Determining your fat burning zone

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Fat Burning Zone Explained | The Science of Carbohydrate vs. Fat Burning During Exercise
Video: The Fat Burning Zone Explained | The Science of Carbohydrate vs. Fat Burning During Exercise


The fat burning zone is defined as the level of movement at which your body is mainly burning fat for energy. When you exercise within your fat burning zone, about 50% of the calories burned will come from fat.If you train more intensively, about 40% of the calories you burn will come from fat. If weight loss is the goal of your workout, you can maximize fat burning by determining your fat burning zone and exercising within that zone. The fat burning zone is different for everyone, but can be useful during your workouts to adjust the intensity of your workout based on your heart rate.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Determining your fat burning zone

  1. Calculate your fat burning zone with a formula. There is a relatively simple formula for determining your fat burning zone. This one isn't 100% accurate, but it gives you a relatively reliable range to aim for.
    • First, you look for your maximum heart rate (MHR). To do this, subtract your age from 220 as a man and 226 as a woman. Your fat burning zone is between 60% and 70% of your MHR (your MHR multiplied by 0.6 or 0.7).
    • For example, a man's 40 MHR would be 180, and his fat burning zone would be between 108 and 126 beats per minute.
  2. Use a heart rate monitor. There are a variety of heart rate monitors available - watches or wristbands, chest straps, and even those built into the handles of some cardio machines. Heart rate monitors can help you judge your heart rate and fat burning zone based on your age, height and weight.
    • Using a heart rate monitor will also give you a more accurate idea of ​​where your fat burning zone is. This is because the heart rate monitor keeps track of your heart rate while you exercise and can then use that current heart rate data to calculate your fat burning zone.
    • Many first-time users of a heart rate monitor find that they may not have trained as hard as they thought. Pay close attention and challenge yourself - but keep it safe.
    • While many cardio machines - such as the treadmill or the elliptical - have a built-in heart rate monitor, they are often not 100% accurate.
    • Heart rate monitors for the chest are just a bit more precise than wristbands or watches. They are also usually a bit more expensive.
  3. Get a VO2 Max test. A VO2 max test (volume per unit of time, oxygen and maximum) accurately examines your body's ability to use and transport oxygen during exercise. This test requires the participant to walk on a treadmill or exercise bike, and breathe through a face mask, which measures oxygen and carbon dioxide levels as your heart rate increases.
    • This information can then be used to determine the level at which you are burning the most fat and calories in your fat-burning zone.
    • The VO2 Max test is considered the most accurate and reliable test method for the condition of your heart and blood vessels. You can go to a gym, some laboratories and your doctor for this test.
  4. Use the talk test. This is the least technical of all the ways to determine your fat burning zone. The talk test requires you to speak during the exercise, determining whether you should increase or decrease the intensity of your workout based on how out of breath you are.
    • For example, if you are out of breath to talk, then you should decrease the intensity of your workout. If you can talk easily, you are not training hard enough.
    • You should be able to say a short sentence without any problems.

Part 2 of 2: Apply your fat burning zone to your exercises

  1. Add in some cardio exercises. Doing a combination of moderate and vigorous cardio exercises will usually get you the best results. This is especially true if your goal is to lose weight.
    • Include training forms that are not too heavy and fall within your fat-burning zone about half the time. Activities may include jogging, cycling, or swimming more slowly. But this is different for everyone.
    • Also choose some cardio exercises that are more intensive. Although this is outside of your fat-burning zone, overall you will burn more calories and improve your fitness.
    • You usually burn more calories in the zone above your fat-burning zone (the aerobic / cardio zone) where there is more intensive training. However, the total calories burned also depends on the duration of a workout, and it may be easier to exercise longer within the fat-burning zone because it is less strenuous.
    • In addition, include at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio in your weekly workout.
  2. Also do strength training. It's important to include strength training in your weekly schedule. This helps build and strengthen the muscles, in addition to increasing your metabolism. Weight training is critical for fat burning. It is essential to maintain and develop lean muscle mass while losing fat mass.
    • Do strength training at least two days a week, and then at least 20 minutes at a time.
    • Forms of strength training are: working with weights, isometric exercises (such as push-ups or pull-ups) and Pilates.
  3. Work with a personal trainer or coach. If you are interested in your fat burning zone and how you can best use that information, a personal trainer or coach can help you well. He can work with you to determine your fat-burning zone and help put together a suitable training plan for applying that information.
    • Talk to your trainer or coach about your goals. Is it losing weight? Grow more muscle mass? That way they can tailor their program for you.
    • Also ask how you can best use a fat burning zone to your advantage.


  • Many health centers or fitness centers can do the VO2 max test, but at an additional cost.
  • Know that while you can burn more calories from fat in your fat burning zone, the total calories burned may be less than a more intense workout because the latter burns more calories overall.
  • Purchase a heart rate monitor if necessary. This can help you not determine your fat burning zone, but also provides you with the tools and data you need to reach that specific zone during a workout.
  • Work with a personal trainer to create a training schedule that best fits your end goal; whether it concerns losing weight, muscle development or improving your fitness.


  • Always consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Important: If you experience light-headedness, dizziness, or pain, stop exercising immediately.