Acting cool when you're around girls

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When She Asks How Many Girls You’ve Been With
Video: When She Asks How Many Girls You’ve Been With


Like most guys, you probably get a little nervous when you're around girls and want to know how to get their attention. That first spark starts before you even introduced yourself to each other, and it has everything to do with the way you behave. Impressing girls is more than wearing expensive clothes or having a tough demeanor, it's about conveying that you are someone others like to be around.

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Part 1 of 3: The right body language

  1. Consider your attitude. Stand upright whether you are walking, standing or sitting. Put your shoulders back a bit so that you widen your chest and lift your chin. Good posture is very important to show confidence, and you will show that you are cool whether others notice it consciously or not.
    • Posture is one of the most important elements of body language, and it stands out the most. Your attitude is a reflection of how you feel, and it can betray a lack of self-confidence, even if you are so well dressed and have a smile on your face.
  2. Smile. Whatever you do, smile. Smiling not only shows that you are comfortable with what you are doing, but it also shows others that you are comfortable with them and that they can feel comfortable with you. Don't overdo it. The corners of your mouth that lift a little and a sparkle in your eye is enough to show people that you are a nice kid who knows how to have fun… and who may be a bit mysterious too.
    • People who smile are found to be more physically attractive, so please yourself by showing kindness.
  3. Move like you have a goal. This is an extension of feeling at ease, and it has to do with how you move and interact with your environment. Keep your movements smooth and purposeful, and avoid wasted energy. Try to keep your movements compact and carry yourself with ease. That shows others that you have total control over your body and your environment.
    • If you don't move efficiently, your movements will look clumsy and uncoordinated, which is a sign of incompetence.
    • Do not make wild gestures while you are talking as it can be annoying when you are talking to someone. However, don't look like a sack of salt who is too shy to move. Try to find the right balance.
  4. Open yourself up to people. When you are talking to or standing with someone, open yourself up to him or her physically, by turning your body towards him / her. Look at someone when you talk to them and seek eye contact. You are much more inviting than when you unconsciously shut yourself off from someone by turning your body away, turning your eyes away when the other person is talking, etc.
    • Try not to cross your arms or legs, and don't mindlessly pick or fiddle with your clothes. In addition to being examples of closed body language, it also seems like you don't know what to do with your hands.

Part 2 of 3: Social contacts

  1. Make sure you are the most important person in the room. Without bragging or acting like a selfish jerk, try to take over the room and everyone else in it. You need to make others feel that you are an important person, whether you are talking or listening. Do this by using assertive body language (grow up, open up, move with ease) so that others start paying attention, and by being involved and considerate. Act as if everything you say and do is so important that it affects others.
    • Pretend until you believe in it yourself. Pretend all eyes are on you, and people are all looking at you to see what's really cool.
    • Before you say it, take a moment to think about what you are going to say. Then you come across as someone who is thoughtful, and you are less likely to stumble over your words.
  2. Show enthusiasm when you are with others. Show your interest in the people you talk to and be enthusiastic about the things you do yourself. Try to be someone who can talk to all kinds of people. This makes you attractive to many people and will eventually pay off; if the girl you want to impress happens to look at you, she will see that you are a friendly person and that you have a genuine interest in others.
    • Be an active listener. Say things like "Yes," "hmmmhmm" and "I agree" to show that you're paying attention.
    • Try to ensure that everyone can contribute equally to a conversation and thereby develop a good relationship. If someone has said something about themselves, agree or mention something related to yourself, and then allow the other person to say something again.
  3. Be humble. If you belittle others, or want to demand all the attention yourself all the time, you're not really cool. Rather than boasting about your accomplishments, it's better to have a modest attitude toward yourself. Accept compliments nicely, and try not to talk about yourself all the time. The fact is, no one likes to be with someone who thinks they are better than the rest, so compliment and pay attention to others.
    • People who are really cool don't have to prove that to others, because they already have enough confidence in themselves.
    • It's a sign of confidence when you can recognize the qualities of others, because confident people don't always have to be the center of attention.
  4. Act confidently. Most importantly, you respect yourself and show others who you are without fear of their judgment or making fun of you. Self-awareness is almost impossible to hide and in reality almost always unfounded. If you're not worried about what that pretty girl or whoever thinks of you, don't hold back. You can have more fun and let your personality shine.
    • Focus on having fun. Don't get boring because you want to look good for the girls. Cool people can always have fun no matter what environment they are in.
  5. Keep your head cool. Don't get nervous if things don't quite turn out the way you intended. If you want to show others how cool you are, it's important to keep your emotions in check. Stay calm and try not to be upset if you feel uncomfortable. If you find yourself getting irritated, take a few deep breaths until that feeling subsides, and don't forget to keep smiling. Whatever happens, stay calm and try to maintain your kind attitude.
    • Don't take annoying comments personally. If someone criticizes you or says something that you disagree with, know that it is just an opinion. Don't let it ruin your mood.
    • If you do get angry or sad, put on your poker face. If you can't let it slide, at least pretend you're cool as long as others are around.

Part 3 of 3: A confident appearance

  1. Dress well. When choosing an outfit to go out in, choose items that fit well, emphasize your strengths, and make you look good. Know how to mix and match and dress appropriately for the season. A well-dressed person always attracts attention wherever he is; if you want to be cool, you have to look your best.
    • Wear fashionable clothes to show that you are hip and modern; colors that match the season, popular fabrics and patterns, and garments that fit perfectly all show that you are a man of the times.
  2. Take care of your body. Eat healthy, get enough exercise and keep unhealthy habits, such as eating fast food and drinking alcohol, to a minimum. Look like someone who knows how to take care of himself. If you tend to be lazy or act like a slobber, you can see that in your appearance. When you exercise and eat healthily, you look and feel better, and that translates into more confidence when you're with the girls.
    • Eat a diet high in protein, low in processed carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc.) and low in fat. In any case, eat fresh fruit and green leafy vegetables every day with one of your meals.
    • You don't have to become a bodybuilder to look your best, but try to get moving a few times a week. Keep exercising fun by choosing activities that you enjoy, such as swimming, running, or cycling.
  3. Keep yourself clean. In addition to knowing how to dress properly, make sure that you are clean, that your hair is combed, and that you put on deodorant. You feel refreshed and refreshed, and other people notice it too. Clothing is only part of looking good - if you take good care of your body, you will look like someone who has it all done.
    • Make it a habit to follow a regular routine every day. Shower, trim your nails, brush your teeth, and look clean and presentable before you go out the door.
  4. Feel comfortable with yourself. Relax! That's one of the most important things to do if you want to be cool. Whatever you do, try to be confident and comfortable. In all your actions and conversations, act as if you have done it thousands of times. This is especially important if you want to impress a girl. If you have taken all the necessary steps to look your best, but you are not feeling well, you will radiate that you are trying too hard.
    • If you're often tense in public or meeting new people, take a moment to mentally prepare yourself before going out. Plan your activities in advance so that you are not faced with surprises. Practice the things you can say when you introduce yourself.
    • Be able to laugh at yourself when you screw up. That shows a positive attitude and sense of humor, both of which are characteristics that others find attractive.


  • Always try to make eye contact. This is a habit of confident people, and it can also create an intimate bond.
  • Learn to accept "no". You may have been hurt in your honor, but if a girl isn't waiting for your attention, leave her alone.
  • On your first date, take a girl to a place where you know a lot of people. Then she sees that you are very popular, and then others can put in a good word for you.


  • Know where flirting ends and inappropriate behavior begins.
  • If you want to impress a girl, don't be cocky. Self-confidence, being at ease and assertiveness are very important; arrogance will get you nowhere.