Cleaning your room (for teens)

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Cleaning your room can be a tedious job, or it can be so messy you don't even know where to start. While you may not like it, cleaning your room regularly makes it less cluttered so you feel more comfortable in your own place. Start by choosing nice music and setting alarms to make it more fun to clean the floors, shelves and tables. Once you've cleaned your surfaces, organize your things to get rid of what you don't need. With a little time and motivation, your room will soon look and smell better than ever before!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Making cleaning more enjoyable

  1. Put on comfortable clothes so that you feel relaxed while you clean. Choose a comfortable shirt and pants that can get dirty. Find something that is loose so you can move around easily and clean hard-to-reach areas in your room, such as under your bed or behind a dresser. Avoid tight clothing that can make bending or kneeling to access something more difficult.
    • For example, you can wear a loose-fitting T-shirt or a large sweatshirt as the top, and opt for sweatpants or shorts.
    • Do not wear street shoes in the house or in your room, as this will make the floor extra dirty.
  2. Play music to make cleaning more fun. Put on headphones or play music through the stereo in your room so you can have fun and dance while cleaning. Choose a playlist of upbeat music that you enjoy listening to, so you stay motivated to keep cleaning up. Leave the music on the entire time you clean so that the time passes a little faster.
    • Don't get too distracted when choosing the music you want to listen to, or you'll just postpone cleaning your room.

    Tip: Create a playlist of a specific duration. That way, you can make it a goal to tidy up your room by the time your playlist is ready.

  3. Set alarms before cleaning to motivate yourself to get ready quickly. Goals can help you clean your room faster and keep you from tidying up all day. Use an alarm clock on your phone or set a kitchen timer for 30-60 minutes and start cleaning immediately. That way you can work quickly and efficiently.
    • You can set shorter times for specific tasks if you wish. For example, you can give yourself five minutes to vacuum your room or 10 minutes to sort your clothes.
    • If you are not able to clean everything before the alarm goes off, don't feel rushed. Next time you clean, try to be more efficient or give yourself a few extra minutes.
  4. Open your windows to let fresh air into your room. If you have a window in your room, sunlight and fresh air can help you clean faster so you can get outside. Open windows also help to let bad smells escape from your room. Keep your blinds or curtains open and the window open all the time you're cleaning.
    • Don't open your window when the weather is bad or when you heat or cool your house.
  5. Choose a reward to give yourself when you're done. Cleaning your room can be a lot of work, so treating yourself to something when you're done can make you feel like you've accomplished something. You can choose something like eating a sweet snack, hanging out with a friend, or spending time outside. That way, you'll have something to look forward to when you're done cleaning.
    • You can also schedule rewards for yourself for completing tasks. For example, you can take a five-minute break after you're done sorting out your clothes or have a treat after organizing a shelf.

Part 2 of 3: Thoroughly clean floors and surfaces

  1. make your bed when you start cleaning. A made bed can immediately give your room a cleaner look and feel more comfortable to climb into at night. Stretch your sheets and comforters so that they are neat. Shake up your pillows and lay them flat at the head of your bed.
    • Change the sheets once a week so you can wash them.
    • Tuck in loose sheets to make your bed look neater.
  2. Dispose of any trash around your room. Walk around your room with a trash bag looking for food wrappers, loose papers you no longer need, and empty trash bins. Look for items on your floor, desk, shelves, and dresser to make sure you've found it all. Fill the garbage bag with all the trash you have before you put it in a large outdoor bin.
    • Check under your bed to make sure no trash gets under your bed. If you can't easily see under your bed, use a flashlight to help you find trash.
    • If you have a trash can in your room, make sure to empty it and change the trash bag.
  3. Pick up items lying around from your floor and put them on the bed. Many teens leave clothes, backpacks, papers and many other items on their floors, which becomes a mess when their bedroom hasn't been cleaned for a while. Grab an armful of items from your floor and put them on your bed. Continue with this so that you can organize and store them more easily afterwards.
    • Putting things off the floor on your bed forces you to put them in order and clean them, otherwise you won't be able to get to bed when it's time to go to sleep.
  4. Make Windows and mirrors clean with natural vinegar or glass cleaner. Look around your house for glass cleaner and spray on each window a few times. Rub the glass cleaner with kitchen paper to wipe off streaks and any dust. After that, repeat the process with all the mirrors you have in your room.
    • Only use natural vinegar or glass cleaner on your windows and mirrors, as other cleaning fluids can leave streaks.
    • If you don't have a glass cleaner, wipe the windows and mirrors with damp kitchen paper followed by a dry cloth so that it doesn't streak.
  5. Remove sticky mess or spilled food and drink with a multipurpose cleaner. If you have any stuck-on residue, such as spilled drinks or rings from drinking cups, you need to remove them. Spray a multipurpose cleaner onto a cloth until wet and work in circular motions to get the residue off. Test the area again with your finger to see if it still feels tacky and continue cleaning until you are satisfied.
    • In the future, clean up everything you spill immediately, so that no sticky residue forms.
    • If you don't have a multipurpose cleaner, use water with a little washing-up liquid.
  6. Dust and wipe the flat areas in your room. Use a feather duster and a clean, lint-free cloth while dusting. If necessary, apply some dusting spray to the cloth and wipe flat surfaces such as table tops, shelves and dressers. Wipe a different part of the cloth each time, so you don't wipe dust back onto the surface.
    • You can also use a microfibre cloth to easily pick up dust.
    • Remove your belongings from the tables or shelves while dusting them so that you can clean them completely.
    • If you have a ceiling fan, stand on your bed and wipe the top of the blades, which quickly collect dust.
    • Wipe the top of the baseboards along the walls and the top of your door frame.
  7. Sweep or vacuum the floors. If you have hard floors in your room, sweep them with a broom and dustpan and dustpan. If there is carpet, use a vacuum cleaner. Start in the corner of your room furthest from the door and work toward the doorway. That way, you won't get dirt in areas you've already cleaned. Use the hose attachment of your vacuum cleaner to work in tight corners so you can completely clean your room.
    • If you are unsure how to vacuum, ask a parent or caregiver to show you how it works.
    • Vacuum and sweep under your bed too, as dirt and dust can collect there.
    • If your carpet has stains, ask a parent or caregiver how to remove them.

