Holding up your stool

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
12 Things Your Stool Says About Your Health
Video: 12 Things Your Stool Says About Your Health


If you need to go to the bathroom but there is no bathroom, you have no choice but to hold it up. It's a tricky situation to deal with. There are several things you can do to make your stool hold longer, although it is best to find a toilet as soon as possible. You can also try eating or not eating certain foods. If the problem is that you don't dare to go to a public restroom, there are things you can try to address that problem so that you feel more comfortable with it.

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Method 1 of 3: Hold your stool for a short time

  1. Tighten your sphincter. The external sphincter is the muscle that controls whether you have to go to the bathroom or not. When you go to the bathroom, you normally contract this muscle without thinking about it, but squeezing your buttocks can also help.
    • Tighten your sphincter until your urge disappears.
  2. Exercise and do not move too much. Moving your body also sets your stool in motion, which is partly caused by the shaking of your organs. Instead, try to sit as still as possible to hold up your stool.
  3. Do Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises can help strengthen the muscles in and around your anus, making it easier for you to hold up your stool. To do these exercises, tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Hold them tight for a moment and then relax them again.
    • Stop urinating while on the toilet to tighten your pelvic floor muscles. The muscles you use to stop the urine stream are the muscles you need to have. However, don't make it a habit to stop urinating in between, as that can be bad for you too. Just do this once or twice to get an idea of ​​which muscles to use.
    • If you are male, try to tighten your muscles for 3 seconds and then relax them again for 3 seconds. Do this a total of 10 times. As a woman you tighten your muscles for 5 seconds and then relax them for 5 seconds. Also 10 times. Both men and women should do a series of 10 exercises 3 times a day.
  4. Use loperamide. This is an over-the-counter medicine, available under the name Immodium, which can help reduce urgency when you have diarrhea. Take the medicine according to the directions on the package and keep in mind that you may develop constipation if you use this medicine too often.
    • It is best not to use this medicine if you are pregnant and breastfeeding. Children 6 years and older can use a children's version of this drug.
  5. Take bismuth subsalicylate. Another over-the-counter drug for diarrhea is bismuth subsalicylate. Take this medicine in liquid form or as a pill, whichever you prefer.
    • It is best not to use this medicine if you are pregnant, but talk to your doctor if you have any problems.

Method 2 of 3: Eat the right foods at the right time

  1. Adjust your schedule so that you can go to the bathroom at a convenient time. Many people have to go to the bathroom in the morning after drinking a cup of coffee or eating breakfast. If you want to hold up because you are at work, get up earlier and eat breakfast at home. That way you can just go to your own bathroom comfortably before going to work.
  2. Eat bread to get firmer stools. Bread is low in fiber, especially white bread. For example, it can help if you have diarrhea. Just be careful not to eat too much bread, as you can get constipation.
    • Eating foods that are high in fiber can strengthen your urge. So if you want to go to the bathroom less often, don't eat fiber-rich foods like wholemeal bread. White bread is low in fiber because it is not made from whole grains.
  3. Do not drink alcohol if you think it will cause you problems. If you have to go to the bathroom too often, it is best not to drink alcoholic drinks. You may suffer from diarrhea and bloating so that you go to the bathroom more often instead of less.
  4. Do not eat high-fiber foods when you have an urge. Fiber-rich foods include fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The fiber in these foods aids the digestive process and makes your intestines work faster. So don't eat these foods if you're trying to hold up your stool.
    • Remember, this is only a temporary fix. Eating high-fiber foods is generally good for you and can help you avoid constipation. Constipation can actually cause you to have problems holding your stool.
  5. Don't drink caffeinated drinks. Caffeine often has the effect of requiring you to go to the toilet. Not everyone is sensitive to this, but if you are, it is better not to drink drinks that contain too much caffeine such as coffee, tea, energy drinks and soft drinks.
  6. Do not eat or drink dairy products. Dairy products can cause constipation in some people. That may seem ideal, but in people who are less able to cope with it, dairy can cause diarrhea. It is a good idea to avoid eating and drinking dairy products if you have problems going to the bathroom.

Method 3 of 3: Address your fear of public toilets

  1. Mask the sound. If you are one of the people who don't like other people hearing their toilet noises, there are a few things you can do to mask the sounds. Turn on the tap when you are at someone else's home. Another option is to put toilet paper in the toilet bowl so that there is no clattering noise.
  2. Flush after each round. To make the smell less bad, flush the toilet every time you poop something. This way you can partially mask the toilet noises. Keep in mind that water can splash on you this way.
  3. Spray the toilet with air freshener. If your anxiety is partly caused by the smell, use an air freshener. You can use a special spray that you spray on the water before you poop. The spray will reduce the odor so that others will not be able to smell her.
  4. Remember this is a natural thing. Sometimes you may feel embarrassed about having to defecate in a public toilet or near a loved one. However, remember that everyone goes to the bathroom, including the most intelligent person you can imagine. It's an inescapable fact, and just thinking about it can make it less embarrassing for you.


  • If you try to hold your bowel too often, you can experience problems such as constipation and leakage from the anus.