Finding your own singing voice

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Find Your Natural Singing Voice - 5 Easy Steps
Video: How to Find Your Natural Singing Voice - 5 Easy Steps


Have you always wanted to be a great singer? You may have a beautiful singing voice waiting to be heard - you just have to find it. The key to becoming a better vocalist is finding your vocal range, using the right technique, and a lot of practice. A few vocal tricks could be the only thing keeping you from bursting out in beautiful song!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Get to know your voice

  1. Determine your voice range. These are the number of octaves in which you can sing, from the lowest to the highest note. You can find your range by singing scales, starting with the lowest note you can sing clearly and continuing until you can't hit another note higher. There are 7 types of voices: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, countertenor, tenor, baritone and bass.
    • Warm up by singing major scales, starting with Middle C. Sing C-D-E-F-G-F-E-D-C and from there go up and down by a semitone for each new scale.
    • Which scales can you sing most clearly? At what point does it get harder to hit the notes? Pay attention to where you fail to determine what voice type you have.
  2. Look for your tessitura. Your tessitura is the vocal range in which you can sing the easiest and where your voice sounds most beautiful. Your vocal range can transcend your tessitura. You may be able to sing very high or low notes, but there is a range of tones that your voice can produce more easily and with more power. These most ideal notes will help you get the best out of your singing voice.
    • Which songs do you prefer to sing along with? If there are a few that you love to sing along to, it is probably because you can sense that it sounds good when you sing along to those songs. Notice the notes in that music.
    • With practice, you can expand the range of your voice that allows you to sing notes powerfully.
  3. Decide when to use your chest voice and when to use your main voice. Chest voice is what you use when speaking and singing lower notes. When singing higher notes, use a lead voice, which can sound light or full.
    • Mixed voice is a blend of the two and is often used by pop singers like Ariana Grande and Beyonce.
  4. Learn to use proper singing technique. If you haven't used the right technique so far, you may not even know what your voice really sounds like. Using the right technique, your voice will sound clear and powerful. While doing singing exercises, keep the following points in mind:
    • Have good posture. Stand upright so that you can breathe more easily. Keep your neck upright but relaxed.
    • Regarding breathing; make sure to breathe from your diaphragm. Your stomach should expand as you breathe and retract as you exhale. This gives you more control over your pitch.
    • Open the back of your throat and clearly pronounce your vowels as you sing.

Method 2 of 3: Practice songs

  1. Always warm up your voice first. Your vocal cords are muscles that take time to warm up so they don't get overloaded. Start singing scales slowly for about 10 to 15 minutes. When your vocal cords are warmed up and ready to go, you can start singing the songs you want to practice.
  2. Select the correct music tracks. Choose songs that are well within your reach so that you give yourself the best chance of singing it right and finding that great singing voice that has been hiding within you all these years.
    • Sing along with the recordings of the music you have chosen until you feel you have mastered them.
    • Practice singing the music tracks without recording. You can play the instrumental part, but don't play the vocals.
    • Practice songs in a variety of styles. Maybe you like hip hop the most, but you discover that you are better at singing jazz or country. Give all types of music a try.
    • If you love a song but can't sing it in the key it was written in, use an app like AnyTune to change the key while keeping the tempo. Or use the app to slow down the pace while learning difficult passages.
  3. Record your own voice. Use a tape recorder or other recording device to record yourself singing after your voice has warmed up and you've practiced. Pay attention to the things you may need to work on and what sounds good.
  4. Perform in front of the public. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what can be improved without feedback from others. Sing to family or friends and ask them to give an honest response to your voice.
    • Don't forget to warm up your voice before you sing.
    • Sing in a large, open space with a high ceiling; your voice will sound better there than in a room with a low ceiling and a carpet.
    • After you get responses, take them to heart the next time you practice.
    • Karaoke clubs are a great place to practice singing in front of other people.

Method 3 of 3: Make your voice clearer

  1. Find your own unique style. What makes your voice unique? Once you know the limitations of your vocal range, you can start experimenting with different singing styles to get the best out of your voice.
    • Maybe you have an opera voice; practice singing classical.
    • Maybe you have a nice nasal country voice. Make use of it!
    • Even screaming and whispering have made their way into rock music. Everything is possible.
  2. Join a band or a choir. Singing with other musicians is a great way to get more creative in your vocal style. Join a choir or a music club at your church or school, or start a band with a few friends where you become the lead singer. You can also audition for a musical or play music in the street if you can't wait to perform.
  3. Consider taking singing lessons. If you're serious about finding your singing voice, getting lessons from a professional instructor is the way to get started. A singing teacher can teach you to use your voice as an instrument. You will likely find that you have a wider vocal range than you thought you had, and your teacher will be able to help you determine which style is right for your skills.


  • Always start with an easier music track and then move on to the more challenging one.
  • Think about what you are singing about and try to convey the real passion of the song with your voice.
  • Singing is difficult and you will meet hateful people. But stick with it and keep looking for exercises that can make your voice more flexible.
  • Don't expect to be great right away. This takes time and effort to achieve!
  • Avoid drinking things like milk and orange juice as these will cover your throat with an extra layer of mucus.
  • Try a wide variety of songs such as jazz, hip hop, and find out which style you like best.
  • Try singing along with a piano to help hit the right note.
  • Practice makes perfect.
  • Don't put too much strain on your vocal cords or they can get damaged and eventually even tear.
  • Keep your head upright while singing; that makes it sound better.


  • Screaming, speaking loudly, and even whispering can strain your throat. Whispering puts more strain on your voice than speaking loudly!