Text your crush and start a conversation

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Start an INTERESTING Text Conversation with Your Crush
Video: How To Start an INTERESTING Text Conversation with Your Crush


Texting (or WhatsApp, etc.) is an accessible and informal way to start a conversation with your crush. Calling all the time can make you seem overly eager, and following your crush everywhere can make you seem like a stalker! Texting is easily accessible, and a lot less nerve-racking than one-on-one contact in person. So take a deep breath, gather your courage, and start texting.

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Part 1 of 3: Starting the conversation

  1. Make sure you get your crush's phone number. This is best done when you are having a good conversation with each other. Casually ask her for it, and pretend it's not that big of a deal at all.
    • Say something simple like, "Hey, let's exchange phone numbers. By the way, I recently got an iPhone, what kind of phone do you have?"
    • The moment right after exchanging the phone numbers can be a bit awkward. Make sure to keep the conversation going so that the exchange will seem completely natural.
  2. Send the first message. A simple "What are you doing?" or "What are you doing?" is a good way to start the conversation.
    • If your crush answers that he / she is watching television, listening to music, or playing a video game, ask him / her what he / she is watching, listening to, or playing. Whatever your crush says, make sure you can comment on it so that the conversation can continue.
    • Your crush might say something like "I'm doing my homework." You can answer, "We have a lot of homework these days, right? It really took me a long time!" Or if your crush doesn't go to the same school as you, you can say, "Oh, poor you! Do you have a lot of homework?"
    • Also tell your crush what you are doing. If your crush sends you what he / she is doing, return something like, "That's cool, I'm just checking out Facebook" or whatever you're doing.
  3. Watch your crush behave. Look for clues that the person likes texting or that he / she has had enough. Maybe you are even ready to ask him / her on a date.
    • If the responses to your text messages are very short and to the point, then you should probably return something like, "Okay, I'll talk to you later." Don't look too much behind it. Maybe the other person is just a bit cranky or very busy. Just don't seem too desperate or needy. Don't try to force a conversation.
    • If your crush responds with questions like "What are you doing?" then you know that he / she wants to keep talking. Let the conversation flow naturally. However, you want to make sure that you are the one who ends the conversation. Be talkative and direct.
    • Look for opportunities to take it to the next level. If the conversation gets intense, or focuses on very personal matters, or if your crush is going to confide in you about a problem, say something like, "Why don't you give me a call so we can talk? Maybe we can meet up sometime. "
    • Be bold. When you know the right time has come, ask your crush on a date. If he / she rejects you, know that there are plenty of other fish swimming in the sea!

Part 2 of 3: Other ways to start a conversation

  1. Text your crush and ask, "How did you like school today?"If the answer to that is" Okay "or" Fairly normal, "then you can ask what he / she thought of the homework, the project you did, the geography assignment you have to do, next week's book report, or the exams coming soon.
  2. Use holidays and holidays to start conversations.
    • If you text your crush just before Christmas or just before his / her birthday, you can ask him / her about his / her plans.
    • If you text your crush right after a holiday, ask, "Did you have a good time on your birthday? Got something special?"
    • Learn about holidays that you don't celebrate. For example, if your crush is celebrating Hanukkah while you are celebrating Christmas, ask them what that holiday is all about.
    • Text your crush around New Year's Eve, and ask him / her if he / she has good intentions. You can also share your own resolutions.
  3. Ask questions about his / her family. Maybe your crush wants to complain about his sister, or your crush has a brother who is going to live in a room. If you have a brother or sister of your own, you can say something like, "I know exactly what you mean when you talk about your sister. My sister drives me crazy too." You can also ask questions about his / her parents, or even about pets.
  4. Ask your crush about his / her hobbies.
    • If your crush is playing tennis, ask him / her how the last match went.
    • If your crush has other interests, such as a band, the school newspaper, or chess, ask him / her if anything exciting happened recently.
  5. Text something nice. Maybe your crush got a bad grade, lost an important game, or experienced something else pathetic - like the loss of a loved one or a pet. Send a message with something like, "I'm sorry to hear what happened. How are you?"

Part 3 of 3: Rules to remember

  1. Take your time. With a text message you have 160 characters to send a great message. You don't have to respond directly to your crush's message. Think before you send anything.
  2. Be careful not to overrun your subscription. Make sure you have a generous SMS bundle, or that you keep a close eye on the number of SMS messages you send. You don't want to be in for a nasty surprise when you or your parents receive the phone bill.
  3. Ignore abbreviations. Abbreviations make you appear superficial and fleeting. Save the abbreviations for your BFFs, and use full sentences and punctuation marks when texting your crush.
  4. Be careful with emoticons. Smilies and the like are fine, but you should be reasonably sure that your crush likes you too before sending flirty emoticons. Be at least 99% sure that he / she likes you before sending love emoticons.
  5. Make sure your crush sometimes initiates a conversation as well. Don't text him / her too often. Texting once or twice a week is sufficient. You don't want to appear desperate.


  • If you want him / her to text you back, always end with a question or something that can be answered easily.
  • Keep the conversation light. Never make huge statements like "I love you" via text message.
  • If you have a good sense of humor, don't hesitate to use it. Everyone loves someone who can make them laugh.
  • Wait as long as he / she before you respond.
  • If you want to ask your crush on a date, try doing it in person. That may be nerve-wracking, but it says more about you.
  • Remember, if your crush isn't initiating so many conversations, it could be because you seem too needy. Take it slow and see it from his / her perspective.
  • Don't be too transparent. That makes it weird.
  • Talk to your crush in life, and don't be a sissy.
  • You can use a blushing emoticon.


  • Think carefully before you start sexting. It can turn off your crush if you are too direct or if you start too early. Also, don't send your crush inappropriate photos of yourself or dirty talk. Never do anything that makes you uncomfortable.
  • Never text while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You can regret what you sent.


  • A cell phone
  • An unlimited subscription
  • Sufficient battery