Take good care of your skin

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Although your skin is a living organ that constantly regenerates itself, the right care can increase the elasticity and radiance of your skin.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Skin Types And Treatments

There are four common skin types: oily, dry, normal and combination. In addition to this, it is also possible to have sensitive skin in combination with one of the four other skin types.

  1. Dry skin: If your skin tends to dry out, has little oil and almost no pimples, your skin is seen as dry. In extreme cases, dry skin lacks elasticity and is very sensitive to sun, wind and cold temperatures. Wash your face once a day with a rich, creamy facial cleanser and lukewarm water.
    • Treatment: rinse your face with water and pat your skin dry. Use a toner to get rid of the tight and flaky feeling of dehydrated skin. Avoid toners and makeup that contain alcohol as alcohol has a drying effect on the skin. Use a facial moisturizer to moisturize and rejuvenate your skin.
  2. Oily skin: if your skin is oily it usually shines soon after cleansing your face and the pores are generally slightly enlarged. Someone with oily skin tends to be more prone to blemishes, blemishes, and blackheads than people with the other skin types. Oily skin is coarser in texture than other skin types.
    • Treatment: Since your skin tends to attract more dirt than dry skin, it is necessary to wash your face twice a day with a mild non-foaming facial cleanser and warm water. Rinse it with warm water. Use an alcohol-free hydrating toner to remove any residual debris. So-called blotting sheets help to reduce the shine of your face during the day and only take 3 minutes after lunch. Although your skin is oily, you should still moisturize it daily with a light face cream as otherwise your skin will dry out beneath your top layer and compensate for this by producing even more oil.
  3. Normal skin: According to some, normal skin is combination skin, but it is not. Greasy skin in the T-zone and dry and tight skin in your cheeks is normal skin. It is also considered a normal skin type if your skin changes with the seasons (drier in winter and oilier in summer). Ordinary skin can also be normal to dry or normal to oily.
    • Treatment: Wash your face with a facial cleanser intended for your normal / normal to oily / normal to dry skin type. Wipe an alcohol-free hydrating toner all over your face with a cloth. Apply face cream more often if your skin is normal to dry.
  4. Combination skin: combination skin consists of two opposite skin types on a face. This occurs when there is a lot of acne and oil in a part of the face where the rest of the face is dry (with little fat).
    • Two common examples of combination skin are dry skin with pustules on the cheeks or normal skin with acne around the chin and mouth.
    • Treatment: Take care of every part of your face according to the guidelines described above. If the acne is very severe, see your doctor, a beautician or a dermatologist.
  5. Sensitive skin: Keep in mind that you may have sensitive skin in combination with normal, dry or oily skin. If your skin is allergic to cosmetics and is usually sensitive to the sun, wind and cold weather, you have sensitive skin. The sensitivity can be seen in a rash, red skin, acne, inflammation on the skin and dilated capillaries.
    • Treatment: Use fragrance-free and hypo-allergenic facial cleansers, toners, makeup, and facial creams. Use a mild gentle facial cleanser, toner, and cream every day. The best thing for your skin type is to always choose products with a softening effect. Ingredients that are beneficial for sensitive skin are: azulene, chamomile, bisabolol, lavender, allantoin, camphor, rosemary, thyme, calamine, aloe vera, etc.

Method 2 of 2: The Basic Skin Care For All Skin Types

  1. Prevent skin damage from the sun. Sunscreen is the true anti-aging solution. Get used to a daily sunscreen lotion or cream with a protection factor of 15 to 30. Keep in mind that the sun's rays can also be harmful in winter as they reflect the snow. If you don't feel like putting on a sunscreen / cream and a day cream, buy a day cream with sunscreen lotion in it.
  2. Wash your face gently. Wasn't it so much that you dry it out.
  3. Exfoliate your skin with exfoliating cream. Experiment to find what works best for you.
  4. Have a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking. Few substances age your skin like tobacco. Eat healthy with lots of fruit and vegetables. Reduce stress in your life where possible.


  • Make sure to drink plenty of water so that your skin doesn't look dehydrated.
  • Vitamins are indispensable for healthy skin. Especially vitamins A, B and C. Vitamin E improves your facial color when applied to your skin.
  • You can keep your skin beautiful and healthy if you take good care of your body. You do this by practicing good hygiene, eating healthy food and getting enough exercise. Practice good hygiene by showering with mild soap to reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin. Use a strong soap every now and then to get rid of most of the bacteria on your skin and rinse the soap well. Take walks to reduce cellulite and stimulate muscle formation.
  • Wash your pillowcase often and don't go to sleep with a hair mask. The combination of hair products and skin oils on the pillow can cause pimples on your face.
  • While washing your face with a mild soap during the day will keep your face free of dirt that can cause blackheads and pimples, washing your face too much can actually cause dry skin.
  • Lemon juice makes scars smaller and lighter.
  • Never pick on a pimple. Namely, the results are a scar, infection or permanent widening of the pore. You also run a higher risk of getting a pimple again in exactly the same place after a while.
  • Washing your face with a mixture of brown sugar and milk (enough to get a muddy substance) washes away dirt and excess oil, leaving your skin soft and fresh. This scrub can stay on your face for as long as you want.
  • Try not to touch or scratch your skin hard.
  • Never apply foundation all over your face. Because you probably only need a little in the places you are most aware of.
  • Wash the makeup off your face as soon as you know you don't have to leave the house and avoid wearing makeup whenever you can so that you can rest your skin.
  • Blotting sheets help absorb the oil from your face during the day so you don't have to keep putting powder or foundation on your face or washing your face often.
  • Put on homemade face masks to moisturize your skin. They are easy to make and really work! A mixture of grapes, lemon and protein, for example, is very helpful against oily skin. Honey is good for ulcers and burns. Fresh herbs that you have ground into a spread can be applied to damaged skin with good results.
  • If you suffer from sunburn, put some yogurt with aloe vera on your skin. That will soothe irritated skin.
  • Regularly replace and wash the brushes and sponges you use to apply makeup. Bacteria and fat accumulate in this and then spread over your skin every time you use the brushes and sponges.
  • Do not pull or stretch the delicate skin around your eyes when applying cream or makeup there. In this delicate area of ​​your face, the signs of aging such as wrinkles can be seen much faster than necessary if you treat this area of ​​your face too roughly.
  • If your skin has been irritated by too much sun, use aloe vera gel with at least 90% aloe barbadensis in it. Aloe vera is known for its medicinal properties and works wonders for the skin.
  • Clean your cell phone and other devices that you hold against your skin regularly.
  • Make sure the scrub you choose suits the size of your pores. The type and size of the exfoliating granules can make the difference between scrubbed and damaged skin. Larger grains are more abrasive, while smaller grains are softer.


  • Choose a sunscreen or lotion that suits your skin type as it can cause breakouts on some skin types.
  • Don't allow someone to pop a pimple for you. It is very unwise because bacteria and germs can enter through the open skin. If you do decide to pop a pimple, apply alcohol to the wound immediately afterward to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Toner can dry out your skin if you use it too often.
  • Washing your face too much can cause your face to become red and painful. It can also damage your skin.
  • Be careful about using agents that contain acids or peroxides such as acne creams and scar creams. These increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight and can cause redness and peeling of the skin.