Growing your hair very long

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
7 Steps to Grow Hair FASTER, HEALTHIER and LONGER
Video: 7 Steps to Grow Hair FASTER, HEALTHIER and LONGER


Long hair is a beautiful, classic and versatile hairstyle. It is not always feasible to get very long hair and it depends on the length of your hair growth cycle. This cycle has 3 phases: the growth phase, the resting phase and the shedding phase. If you have a short growth phase, you may not be able to grow your hair longer than 6-8 inches. However, with a little care and attention, you can make your hair grow longer. Look for high-quality, professional hair care products to strengthen your hair, and make small adjustments to your diet and exercise schedule to promote hair growth. With a little time and effort, you can get that beautiful long hair you want so badly.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Adjust your hair care routine

  1. Brush your hair careful. Use a brush with natural boar bristles. Start brushing at your ends and work your way up to detangle your dry hair. Remove tangles and knots from your hair slowly and do not tear or pull your hair while brushing.
    • Before brushing, apply a little bit of an agent that protects your hair. That way you are less likely to get split ends.
    • Do not brush your hair when it is wet as it may break.
  2. Massage your scalp daily. Use your fingertips to make gentle circular movements to give your scalp a soothing massage. This improves blood flow to the scalp so that hair grows out of the hair follicle faster.
    • A good time to give yourself a scalp massage is when you are in the shower and apply shampoo to your hair.
    • If your hair is dry, apply a few drops of hair oil to your scalp to avoid pulling your hair too much.
  3. Wash your hair three times a week with shampoo. Shampooing your hair every day can cause it to dry out and slow down growth. Shampooing three times a week should be enough to keep your hair clean. On other days, just rinse your hair with water and then apply conditioner. If your hair feels dirty during the week, use a dry shampoo instead of shampooing when your hair is wet.
  4. Always use conditioner when shampooing your hair. Conditioner makes up for the shortage of fat caused by shampooing. Never forget to apply a high-quality conditioner to your hair on the days when you shampoo it. It is very important to moisturize your hair to keep it strong as it will make it grow faster.
    • In addition to using a normal conditioner, use a hair mask or deep conditioner once a week. This helps to make your hair shine and strengthen it even more.
  5. are you making ponytail always in a different place. If you do a ponytail in your hair every day, don't make it in the same place every time. This can put too much stress on your hair and wear it out, making it less likely to grow. Every day, comb your hair back in a slightly different place and make your ponytail slightly higher or lower than the previous day.
    • To prevent your hair from breaking, use hair ties and hair bands that are covered with fabric. Do not use rubber bands.
    • Don't put a ponytail in your still wet hair.
  6. Dry your hair with a microfiber cloth instead of a towel. If you use a towel to dry your hair, it will break off because it will get stuck in the tissue of the towel. Instead, use a microfiber cloth specifically designed for hair drying, or grab an old T-shirt. This way you prevent your hair from breaking and that you get split ends.
  7. Cut about 1-1.5 inches off your hair every two to three months. Ignoring your ends for too long will result in split ends. These can pull up towards your hair roots, causing damage to your hair and slowing down growth. Trimming your hair now and then will make it grow faster.
  8. Sleep on a silk pillowcase. Cotton and linen pillowcases may feel soft, but they are rough enough to catch on your hair and cause your hair to break. Sleep on a silk pillowcase. As a result, you will not suffer from unwanted friction while sleeping.

Method 2 of 3: Using products that promote hair growth

  1. Apply a moisturizing once a week hair mask on your hair. Go to a beauty salon or drug store and buy a moisturizing hair mask. Apply the hair mask on your ends and massage it up your hair towards your roots. Allow the mask to absorb according to the directions on the package and then rinse. This way, your hair will stay strong and hydrated, and thus grow faster.
  2. Apply heat protectant when brushing your hair blow dry or steep. Heat can seriously damage your hair if you don't take proper precautions. So apply a high-quality heat protectant to all your hair before blow-drying or straightening. It is also important to model your hair as little as possible with heat, because that way your hair will grow faster.
    • Style your hair with warmth only for special occasions. For example, only use warm aids when you have a date or are going out for a night with friends.
  3. Choose a shampoo with natural ingredients. Always look at the ingredients list before purchasing a shampoo. Shampoos with as few chemicals as possible and many natural ingredients are best for your hair.
    • Do not use shampoos with ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium lauryl ether sulfate (often listed on packaging under the English names sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate). These substances are generally bad for your hair. Also pay attention to ingredients such as parabens, fragrances, benzoyl alcohol and sodium benzoate.
    • Always choose a shampoo with few ingredients. Look for a shampoo with natural ingredients such as oils and nutrients instead of chemicals.
  4. Use a leave-in conditioner. A leave-in conditioner retains the moisture in your hair and protects your hair all day long. Even when using a regular conditioner, apply a leave-in conditioner afterwards to protect your hair from breakage.
  5. Get a deep protein treatment once a month. You can make an appointment for a deep protein treatment at your hairdresser or buy a kit to do it yourself. With a deep protein treatment, treat your hair with a nourishing mask with added proteins. It makes your hair stronger and grows faster.
  6. Use essential oils before going to sleep. To use essential oils, gently massage them into your scalp. Essential oils that are good for your hair include lavender, rosemary, thyme, grapeseed, palm, Moroccan and argan oils.
    • It is dangerous to apply essential oils undiluted to your scalp. Use a carrier oil such as olive oil to dilute the essential oils. Only use a few drops of the essential oil mixed with a tablespoon or two of carrier oil.

Method 3 of 3: Adjust your lifestyle

  1. Eat healthy. Eating a healthy diet gives your hair the nutrients it needs to grow. Foods that promote hair growth include salmon, walnuts, spinach, blueberries, sweet potatoes, and Greek yogurt.
    • In addition to eating healthy foods, make sure you eat less unhealthy foods such as processed foods, sweets and junk food.
  2. Hydrate yourself. Try to drink water with every meal, take a water bottle with you during the day, and use a water tap when you see one. Do not drink other drinks such as juice or soda with your meals. The more water you drink, the faster your hair will grow.
  3. Reduce stress. A high stress level is bad for your overall health. This can cause your hair to grow slower and even fall out. Look for ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life.
    • Use stress-reducing techniques such as yoga, deep breathing exercises, and meditation. You can take lessons or find online guided exercises.
    • Exercise. Endorphins can help you reduce stress and are also good for your health.
    • Ask others for help when you are stressed. By venting to friends and family members, you can reduce your overall stress level.
  4. Take a biotin supplement daily. Biotin is a supplement that greatly increases the production of proteins in your hair and nails. You can buy biotin supplements at drugstores and health food stores. If you take biotin on a daily basis, your hair will grow faster and become stronger.
    • Always talk to your doctor before taking any new dietary supplements.
  5. Take vitamins. Most of the vitamins necessary for healthy hair are in the fruits and vegetables that you eat every day. To benefit even more from these vitamins, take some extra vitamins every day. Opt for a multivitamin or take supplements with vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin E. These vitamins all promote hair growth.
    • Talk to your doctor before taking any new vitamins.


  • Do not use rubber bands to secure your braids, as they will pull on your hair and create tension. This can cause your hair to break when you take your braids out of your hair.
  • Use a wide tooth comb instead of a brush, as a brush will pull the knots out of your hair. A wide tooth comb will damage your hair less.
  • Use baby shampoo, as such shampoo contains a higher amount of natural ingredients and is softer.
  • It is beneficial to use coconut oil.