Shave your pubic hair

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Shave Your Pubes (Full Body Manscaping Guide)
Video: How to Shave Your Pubes (Full Body Manscaping Guide)


Shaving the pubic area is a sexy trend for a growing number of men and women. However, it takes the necessary finesse to get it right. Whether you are male or female, getting rid of pubic hair and avoiding irritation are top priorities. Read on before you get started down there.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Part One: Getting yourself ready to shave

  1. Trim your pubic hair. Razors are intended for shaving relatively short hair and will therefore quickly become clogged and dull if you shave hair that is too long. To trim your hair, gently pull it towards you and cut it with small, sharp scissors, clippers with a safe attachment, or even an electric razor (without rotating shaving head!). Try to cut your hair to less than 6 cm.
    • If you want to touch up your pubic area for the first time, keep it short for a few days before shaving everything off. This way you can get used to your shorter pubic hair a bit.
    • Are you known as a klutz? Then consider forgoing the scissors. You have to cut super close to your genitals and this can be intimidating. So if you get a bit disgusted with the thought, choose a clipper. With this, the blades can only reach a certain distance from the skin.
  2. Soothe your hair and follicles by taking a warm shower or bath. This makes the coarser hairs a lot easier to shave. It may seem like an unnecessary step, but it will only speed up and ease the process.
    • Nobody has time for that, you say? Then cover the pubic area for about five minutes with a warm, wet washcloth.
    • People with the necessary experience in shaving pubic hair will tell you that it is important to have both as after shaving (some recommend only the latter). When you exfoliate yourself, make sure all hairs are facing the same way. In addition, it removes all skin residues so that you can shave shorter, and you reduce the risk of cuts. Do you have enough time? Exfoliate yourself before applying the shaving cream.
  3. Apply shaving cream to reduce irritation. Preferably use odorless foam, cream or gel to coat your pubic hair. It is also recommended to use shaving gel / foam that is specially intended for the pubic area. Apples and pears, folks. And your mother should have taught you, but never shave your pubic area without lubrication.
    • Always test the shaving cream on another part of your body before applying it to your pubic hair. Some people get an allergic reaction from certain products.
    • The fact that these products are usually marketed for women does not mean that you should have them linked as a man. Shaving cream for women is usually a bit milder than that for men: shaving cream for men is also often perfumed, which can lead to irritation and tingling. Didn't see me. If you're a man, go to the supermarket at a quiet time, or just grab the foam from your girlfriend / roommate / sister. She probably won't notice.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Shave the best you can

  1. Grab your razor. It's a new one, right? The newer the blade, the better the shave. Hopefully it has as many individual blades as possible and something hip like a gel-like substance on the sides. This substance reduces the need for lubrication. Do you care if the blade is pink or blue? As long as it's sharp and has three or more blades. Not only does this make it easier for you; it is also much safer for the skin.
    • Don't feel like buying new razors every time? Then take good care of the blades that you want to reuse. Keep a special razor for your pubic area and make sure you clean and keep it well. Do not leave the blade wet after use - water can damage the blades.
  2. Make sure the skin is taut. If it is too loose you can cut yourself. Razor blades work best on a smooth surface. Keep your skin taut with your free hand.
    • Make it easy on yourself and start below the navel. Pull the skin up just above the lubricated shaving edge. Where you go from there is your choice. Do you take everything off? Do you make a smiley? Do you write “OPEN” in Helvetica? You are your own canvas, and art imitates life. However, if you keep the bathroom barricaded for hours for your hair calligraphy, you're likely to get some questions about the ears.
  3. Shave gently and gently. There are two things to remember: Shaving "with the growth of hair" minimizes the risk of irritation and ingrown hairs; "Against hair growth" results in the best results. With these two things in mind, you choose your personal favorite. If you have very sensitive skin, you will probably want to shave "with the hair growth". Even if it takes twice as long to get the desired result.
    • As soon as you transition to a shorter shave, try shaving "past the hair growth"; for example, if hair grows downward, shave to the left or right. Get to know how your hair grows - not having to watch the hair grow every time will speed up the process.
    • Don't shave too much. Shave an area only as often as necessary to remove the hairs. Too often on the same area can cause a burning sensation.
    • In the early stages of shaving, you will likely find that when you shave for two consecutive days, you get red bumps and / or itchiness. Skip a few days until your skin is used to the change.
  4. Don't forget, uh, ass. If you've ever had your southern regions waxed, you know the feeling when the beautician asks you to "turn around." Oh yeah… She is going to treat that region that you have conveniently forgotten. So it is in this situation. If you want to shave everything, that is.
    • Check everything once, again with your free hand. The mirror may tell you that you have removed all of the hair, but is this really the case? If you want to be completely hairless down there, check the top, the bottom, the inside, the outside, the front, the back, and everything in between.
      • If you shave everything, be aware that having no pubic hair at all can increase the chance of getting and spreading an STD. The STDs in question are HPV and water warts. While the latter doesn't sound like an STD, it technically is.
  5. Clean up your mess. If you leave the sink in the shared bathroom clogged with pubic hair, you may be banned from the house, have to do a week-long chore, or at least until St. Juttemis becomes the piss of your roommates. Save yourself the shame. Be polite and clean up your mess.
    • It is easiest to trim yourself over the toilet and shave yourself in the shower. Certainly when it comes to cleaning, anyway. After shaving, take a look in the pipes, on the floor, on your towels and on your razor. The crime scene should contain absolutely no evidence.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Avoiding the redness and itching

