Detox your kidneys

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make The Great Kidney ’Spring Clean’ Juice || HEALTH HACK
Video: How To Make The Great Kidney ’Spring Clean’ Juice || HEALTH HACK


Your kidneys have the important job of filtering and eliminating waste that your body produces, so keeping them healthy is essential. Although detoxification and fasting is becoming more and more popular, there is not much scientific evidence to show that you can remove toxins from your body. Your liver and kidneys can do this very well on their own, so it is better to keep these organs healthy than to fast or detox. If you do want to detox, drink lots of water and eat foods that are good for the kidneys.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Detox your kidneys

  1. Talk to your doctor first. Consult your doctor before detoxifying your kidneys. Depending on your current health, it can be dangerous. Don't be surprised if your doctor is skeptical about the idea of ​​the detox. He / she will likely recommend drinking more water and eating healthier to keep the kidneys healthy over the long term.
    • If you have existing problems with your kidneys, your doctor can prescribe you a special diet in collaboration with a dietitian.
    • Kidney detoxification can affect drug absorption, so don't detox if you're on drugs.
  2. Drink more water. The safest way to detox your kidneys is to increase the amount of water you drink. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your kidneys healthy. If you do want to detox, make sure you drink plenty of water as well.
  3. Eat less processed foods. Support your kidneys by eating less processed and salty foods. Processed carbohydrates that you should avoid are: candy, chocolate, cake, cookies and soft drinks. Other processed foods include white bread and white pasta.
    • A detox diet where you leave out all processed foods can make you feel better in the short term.
    • For a long-term solution, you need to choose a balanced diet.
  4. Try to detox with apple juice. If you want a quick method of cleaning your kidneys, you can only take liquids for a while. There is a method that is claimed to cleanse the kidneys and remove kidney stones. One should drink 11 liters of apple juice and 11 liters of filtered water.
    • Apples are good for the kidneys.
    • Apples can lower cholesterol and glucose levels in the body and are high in vitamin C. The skin is a good source of antioxidants.
    • Keep in mind that packaged apple juice often contains a lot of sugar.
  5. Consider the "Lemonade Diet." Another liquid that can be drunk during a detox is lemonade. You make this by adding two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, two tablespoons of maple syrup and a pinch of cayenne pepper in 250-500 ml of water.
    • This "lemonade" is the only thing you can drink for ten days, after which you can only eat raw fruits and vegetables for a few days.
    • Drink between 6 and 12 of these glasses of lemonade every day.
    • It is also recommended to drink a laxative tea every morning.
    • However, there is no scientific evidence that these types of diets are good for health.
  6. Try watermelon. Another cleansing diet recommended by some to detoxify the kidneys involves eating a lot of watermelon. You can buy 10 to 50 pounds of watermelon (a few large melons) and try to eat as much of it as you can during the day while emptying your bladder regularly.
    • If you have chronic kidney problems, you shouldn't try this method as watermelon is high in potassium.
    • Don't eat more than a small bowl of watermelon a day if you have chronic kidney disease.
    • Watermelons are 92% water, so it's about the same as if you were just drinking a lot of water.
    • Too much watermelon is dangerous for your health, so consult your doctor first.
  7. Consider cleansing with herbs. An alternative to the "lemonade diet" is a diet in which you drink a special herbal tea. To do this, leave hydrangea root, purple liverwort and marshmallows in 2.5 liters of cold water. Let it sit overnight and then add some cooked parsley before bringing the whole mixture to a boil and then allowing it to steep for another 20 minutes.
    • When it has cooled, drink about 60 ml and put the rest in containers.
    • Every morning, mix 180 ml of this mixture with 120 ml of water in a large mug.
    • Add 20 drops of goldenrod tincture and a teaspoon of glycerine.
    • Drink this mixture throughout the day, but stop if it gives you stomach pain.

Method 2 of 2: Take care of your kidneys

  1. Drink lots of water. Your kidneys can function better and naturally clean themselves of toxins from the body if you drink a lot of water. Try to drink at least 8 large glasses of water, but drink more when it is very hot outside, as your body will also lose moisture through sweating.
    • Pay attention to the color of your urine to determine if you should drink more water.
    • Your urine should be the color of straw. If it's darker, you may be dehydrated and need to drink more water.
    • If you drink a lot of water, you have less chance of getting kidney stones.
  2. Eat healthy. A healthy, balanced diet keeps your kidneys healthy, which helps your entire body to rid itself of toxins. A healthy diet is high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, so you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Use the 'disk of five' of the Nutrition Center to put together your diet:
    • The best things to eat for your kidneys are apples, blueberries, and strawberries.
    • Also try to eat kale and spinach. Sweet potatoes are also very good for the kidneys.
    • Fish with a lot of omega3 fatty acids are good for the kidneys. Try to eat salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines every now and then.
  3. Eat less salt and fat. By eating less salt and fat, your kidneys can function better. Eating fresh foods more often and less packaged foods can drastically reduce the amount of salt in your diet. Packaged foods often already contain a lot of salt, so if you cook yourself, you can better keep an eye on how much salt you consume.
    • Check the label to see if a product contains "less salt" or "no added salt".
    • Use herbs for flavor instead of salt.
    • Rinse canned vegetables before reheating.
  4. Do not smoke or drink alcohol. Smoking and drinking can be very harmful to the kidneys. Try to quit smoking altogether, and limit alcohol to two small drinks a day for a man and one glass a day for a woman.
    • You can also get high blood pressure from smoking and drinking.
    • High blood pressure is one of the most common causes of kidney disease.
    • See your doctor at least every five years to have your blood pressure checked.
  5. Get one active lifestyle. You should always combine a healthy diet with an active lifestyle. If you are overweight, your blood pressure can rise, which can cause kidney problems. Try to move about 150 minutes a week. This can be anything from walking to swimming and from football to fitness.
    • Calculate your BMI so that you know if you have a healthy weight.
    • You can use this calculator on the website of the Netherlands Nutrition Center to do this: