Dye your hair with tea, coffee and herbs

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Dye Your Hair Naturally With Tea + Coffee
Video: How To Dye Your Hair Naturally With Tea + Coffee


Commercial hair dyes can be expensive not to mention they are full of chemicals and irritants. Many people have allergies to over the counter hair dye and professional hair dye. However, you can use natural products such as coffee, tea, fruits and vegetables to color your hair. Keep in mind that these methods are semi-permanent and will wash out over time. This article contains tips on how to dye hair with several purely natural substances.

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Method 1 of 3: Darken your hair

  1. Use strong brewed coffee with a conditioner that you don't need to wash out. Coffee is a fantastic and inexpensive natural product that you can use to darken your hair. Make sure to buy organic coffee, as non-organic coffee can contain other chemicals.
    • Make a strong coffee with organic coffee. You have to make it too strong to drink and use dark roast coffee or espresso. This will give the strongest paint.
    • Let your coffee cool down. You don't want to burn your scalp in the process!
    • Mix 500 ml of non-rinsing conditioner with 2 tablespoons of organic coffee grounds and 250 ml of cold strong brew coffee. Always mix your materials in a non-metallic bowl as metal can tarnish your color.
    • Apply the mixture to your hair with application bottles. You can buy these at specialized stores.
    • Leave the mixture on for an hour. Your hair will now have a beautiful chocolate color.
  2. Make a coffee rinse. This procedure may need to be repeated a few times for best results.
    • Wash your hair with shampoo, then pour strong brewed coffee (cooled) over your hair.
    • Let the coffee sit for 20 minutes.
    • Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar. This will remove the coffee and help lock in the color.
    • Repeat the rinses as needed to get an even darker result.
  3. Rinse black walnuts. You can use walnut powder or the walnut shells. Walnut shells will provide the most powerful paint and are prone to smudging.
    • If using bottle caps, crush them and cover with boiling water. Let this soak for three days.
    • If using walnut powder, boil water and pour in 5 tablespoons of powder (depending on how dark you want it). Let the mixture soak for a few hours or longer if you want a darker result.
    • Apply the mixture to your hair. Let it sit for at least 20 minutes, then let it air dry. Your hair should now be several shades darker.
  4. Make a tea from sage and rosemary. This is also a good method for covering gray hair.
    • Mix equal parts of sage and rosemary with 250 ml of hot water.
    • Let the herbs steep for at least 10 minutes.
    • Strain the herbs from the water.
    • Use the moisture as a rinse, repeating daily until the hair darkens to the desired shade.
  5. Make a strong black tea rinse. This is best for brunettes who want to darken their hair.
    • Use three sachets of black tea in 500 ml of boiling water.
    • Let it steep for 5 minutes and then let it cool.
    • Apply it to the hair using an applicator bottle, then let it sit for an hour before rinsing it out.
    • To cover gray, add an equal amount of sage to the tea water while it is still steep.

Method 2 of 3: Light up and apply highlights

  1. Apply golden yellow highlights with chamomile infused tea. This is an effective way to lighten your hair.
    • Let sachets of chamomile tea steep in boiling water for at least 30 minutes.
    • Shampoo your hair and towel dry it.
    • Pour the tea rinse over your hair and let it air dry.
    • Repeat it for a few days until you get the shade you want.
  2. Use lemons to lighten hair. This method works slowly after a number of times.
    • Apply pure lemon juice to the hair. It will act as a natural bleaching agent.
    • Illuminating effects can be enhanced by exposing the treated hair to sunlight.
    • This method works slowly over multiple applications. Be patient.
  3. Make a tea with turmeric, marigold and chamomile tea. Turmeric is a bright yellow spice, known for its use in Indian cooking and coloring fabrics.
    • Add equal parts turmeric, marigold and chamomile to boiling water.
    • Let it steep for 20 minutes, then strain it.
    • Apply it on your hair. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse.
    • Repeat as desired for better results.
  4. Create bright highlights with rhubarb root and water. You will want to use the dried root of the rhubarb plant for this method.
    • Simmer 3-4 tablespoons of dried rhubarb root in a quart of water for 20 minutes. Do not inhale the steam.
    • Leave this mixture overnight and strain it in the morning.
    • Pour the mixture over the hair, collecting the moisture in a bucket. Repeat this 2-3 times.
    • Let it air dry without rinsing.

Method 3 of 3: Deepening of reds and highlights

  1. Deepen reddish hues with paprika and rose hips. Paprika is a reddish spice that can deepen red hues or add red highlights to hair.
    • Make a tea from rose hips. Soak rose hips in boiling water.
    • Let the tea cool down.
    • Make a paste using the tea and paprika and apply it on the hair. It may be helpful to use an applicator brush. You can find this at hairdressing stores.
    • Leave the paste on the hair for at least 30 minutes and then rinse.
  2. Apply beet and carrot juice to the hair. This method is simple but may require multiple treatments for better results.
    • Mix beets and carrot juice in equal parts.
    • Apply the mixture to the hair and work it through.
    • Let the mixture sit for at least 60 minutes before rinsing it.
    • This method works best for deepening color in red hair.
    • With blondes, the result sometimes turns out to be a bright strawberry blonde.
  3. Use rose hips to add a light rosy color to your hair. You can do this method by brewing a strong herbal tea from dried rose hips.
    • Bring 500 ml of water to a boil.
    • Add 200 g of rose hips.
    • Let the mixture steep until the water turns a deep red color.
    • Cool the mixture and then strain it.
    • Massage it into the hair and let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing it out.
    • Repeat as needed.


  • Buy applicator bottles from a hairdressing salon.
  • Make your mixes on the day you plan to use it, unless otherwise specified.
  • Paint your hair in an area that can get dirty. Some dyes can stain clothing, skin, or other surfaces.