb over hers and wrapping your fingers around the back of her hand - the way you would hold your hands if you made a "begging" gesture.
    • It may be helpful to change positions every few minutes so that your palms don't get too sweaty.
  2. Put your arm around her waist. This is a romantic way to hold your girlfriend when you are walking or standing next to each other and looking at something. It is especially good if there is a height difference between the two of you as you can slide your hand up to her hip or the bottom of her back.
    • Walk side by side, reach your arm across her back and put your hand on her waist.
    • Gently pull her towards you so that she is against your body, under your arm.
    • Know that she may not want to be touched near her stomach. Some girls are a little self-conscious about their waist and may not feel comfortable being touched there, especially if you pinch her.
    • If she's uncomfortable with your hand on her waist, try sliding it up to the bottom of her ribs, or just put your arm around her shoulders instead.
  3. Hug her romantically. You can do this when you are opposite each other. This is probably best done in private, as it is quite intimate and can lead to some kissing as you face each other.
    • Slide your hands under your girlfriend's arms and wrap them around her back. Slowly pull her towards you so that your bodies are pressed together (but not too tight)!
    • Rest your chin gently on the top of her head, look down into her eyes, or hide your head back on her neck.
    • If she's comfortable with this, slide your arms down so that you hug her around her waist.
  4. Cuddle her from the back and wrap your arms around her. This is a fun way to surprise her, but you need to make sure you already know her limits and that she's okay with being touched.
    • Approach your girlfriend from behind and slide your hands under her arms.
    • Wrap your arms around her waist. Kiss the top of her head, cheek, or neck for a little extra romance.

Method 3 of 3: Hold your girlfriend while you are sitting or lying down

  1. Put your arm around her shoulder. This move is a classic for a reason - it allows you to hold your girlfriend close to you and invites her to rest her head on your shoulder.
    • If you are sitting next to each other, drape your arm over her upper back. You can hold her arm or shoulder with your hand or run your hand up and down her arm.
    • After a few minutes, try running your fingers through her hair gently.
    • If you are very comfortable with each other, take your free arm and slide it under her knees, encouraging her to lift her legs and drape them over your lap.
    • If she rests her head on your shoulder, you can rest your head on top of her.
  2. Lie down spoonful when you are together on the couch. Lie on your side behind your girlfriend. She should also lie on her side. Wrap your arm around her and pull her back against you so that her back is pressed against your chest.
    • You may have to move a little to figure out what to do with the arm that is under you. It can quickly become uncomfortable if your arm is clamped under your body weight or under your girlfriend.
    • Make it even more intimate by intertwining your legs while lying like that.
  3. Put your arm around her shoulders when lying down. If the two of you are having a lovely day in the park and decide to lay back and stare at the sky, now is the perfect time to bring her close to you. If you're not already sitting next to her, slide over so you're close to her.
    • Slide your arm under her neck or have her lift her head so you can get your arm around her.
    • Put your hand on her shoulder and gently pull her towards you.
    • This position will allow her to rest her head on your chest or arm. She can stay on her back or roll onto her side so she can look at you.
    • Use your free hand to run your fingers through her hair or stroke her face.


  • Don't force your girlfriend to do something she doesn't want to - but don't worry, it will all come naturally when she's ready.