Train and care for your new Siberian Husky puppy

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Things to Teach your NEW PUPPY Right Now!
Video: 4 Things to Teach your NEW PUPPY Right Now!


Siberian Huskies are popular for their friendly nature and easy care. They are loyal dogs that thrive with families. Huskies are also notorious for being stubborn and difficult to train. If you are considering bringing home a cute husky puppy, it is important that you know what to expect. The decisions you make regarding care and training in a dog's early life can make a big difference in his personality later in life.

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Method 1 of 4: Taking care of your pup's health

  1. Feed three times a day and reduce to twice. An adult husky should eat two meals a day. Puppies, on the other hand, will have to eat more often to grow. Feed your husky three meals a day until it is three months old, then switch to two meals a day.
    • If the puppy has trouble finishing his bowl before three months old, or his tummy is very full and bloated with three meals, divide the daily amount between four meals.
    • When he is 12 to 16 weeks old, you will notice that the puppy is only nibbling a little from his midday meal. You can stop at this point.
    • Feed a high quality feed with as few artificial additives as possible. This is important for any age, but especially for a growing puppy.
    • Feeding on a regular schedule will help potty train the dog as most puppies need to be walked 15-30 minutes after eating.
    • Do not let your dog at any age free food. Offering the food bowl at scheduled times and removing it when the dog is ready is a good way to show your stubborn husky that you are in charge.
  2. Brush your dog, and don't wash it. Huskies are naturally clean dogs. They will keep themselves clean and have little body odor. As a result, you only need to wash a husky once a year. But the dog's thick coat needs regular brushing.
    • For most of the year, you should brush your dog once a week, immediately taking the opportunity to inspect and clean his ears and brush his teeth.
    • If he's moulting, brushing daily will reduce the amount of loose hair in your home.
  3. Take care of your puppy's paws. Since huskies are working dogs, their paws are very important to them. You should trim long hair on their legs and keep their nails short.
    • Dogs have blood vessels in their nails, so it's important not to cut them too short. If you are new to trimming dog nails, you may want to ask a dog groomer or vet to do it, or at least show you how to do it.
  4. Have your puppy's eyes checked. Because the Siberian husky is prone to eye problems, it is important to have your puppy's eyes checked at a young age. Specifically, huskies are often diagnosed with:
    • Cataract, a gray film over the lens of the eye.
    • Corneal dystrophy, a clouding of the cornea that bitches are particularly prone to.
    • Generalized progressive retinal atrophy, a condition in which the dog's eyes slowly degenerate until it becomes blind.
    • These conditions are often hereditary. Find out what you can find about your pup's parents to find out if they are likely to occur.

Method 2 of 4: = Create a good environment for your puppy

  1. Prepare your home and yard to avoid escapes. Huskies are the escape artists in the dog world. You will have to prepare your home for it by doing everything you can to make it harder for them to run away.
    • With a husky you have to be more or less constantly on your guard. You will also need a fence that is at least six feet high and that they will not easily pass under. Concrete or strong mesh on the bottom of the fence will work fine.
  2. Make sure your puppy gets plenty of exercise. Due to their active nature, Siberian husky puppies need a LOT of exercise.
    • Huskies were bred to be working dogs, so they are easily bored when not given a job. To keep your husky happy, make sure he gets 30 to 60 minutes of vigorous exercise every day.
    • Huskies are great dogs to run with once they get older. They love to run, play and chase things.
    • Huskies are energetic and easily bored. If you don't provide adequate exercise, you will have as a consequence an unhappy dog ​​who is constantly howling and tearing your things apart.
  3. Introduce your puppy to other people and animals. Huskies are friendly by nature. But just like any other dog, a husky puppy will need socialization to be comfortable with people and other animals. Make sure to bring your puppy into the world at a young age and introduce him to lots of people and other dogs.
    • If your puppy seems nervous or suspicious of other dogs or people, socialization and puppy training classes can be a good idea. These classes will help your dog learn how to interact with others properly.
    • Socializing your dog at a young age will have a major impact on his personality later in life. Unwanted behaviors such as biting, barking and guarding properties are often the result of poor socialization.

Method 3 of 4: Training your puppy

  1. Set appropriate boundaries. Because huskies are so stubborn, it's important to set boundaries from the start. They have to learn that you are the boss.
    • Don't let your puppy sleep in your bed, this will cause confusion about his role in the family. You can make an occasional exception when your dog is older.
    • Have everyone in the household give the dog a handful of treats. This teaches your husky that everyone in the house can control their access to food.
    • Be consistent with all the rules you set. If you aren't, your dog will learn that sometimes he can get what he wants if he tries hard enough. Make sure everyone in the house acts the same way.
    • Be patient. Your dog can be trained if you are strong and consistent. Huskies often enjoy training tasks because they are working dogs.
  2. House train your puppy. Like all new puppies, your Siberian Husky will need to be house trained. There are three main ingredients to house training a dog:
    • Keep an eye on your puppy. Keep a close eye on your puppy when he is indoors to prevent accidents. This is easiest if you limit your dog's room to move to a small area of ​​your home. If you catch your dog in the act urinating or defecating indoors, make a loud noise and say No! Then immediately take your dog outside.
    • Take him outside regularly. A puppy will have to go out more often than an adult dog. To minimize the risk of accidents in the house, take the puppy outside as often as possible and on a regular schedule.
    • Reward the desired behavior. When your dog goes outside, praise him and give him a treat in the form of a small treat. This will help him understand where to relieve himself and confirm the behavior. Using a clicker can help your dog learn this faster (see below).
  3. Train your dog to crate. An important part of potty training your dog is bench training. This is when you teach your puppy to spend time contentedly in his crate. Dogs will not foul their own space.
    • With huskies, this is also a good way to minimize damage to your home when you are not there.
    • If you can't keep an eye on your puppy, you can put him in his crate with a treat or kibble and a chew bone. After a while, the dog will start to enjoy spending time in it, and if there is a lot of stress, he may even withdraw there for a while.
    • Crate training is easiest when you start by offering your dog a treat in his crate without closing the door. After doing this a few times for a few days, try closing the door for short periods. Then you can build it up to longer periods in the crate.
    • Puppies under 10 weeks of age should not be crated for more than an hour. From 11 to 14 weeks, your puppy can spend up to three hours in a crate. In its 15th and 16th weeks, up to four hours is acceptable. From 17 weeks, a puppy can spend up to five hours in a crate.
    • Never use going to the crate as a punishment if you want to crate him successfully.
  4. Train your puppy on a leash. Leash walking is also crucial for huskies. Because of their tendency to run, teach them to walk neatly on a leash.
    • Huskies can easily run off and get lost if you don't keep them on a leash.
    • Get your dog used to the collar by putting one on while he's eating. The dog will learn to feel comfortable and even develop a positive association with the collar.
    • Then start walking him around the house, giving him treats when he walks next to you and not pulling on the leash. Once you get that done, try it outside!
  5. Train with a clicker. As with other puppies, clicker training is a great way to teach Huskies commands and obedience.
    • In clicker training, every time your dog does something on command that is desired, click with the clicker and give him a treat. The combination of the sound and a reward will help your dog learn what you want him to do more quickly.
    • Begin by teaching your dog to associate the click with a reward. Just click at random intervals and give him a treat right away.
    • Once your dog has learned to make that association, you can start using the clicker and reward combination to reward desired behavior.

Method 4 of 4: Prepare for the future

  1. Learn about the physical characteristics of huskies. As with any dog, it is valuable to know the important physical traits of the breed. Siberian Huskies are robust dogs bred for physical labor in cold climates.
    • On average, males grow to about 53 to 60 cm in height. They will weigh between 20 and 28 pounds.
    • Females will average 50 to 56 cm in height and weigh 16 to 23 pounds.
    • Huskies do not suffer much from health problems. But there are a few conditions to be aware of. In addition to the eye problems, they can also develop hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. This is when these joints take on bone overgrowth, resulting in pain and difficulty walking.
    • Huskies shed a lot, especially when the temperature starts to rise. Be prepared to clean up a lot of dog hair.
    • Disregarding incidents, you can expect your husky puppy to live an average of 12 to 15 years. So be prepared to take care of the dog for at least as long.
    • Huskies don't do well in extremely hot or humid conditions. You should rule out a move to Southern Europe or other warm areas in the near future.
  2. Understand the husky's temperament. Some of the husky's personality and behavioral traits may be helpful to take into account beforehand while training and socializing your new puppy.
    • Huskies are extremely energetic and free-spirited. They are active dogs with a lot of energy and easily bored. This is why your husky can destroy your home or yard if you leave it alone for a long time. This is also the reason why they are less suitable for small apartment living.
    • Huskies are strong-willed and intelligent. This can make them great company, but it also makes them more difficult to train than other dogs.
    • Huskies are friendly and loyal. They are pack animals and are better at home in a family than a single owner. They are also friendly with strangers.
  3. Prepare to cry. Huskies rarely bark, which is good news. The bad news is that they tend to cry quite loudly.
    • Proper training and plenty of exercise will reduce this behavior. But, especially in the beginning, take into account a lot of crying behavior.


  • A slicker brush works well in grooming a husky puppy.
  • Siberian Huskies are escape artists, so you should always keep your dog on a leash outside. Check your fence regularly for weak spots or gaps before letting your new puppy out in the yard.
  • You can buy a good dog training clicker at any pet store. It is, along with sweets, a good tool to use in training.
  • If your husky gets hot in the summer, use a cold bath and place it in the shade, and put a fan near him at night when he goes to sleep.


  • Do not take a husky if it is hot and humid in your area. They are unable to deal with this. These dogs were bred to work in the polar regions. In hot conditions they will suffer.
  • In addition to teaching your dog how to interact with children, teach any children in the family how to interact with dogs. Never leave young children unattended with a dog.