    Tip: If you have hard floors, you can also choose to mop them with a mix of warm water and dish soap.

  8. Use air fresheners to make your room smell better. If your room has a bad smell, you can spray an air-freshening spray to make it smell better. Choose an air freshener that also kills bacteria or it will just mask the smell. Spray the air freshener towards your ceiling so it can float to your floor.
    • You can also use wall-mounted air fresheners or candles to get rid of strong smells.

Part 3 of 3: Cleaning up your room

  1. Sort the pile of things on your bed into groups. Now that all the things are on your floor on your bed, separate them into separate piles so you can see what you need to clean. For example, you can put school supplies near a corner of your bed, clothes in a different angle and accessories somewhere in the middle. Keep your stacks orderly so that you can clean each group individually.
    • If you don't have room on your bed for everything, it's okay to put some stacks back on your floor or a table. Just make sure you actually put the stuff away instead of leaving it there.
  2. Take any plates or drinking glasses you have back to the kitchen. There is a chance that you have eaten a meal or snack in your room and forgot to return the items. Look for eating utensils or cups that you have in your room and pile them up. Take the dishes to the kitchen and wash them or put them in a dishwasher.
    • Don't leave your unwashed dishes in the sink, as a parent can get angry if you don't wash the items.
  3. Check your clothes to make sure they are clean or dirty. Hold your nose and smell the clothes you picked up from the floor. If the clothes smell musty or dirty, put it in your laundry basket so you can wash the clothes. If they still smell clean, fold them up or hang them up for storage. Keep going until you've had all your clothes on.
    • If you can't tell if the clothes are clean or dirty, put them in your laundry basket just in case.
    • Check your clothes to make sure there are no visible stains or dirt on them before putting them away.
  4. Tidy up your closet so it doesn't feel so cluttered. Your closet can be an easy place to hide clutter, but it also needs to stay organized. Separate your hanging clothes into similar groups, such as jackets, sweatshirts, dresses, and pants. If you can, use special tools to stack shoes or clothes so they don't look like they were just thrown in. Try to empty the bottom of your closet as much as possible so that it doesn't look messy when you open it.
    • Keep your closet door closed to make your room seem cleaner.
    • Check out clothes you don't wear often and see if you can donate or sell them.
    • Don't throw things in your closet without hanging or folding them or it will just get messy again.
  5. Organize the items on your bedside tables or desk. Desks and bedside tables can collect a lot of random objects if you don't keep them clean and organized. Sort loose papers and notebooks into folders so you can easily keep them together and find a spot in a drawer or cabinet for them. If you have random knickknacks, keep them in small boxes or crates that you can stick when you need them.
    • It's okay to leave some things on your desk that you use often, such as your wallet, headphones, or a planner.
  6. Put loose items in boxes and jars so they are less likely to make a mess. There is a chance that somewhere in your room you have jewelry, coins, pens, or other knick-knacks that clutter your space. Use small bowls or baskets to store your belongings to keep your shelves and surfaces organized. Put similar things in the same container or jar so you know exactly where to look the next time you need them.
    • For example, you can keep a cup on a desk to store pens and pencils, or use a folder to keep important papers.

    Tip: Shoe boxes are useful for storing small items and they easily fit in a closet or on a shelf.


  • Take the time to organize your things instead of trying to hide clutter in a cupboard or drawer.
  • If you can clean a little more often, it will take a little less time and you may be more inclined to keep a clean looking room! You can do it once a week, or even ten minutes a day, while listening to some of your favorite songs.
  • Ask a parent or guardian what they expect from you when they clean your room. They may want you to pay particular attention to specific things.
  • If you are unsure of how to use a particular cleaning product, consult a parent or caregiver.


  • Headphones or speakers
  • Alarm clock
  • Garbage bag
  • Glass cleaner
  • Paper towel
  • Multifunctional cleaner
  • Dusting spray
  • Cloths
  • Broom or vacuum cleaner
  • Air fresheners
  • Pots, boxes and other storage systems