  1. Use exfoliating products to keep the skin clean. Exfoliating products ensure that dead skin cells are removed after shaving. In addition, they ensure that the shaved hairs stand upright and you prevent the ingrowth of hairs. You can then clean the rest of the pubic area with regular soap. Do this carefully. This way you remove all kinds of things that can block the pores and cause ingrown hairs. This way you limit the risk of inflammation. What's the point of shaving if you get all kinds of red bumps in return?
    • A tip from the pros: using a sugar-based scrub will leave your baby's bottom-soft skin.
    • Women, don't let soap get between your labia. Your vagina is naturally cleansed by your body and requires no products other than water. In fact, soap can upset the vagina's pH balance (the vagina's pH level is low to ward off harmful bacteria). Thus, the vagina becomes more susceptible for infections.
  2. Rinse off any remaining pubic hairs, pat dry and apply. Aloe Vera, baby oil and other moisturizing products are suitable for sensitive areas. Avoid moisturizers with fragrances and colors.
    • Whatever you use, make sure it is odorless and not chock-full of potentially irritating perfumes. Avoid absolutely men-after shave-that's just fire in a can. Think Home Alone… on your genitals.
    • Baby oil can degrade the quality of latex condoms. So if you plan to have sex, use something other than baby oil.
  3. Be careful with powders. Although powders absorb the sweat and oils around the pubic area, so you will suffer less from irritation and bumps, you should be careful. Do not allow powder to get into the most sensitive particles of the vagina or penis. You should also be careful not to suffocate the skin with too much powder. That way, pores can become clogged and thus cause pimples.
    • Women should never apply talcum powder to their genitals. Talcum powder has been associated with ovarian cancer. Talcum powder is also no longer used as a dry lubricant on surgical gloves. It is believed that when the talcum powder comes into contact with mucous membranes, it may become poisonous.
  4. Examine the area with tweezers. Even the most experienced shaver, and the most expensive razor, will miss a hair here and there. Grab the tweezers and get the job done. The pain only lasts for a few seconds. You can do it!


  • If you get itchy or razor bumps, apply some lotion. Do not scratch as this will make the itching worse.
  • Use a different razor for your pubic area than for your face or armpits.
  • Always use good, sharp blades and a lubricant (shaving cream, or conditioner)
  • High quality razors are better than disposable razors. Again, don't use the same blade you use on other body parts.
  • Remember, whether you are male or female, your genitals are very sensitive. It may therefore take a while to get used to shaving. After four or five sessions, the sensitivity will have completely disappeared. You probably won't get a perfect shave right away. This comes naturally with the necessary experience.
  • If you don't shave the entire pubic area, choose to keep shaving in your v-shape. This way the whole looks a lot more neat and complete.
  • Use a mirror to make sure you don't cut your sensitive areas.
  • Apply diaper rash ointment to the red shaving bumps.
  • Wait until you are awake for at least half an hour before shaving. While sleeping, moisture remains under the skin. This makes the skin a bit more puffy.


  • Regardless of how short you shaved or how long ago, the hair follicles can always be a little itchy. This is because the hairs are quite rough, and the skin is very delicate. It can be caused by low temperatures (such as goosebumps) and also the swelling of the skin. The skin may swell due to the irritation. Both the low temperatures and the swelling cause the new hairs to stand up. If you want a baby-soft pubic area, consider using wax, an epilator, or a chemical depilatory.


  • Scissors / clippers
  • A sharp razor blade
  • Shaving cream (or a similar product)
  • Soap or a scrub
  • Aloe Vera, Baby Oil, Lotion, or the like
  • Tweezers
  • A towel