Overcoming your lusts

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: OVERCOME YOUR STRONG SEXUAL DESIRES | The Devil Doesn’t Want You To Know This


Do you feel hard to resist lust towards someone or everyone? Overcoming your lust is a choice you have to make, it is not forced on you and it is difficult to disable. So you will have to work on something that will make you forget or replace or diminish your desire. A number of options have been listed in this article.

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Method 1 of 4: The underlying cause

  1. Don't tempt yourself. Learn to avoid the things that tempt you. This can be difficult, but any bad habit can be broken if you persevere!
  2. Learn to respect yourself and others. If you let lust influence your relationships with others too much, you cannot be fully connected with yourself. In that case you let your physical desires determine how you behave and who you are instead of thinking with your brain and personality. Seeing others in this way makes you disrespectful to them. If you have real feelings for them, you fight this viewpoint because you want to treat them (and yourself) well.
  3. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol make you loosen up and make it harder to fight your lust. If you are currently using drugs and / or alcohol, you should stop. This will help you a lot! Of course you can still go to a cafe with your friends, but try drinking water or apple juice (both resemble alcohol in color) instead of alcohol.
  4. Acknowledge your needs. Most sacred books recognize that sexual desires are normal, so don't be ashamed. Acknowledge your feelings, failing to do this will create an unhealthy mindset and will only make the feelings stronger! Allow your feelings but don't act on them.
  5. Seek alternative philosophies.

Method 2 of 4: Distract yourself

  1. Be prepared. If you are unprepared you will have problems. Recognize that you have a problem and prepare when you know that you are going to places where you will be tempted. It is important to prepare yourself mentally and to make a plan in advance. Planning in advance is half the battle!
  2. If you go to a place where you know you will be tempted, you should immediately avert your eyes. As soon as you see something that seduces you, you should immediately look elsewhere and focus on it. This is good exercise that can help a lot.
  3. Another way to shift your focus is to do an activity that you enjoy doing. This is a good trick for situations where you have lustful thoughts at home or elsewhere that are not stimulated by external factors. It helps to engage in a mobile activity as these thoughts can overtake you at any time.
    • Find a hobby that you can practice anywhere.
    • You can challenge yourself by trying to remember as many sacred texts as possible.
    • Volunteering is another option. This activity is distracting but also helps you do God's work.
  4. Recite a verse you have memorized or pray as needed. Another way is to say (aloud or in your head) verses to remind you that God loves you and you want to live His laws.
  5. Avoid the cause of your lust. The best way to get rid of your lustful feelings is to remove the cause of your feelings. In many people, porn causes temptation. If you think this is the case for you and your porn collection is starting to rise to the height of the pyramids in Egypt, you may need to take a break. Install a filter on your computer so that you can no longer see these types of images.

Method 3 of 4: Better ways to get along

  1. Spend time alone in company. The best way to avoid lust is to find a good way to deal with the person who is triggering lustful feelings in you. For example, you can choose to only interact with this person if other people are also present. This way you avoid saying or doing wrong things.
  2. Sleep in safe places. If the above suggestion does not help, you can, for example, only meet at holy places such as churches, temples and mosques. That way, God protects you and helps you focus on the important things and not your lustful feelings.
  3. Look at the person's eyes. When looking at someone, try to focus your attention on the eyes and not on other parts of the body. It is said that in the eyes of a person the soul can be seen, so focus your attention on the soul of that person. This helps you to treat that person with respect and to remember that God wants you to treat this person well.
  4. Have friendly activities. Only do things together that you would do with your friends. Don't engage in activities that you would do on a date. Look at the situation you are in and think about what your grandmother would say about what you are doing. If she's okay with it, you're probably on the right track.
  5. Don't touch the other. Touch, even in normal places like the hand or arm, can worsen your lustful feelings. Try not to touch your friend if you have self-control problems. This can help you.
  6. Always treat the other person with respect, if you can't control yourself you may do well to marry your friend. That is God's purpose and the reason he instituted marriage so that you can express these feelings in a way that pleases him.
    • Always remember to marry someone who is right for you, spiritually, physically and mentally. You should only get married if you are ready and you take the relationship seriously. If your relationship doesn't mean much to you, you may not be ready for a sexual relationship.
    • If you get married to give yourself an outlet for your sexual feelings, you are making a mistake. Marriage is a serious endeavor that you should not just embark on.

Method 4 of 4: Seek help

  1. Recognize that you need help. If you can't get married and the other tricks don't work, you have to acknowledge that you need help. It is sometimes said; recognizing that you have a problem is the first part of the solution.
  2. Consult with your spiritual advisor. Discuss your problem with your priest, pastor, imam, rabbi, or spiritual adviser. They can give you advice on how to deal with your problem. Don't be embarrassed, they see this kind of problem more often and know that it can be a problem for even the most devoted and staunch believer.
  3. Separate yourself. Try to avoid all temptation as much as possible. For men this means, for example, registering yourself with the army, and for women going to a school where only women / girls are admitted. Your family will understand this and support your decision. Being in an environment without members of the opposite sex can help you overcome your feelings.
  4. Think of the problems that lust causes. If you act on your lustful feelings you can be punished by things like: STDs, unwanted pregnancies, or other forms of punishment that you bring on yourself by not controlling yourself. So be careful and act responsibly!
  5. Ask God for help. God wants to protect you from these unwanted feelings, but you also have to help yourself. He will help you but you also have to pay attention yourself and try to find the solution he gives you. This can be difficult, but with the help of your friends, family, and spiritual advisers, you can find the help you need.
    • You have no temptation but human beings; but God is faithful, who will not let you be tempted beyond what you are able to; but with the temptation he will also make the way out, that you may be able to endure it. - 1 Corinthians 10:13


  • Learn that delayed gratification is the opposite of lust. A person who can live with delayed satisfaction benefits from this in all aspects of his life.
  • If you are bothered by your lustful feelings while in a group of people (on a hot day you can get these feelings from other people on the street wearing defiant clothes) you should try to focus your attention on one person for 2 seconds and then again to look further. So you look at someone for 2 seconds each time and then look further, it doesn't matter what someone looks like. This exercise reminds you that everyone is ultimately equal in value. You can also apply this exercise on Facebook by looking at the profile photos of the people in your news feed for 2 seconds each time. Try it out today!


  • If lust makes you unhappy, do something about it. If your lust is making someone else unhappy, remember that it is your problem and not someone else's. What you do is between you and God.