Rinse your kidneys

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To - Cleanse your  Kidneys body with celery and green apple juice drink first thing in morning
Video: How To - Cleanse your Kidneys body with celery and green apple juice drink first thing in morning


Kidneys filter and remove waste from the body, balancing levels of salt and other important nutrients. Genetic predisposition and ingestion of toxins can reduce your kidney function. Kidney health is very important to your overall health. Flushing your kidneys actually means flushing them. If you want to flush your kidneys, there are several steps you can take to make sure you are doing it in a way that is healthy and beneficial for your body.

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Method 1 of 3: Eating and drinking for healthy kidneys

  1. Make sure you get enough fluids. Prolonged dehydration can hinder the proper functioning of your kidneys. Drink when you are thirsty and drink enough to keep your urine colorless or pale yellow. It is a myth that extra water on top of this base will help flush your kidneys, but it will help prevent kidney stones from forming in high-risk groups.
  2. Provide a balanced diet. Your diet is very important for the health of your kidneys. When trying to flush your kidneys, pay special attention to your diet. You should always strive for a healthy diet, but it's especially important when you're cleaning an important organ like your kidneys. A healthy, balanced diet helps prevent high blood pressure and diabetes, the two leading causes of kidney damage.
    • Watermelon is a great addition to your diet. It contains a lot of water and acts as a diuretic, flushing the toxins from your kidneys.
    • Eat more berries. Cranberries and raspberries in particular can help rid your kidneys of unwanted substances.
    • Pumpkin seeds are high in powerful antioxidants that can help improve kidney function. Consider adding them to your diet as a healthy snack.
  3. Cut down on sodium. A diet with a high sodium content increases the risk of high blood pressure. This can lead to extra strain on the kidneys. Less sodium in your diet is a great way to promote overall health, especially your kidneys.
    • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and fruits. Fresh varieties contain less sodium than canned products.
    • Read the labels. Start by scanning ingredient lists to make sure the foods you buy are not high in sodium. Canned soups are an obvious one to avoid. Compare products to make sure you're buying the product with the lowest salt or sodium content. Look for products labeled "low sodium".
  4. Drink natural juice. Since your kidneys are your body's filtration system, they can begin to collect residue. Drinking natural juice with no added sugars is a good way to get enough fluids and nutrients at the same time.
    • Cranberry juice is one of the most effective kidney cleansers because it helps reduce the amount of calcium oxalate (and therefore the chance of getting kidney stones) in your body. Look for juices that are all natural and have no added sugars.
    • Beet juice is excellent too. It contains betaine, which can help remove residues.
    • The natural acidity in lemon juice helps flush your kidneys. Add water to make it less acidic.
  5. Take herbal supplements with caution. Many herbs have been traditionally used to treat kidney problems, but overuse of them, or a combination of them with other herbs or medicines, can ultimately cause more damage than it does well. Always talk to your doctor before starting any dietary supplement.
    • Milk thistle and grapefruit seed extract are all examples of naturopathic kidney treatments. Herbal products are usually best taken as a tea by soaking the herb in hot water for five to 10 minutes.
    • Dietary supplements are especially risky if you have kidney disease or if you are taking other medications. Even beneficial supplements such as vitamin C or cranberry tablets can backfire when taken in large amounts.
    • To avoid contaminated products, look for certified supplements from an independent organization, such as Consumer Lab, NSF International, or U.S. Pharmacopeia.
  6. Try a cleaning. A kidney cleanse is a great way to give your body a fresh start and to learn new, healthy habits. Consistent healthy changes are safer and more effective than extreme changes, so don't feel the need to embark on a vigorous cleanse. A few days - or even just one day - of cleaning can yield good results.
    • When doing a cleanse, only eat specific foods and drinks. These include fruits, such as cranberries, and herbs, such as marshmallow root. Look for recipes that allow you to include these foods in your meals.
    • Cleansing also means avoiding certain foods that put a strain on your kidneys, especially alcohol and caffeine. If you're at risk for kidney stones, avoid chocolate, nuts, tea, wheat bran, beet greens, strawberries, rhubarb and spinach as well.

Method 2 of 3: Support your kidneys

  1. Exercise regularly. Exercise can help you avoid weight gain and high blood pressure, both of which put unnecessary pressure on your kidneys. Keeping your body healthy can keep your kidneys functioning properly. Aim to get at least 20 minutes of physical activity a day.
    • Look for an activity that you enjoy. For example, if you like to go for a walk, ask a friend to come along and schedule a set date to explore your neighborhood. If you enjoy swimming, look for a community pool in your area.
    • If you have never exercised before, consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.
  2. Stop smoking. If you smoke, quitting smoking can not only improve your overall health, but it will also benefit your kidneys. Smoking impedes blood flow to vital organs, including your kidneys. This means that they cannot effectively flush toxins from your body.
    • Quitting smoking is difficult, but there are many resources you can use. Ask your doctor about medications or nicotine products such as gum or patches.
  3. Take medications as directed. While there are many benefits to drugs, there can be side effects as well. Some prescription medications are known to cause kidney damage. Make sure to discuss this option when your doctor gives you a prescription.
    • Over-the-counter pain relievers - especially NSAIDS such as ibuprofen, Aleve, and Motrin - can also cause kidney damage when taken regularly. They are fine for occasional use, but talk to your doctor about alternatives if you need to treat chronic pain and are concerned about your kidney health. Paracetamol is safe for your kidneys.

Method 3 of 3: Understanding kidney health

  1. Learn why your kidneys are important. You will be better able to take care of your kidneys when you understand how essential they are to your health. Your kidneys remove waste from your body - just think of it as your filtration system. Without your kidneys, the sodium and potassium levels in your body can reach harmful levels.
    • Try to create habits that lead to good overall health. For example, try to limit your caffeine and alcohol intake. You will see multiple health benefits and your kidneys will thank you.
  2. Know the risks of ill health. Chronic kidney disease is the most common kidney disease. If the condition persists, it can lead to kidney failure, meaning waste isn't properly filtered. Symptoms of kidney disease include fatigue, nausea, passing more or less urine, fluid retention (which can cause shortness of breath) and increased potassium levels.
    • Chronic kidney disease is usually caused by high blood pressure or diabetes. If you have either condition, have a doctor test your kidney function at least once a year.
    • Kidney stones are another common ailment. These are solid particles, often formed by minerals, that can be very painful. Symptoms include pain (sometimes extremely severe and stabbing) in the back, side and abdomen, as well as problems and pain during urination.
  3. Talk to your doctor. If you suspect you have kidney disease, you should see a doctor. Make sure to describe your symptoms as specifically as possible to your doctor. You can also request information about preventing kidney disease.


  • Talk to your doctor before starting an over-the-counter kidney cleanse, especially if your risk of chronic kidney disease is higher than normal. Your doctor can recommend a well-known and regulated brand.


  • Uncontrolled diabetes can also damage the kidneys and in some cases cause kidney failure; that is why it is important to treat your diabetes adequately under the guidance of your doctor.