Increase your libido as a woman

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Boost your libido with these tips! | Low sex Drive in Women
Video: Boost your libido with these tips! | Low sex Drive in Women


If you're less interested in sex as a woman, you should be able to talk about it openly and honestly with your partner and your doctor. There is no one-size-fits-all method to increase libido as it can be influenced by various factors such as age, weight, stress and mental health. It's important to have your emotional and physical wellbeing examined to find out what works best for you.

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Method 1 of 4: Emotional causes

  1. See a psychologist to determine if you may be suffering from depression. Depression and anxiety disorders are often associated with a decreased libido. It is important to recognize and treat the depression first before tackling your lack of libido.
    • In some cases, antidepressants may be prescribed to relieve the symptoms of the depression. Be honest with your doctor about your decreased libido, as certain medications can also lower libido. If you then switch to a different substance, you may have less problems with a lowered libido.
  2. See a therapist to determine if you have low sexual self-esteem. How do you describe yourself as a sexual being: are you sexually attractive? How do you see yourself? Why? It is important to have a positive sexual self-image, but there can be many factors that affect your self-image in that area, such as abuse, rape, obesity, and bullying.
    • If you discover that these issues are related to your partner, keep a close eye on them. Find a therapist who has experience with people with low libido and actively work with your partner on these emotional causes.
  3. Tell your partner how you feel. Your libido will also affect your partner, so keep him informed so you can work on your sex life together. Open communication ensures that you can discover what you and your partner like. It is important to let each other know what you expect from sex.
    • A lack of communication is absolutely bad for the libido. Think of it this way: how is your partner supposed to know what you like and what you don't, if you don't let us know? By opening up and being honest, you can tell your partner what you like and don't like. You may love it when your partner touches you in a certain way, and if he doesn't, it can be hard to get aroused. If you explain this to him and tell him what you need to have sex, you can increase your libido.
    • Open communication is not only important when it comes to sex. It is also important to be able to talk about other problems in life, such as work and finances. If your partner is doing everything perfectly in the bedroom, the lack of libido could come from elsewhere, such as anger over a financial issue.
  4. Reduce stress. Stress can be caused by all kinds of things, such as finances, work, health and family. Find out what's causing you stress and take necessary steps to establish a balanced routine.
    • Get massages, exercise, or develop a healthier work-life balance. Only you know the best way to deal with stress. Talk to your partner to increase the level of intimacy and to better manage your stress. You can even schedule intimacy to make it a priority.
  5. Take the time to feel sexy. If you are busy you may notice that your libido has disappeared under a layer of dust. Even though it may not sound sexy, it's good to set aside time every week to enjoy your body so that you develop a routine that makes you feel more like having sex. You can do this with your partner if you want, but remember that you don't necessarily have to make love, because a strong bond and intimacy are also very important in a relationship.
    • If you don't feel sexy, don't worry. If you've taken the kids to school, worked all day, prepared dinner, and put the little ones back on their bed, you may have little energy left to boost your libido. But if you have something fun to look forward to, you can look forward to it all day long and have a moment to yourself where you can let go of your daily worries.

Method 2 of 4: Physical causes

  1. Get tested for problems with your endocrine glands, or for chronic diseases that can reduce your libido. Thyroid diseases cause problems with the glands that can affect the menstrual cycle and libido. Chronic illnesses such as anemia and diabetes can also lower libido. Your doctor can help you manage these conditions once you know the cause.
    • If you have a chronic illness, don't emphasize penetration but explore other ways to enjoy sex. By taking the pressure off, your libido sometimes returns on its own.
  2. Stop smoking. Tobacco damages the circulation, making the genitals less sensitive. Smoking also affects testosterone levels, the hormone associated with your libido.
    • Consult a doctor before increasing your testosterone level with supplements. You should only use these supplements if they are tailored to your specific needs.
  3. Know the effect of your contraceptive pill. Women who take the pill sometimes suffer from a reduced libido. Your body's response to the pill depends on your individual body chemistry and the hormonal makeup of the pill.
    • If you have been on the same birth control pill for a long time, and you have only recently started to suffer from a decreased libido, your body may be changing. There may be another underlying cause, so don't put it on the pill too soon. By closely monitoring the changes and reporting them to your doctor, he may be able to tell you if it is due to the pill.
  4. Keep an eye on the changes due to menopause. Libido decreases as we age. While the effects of age are different for everyone, women between the ages of 40 and 60 often start to find that they have less sex drive.
    • Loss of sex drive and vaginal dryness are common in menopausal women. The libido is often directly related to the enjoyment of sex. If you suffer from vaginal dryness, buy a tube of lubricant from the drug store and give it a try.

