Light up your hair naturally

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To Lighten Your Hair Naturally! (no bleach required) - took me from brunette to blonde!
Video: How To Lighten Your Hair Naturally! (no bleach required) - took me from brunette to blonde!


You might prefer to keep that beautiful golden or copper glow that your hair gets in the summer all year round. However, if you don't feel like lightening your hair with chemical dye, try it naturally. There are many natural methods to lighten your hair so that it has blonde or red tones.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Highlighting all color types

  1. Go outside. It is not without reason that everyone has a golden glow in the summer; the sun bleaches your hair, in addition to darkening your skin. Wait until it is a sunny day and let the sun do its magical work. Don't forget to put on sunscreen so you don't burn.
  2. Go for a swim. Since the sun and swimming often go hand in hand, it is difficult to know which of the two actually lightens your hair; but also the salt or chlorine makes the color of your hair light up (the former naturally). Take a dip in the sea and your picks will be lighter in an instant.
  3. Wash it with vinegar. Washing your hair without shampoo has been a trend lately, which has led many people to discover that vinegar lightens your hair. When in the shower, rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar. If you do this regularly, your hair will slowly but surely lighten.
  4. Use some baking soda. Like vinegar, baking soda is also a hair wash if you don't want to use a regular shampoo full of chemicals, and it also lightens your hair. When you take a shower, sprinkle some baking soda over your hair and rub it in well. The paste that forms then bleaches your hair naturally.
  5. Give your hair a honey mask. Do you want honey colored hair? Use the real stuff to make a mask. Mix honey with some distilled water and put it in your hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes or more. If you mix it with distilled water, the honey undergoes a chemical process that lightens your hair super fast. For a double bonus, you can sit in the sun while it sets in.
  6. Use vitamin C. Not only is it good for your health, but it can also lighten your locks. Buy a jar of vitamin C pills. Crush 5-10 tablets (depending on the length and thickness of your hair) and add the powder to your shampoo. When you use this mixture in the shower, the bleaching ingredients are absorbed into your hair.
  7. Try hydrogen peroxide. While not the most natural method, hydrogen peroxide is a way to lighten your hair at home without the need for a lot of products. Rinse your hair with hydrogen peroxide, leave it on for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water. Try this method on a small section of hair first so that you know if you are happy with the color you will get.
  8. Make some black tea. Black tea is useful for all kinds of beauty treatments because it contains tannic acid, and it can create highlights in your hair over time. Brew a few cups of very strong black tea (use multiple bags) and pour it over your hair. Leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.
  9. Rub in some olive oil. Olive oil not only nourishes your hair, it also brightens it. Spread olive oil in it and let it soak for at least 30 minutes. Rinse it out when you don't feel like having that oily hair anymore, and you should be able to see a bit of a lighter glow already.

Method 2 of 3: Create blonde highlights

  1. Spray some lemon juice on it. Women have used it for hundreds of years to get radiant blonde locks, as lemon juice is one of the oldest and most effective means of lightening your hair. Put lemon juice in a spray bottle and spray all over your hair. Leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it out again.
    • Lemon juice can dry out your hair if you use it often, so mix it with some oil to keep your hair soft.
  2. Make a cup of coffee. If you have brown hair, brew a pot of extra strong coffee. Let it cool completely, put it in the fridge if you want. Pour the coffee into a plant sprayer and spray it over your hair. Sit in the sun for half an hour. This will not lighten your entire hair, but your natural highlights will be visible.
  3. Make some chamomile tea. The natural chemicals in chamomile flowers bring out the blonde tones in your hair. Infuse five sachets of chamomile tea in boiling water. When the tea has cooled completely, spray it on your hair, comb it through and sit in the sun for about 30 minutes to reveal the natural highlights.
  4. Use dried marigolds. Like chamomile flowers, marigolds give you the golden highlights you've always dreamed of. Put 1 cup of water, 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and some dried marigolds in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Strain out the flowers and let the liquid cool completely. Put it in a spray bottle and spray it on dry hair, massage it into your scalp and let it air dry.
  5. Try rhubarb. Boil some rhubarb, let the liquid cool and test it on an inconspicuous lock before applying it all over your hair. Rhubarb gives a yellowish tint, so if your hair is already very light, it may actually darken.

Method 3 of 3: Create red highlights

  1. Make a berry tea. There's a reason there are three different teas on this list - it works! If you want red highlights in your hair, use a red tea and let it soak into your hair. Look for a berry or fruit tea that is red if you brew it, such as raspberry, black currant, or pomegranate. Soak several tea bags in a few cups of water and pour it over your hair. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it out.
  2. Try beet juice. If you've ever cooked beets, you know what stubborn stains they can cause. Bring out the natural red in your hair by soaking in some beet juice. Mix some beet juice with distilled water and put it in your hair. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  3. Make a cinnamon mask. With strong cinnamon tea, you can bring out the caramel hues in your hair. Put a few cinnamon sticks or 1-2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon in a few cups of water (depending on the length and thickness of your hair). Pour it over your locks and let it sit for a while before rinsing it out.
  4. Paint your hair with henna. This is almost cheating, as henna is mainly used to dye hair and skin. Mix henna with water (or tea to give it extra strength!) To form a paste and put it in your hair. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the henna set - the longer you wait, the redder your hair will be. Rinse it out with water and you will be amazed by your red locks!


  • If you are not sure what color your hair will be when you lighten it, start by testing a small strand of hair in an area that is not visible. If you don't like the color, it doesn't matter because it's just a small tuft.