Method 3 of 4: Natural means to increase libido

  1. Adjust your diet and eat healthy foods that increase sex drive. Proper nutrition can stimulate blood flow to the genitals. So by eating better you can increase your libido. If you eat enough fruit and vegetables every day, you reduce the risk of anemia, get more energy and improve your circulation.
    • Eat vegetable proteins instead of red meat, as saturated fat can affect libido. Instead of red meat, try nuts, seeds, legumes, and soy.
    • Eat fruits and vegetables instead of junk food. Junk food is bad for the circulation, while fruits and vegetables give you more energy, which is necessary for a greater libido.
    • Sprinkle some red chili flakes over your food instead of salt, as pepper contains a substance that stimulates blood flow, while salt increases blood pressure and lowers libido.
    • Eat whole grains to get more zinc, as that creates more testosterone. Although women have less testosterone than men, it is present in the body and increases libido.
    • Eat a little bit of chocolate with at least 70% cocoa. Chocolate can give the same excitement as an orgasm.
  2. Take a ginseng and / or ginkgo biloba supplement. These supplements can be purchased at health food stores or drug stores and are said to improve mood and sex drive.
    • A supplement can also help due to the placebo effect. A certain percentage of people always see an improvement in their condition because they strongly believe it will get better. That is why it may be beneficial to take a supplement while you continue to look for the causes of the decrease in your libido.
    • Do not take ginkgo biloba if you are already taking blood thinners. Always consult your doctor before starting any supplements if you have a chronic condition or are already taking other medications.
  3. Take an arginine supplement. This amino acid is essential for many bodily functions, including blood flow. It is the main source of nitric oxide, which is responsible for female sexual arousal.
    • Nitric oxide improves blood flow to the genitals and can increase the intensity of an orgasm.
  4. Use a vaginal cream or oil. Vaginal dryness is a known symptom that can be treated with a vaginal lubricant and hormone therapy. You can use natural oil, but if symptoms persist it could indicate a medical problem.
    • Vitamin E can moisturize the vagina if you apply it daily. Open a vitamin E capsule to drain the oil, or put some oil on your hand if it's in a bottle.
    • Try Zestra, a topical aphrodisiac oil. You can order this remedy online, and it contains vitamins C and E, primrose oil and angelica. According to research, it gives better results than a placebo.

Method 4 of 4: Sexual stimulation

  1. Do pelvic floor muscle exercises. Also called "Kegel exercises", these exercises teach you to strengthen and control the muscles around the vagina, which can lead to increased arousal.
    • Recognize the muscle that controls your urination and find out what your lower abs are. Tighten these muscles without squeezing your buttocks. Hold the tension for 3 to 10 seconds and relax. Repeat this 10 times, and do several sets a day.
  2. Watch videos with your partner. Research has shown that porn can be of interest to both men and women, although women process information differently. By looking at sexual activity and showing your feelings to your partner, you can initiate a dialogue.
  3. Use sex toys. Vibrators or other massage aids are a great aid for women who are not easily aroused. There are all kinds of sex toys on the market, but if you have a low libido, devices that stimulate the clitoris are probably best.
    • Read reviews and blogs to find something that suits your needs.
  4. Stimulate your imagination. If you find normal porn too crude or unpleasant, you can also try an erotic book. The right erotic stories can open you up to the idea of ​​sex, whether you use them as a tool to get aroused or to spark new fantasies.
    • If erotic stories are also going a step too far for you, you might want to try a simple novel. You may already be increasing your libido when you read about a woman falling in love with someone.
    • You can read erotic stories on your own, or you can involve your partner. Take turns reading to each other, then you will come closer to each other and be more open to the other.


  • Always communicate openly and honestly with your sexual partner.
  • Always consult your doctor if you are going to take any new medications or supplements.


  • Doctor
  • Blood test
  • Therapy
  • Antidepressants
  • Other birth control pills
  • Hormone Therapy
  • Healthy diet
  • Ginseng
  • Gingko biloba
  • Oil
  • Vitamin E.
  • Zestra
  • Kegel exercises
  • Porn
  • Vibrator