Lower your blood pressure without medication

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
2 Simple Things Lowered My Blood Pressure Without Meds
Video: 2 Simple Things Lowered My Blood Pressure Without Meds


High blood pressure is a fairly common medical condition. Depending on how high your blood pressure is, you may need to take medication to control your blood pressure. And once you get your elevated blood pressure under control with the help of medication, it is important that you adjust your lifestyle to lower your blood pressure permanently so that you become less dependent on medication. With the help of specific techniques, such as adjusting your diet and a healthier lifestyle, whether or not in combination with medicines, it is quite possible to control your blood pressure and lead a normal, healthy life.

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Method 1 of 4: Be economical with salt

  1. Don't add too much salt to your food. When cooking, do not add more than a pinch of salt to the food and do not use salt at the table. You need a little bit of salt every day, but you get more than enough from the processed products you eat and the little salt you use in cooking.
    • If you eat too much salt, your body will retain excess water, which leads to high blood pressure.
    • Keep in mind that sea salt and kosher salt contain as much sodium as regular table salt.
    • Sodium makes your body retain water, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.
  2. Try to eat as little processed food as possible. Processed products usually contain a lot of salt and other additives, such as the preservative sodium benzoate. Remember, it's not just about the salt you put on your food while cooking or at the table, but also the amount of sodium you get from the processed products you buy ready-to-eat.
    • Sodium makes your body retain water, which can increase your blood pressure. Usually it is on the nutritional information label, which you will find on all types of processed products.
    • Always read labels and buy low-salt, low-sodium, or unsalted foods.
    • Almost all processed foods in tins or jars are packed with salt, such as cold cuts, pickles, olives, soups, stock cubes, bacon, ham, sausage, pizza and other snacks, and cold cuts with added water. All these products have an increased content of sodium. Also avoid ready-made sauces and other seasonings such as mustard, curry, chili sauce, soy sauce, ketchup, barbecue sauce, and the like.
  3. Keep track of how much salt you consume. A Western daily menu easily contains an average of 5,000 milligrams (5 grams) of sodium per day, and according to most experts this is far too much. You may not be able or willing to eliminate sodium completely from your menu, but it is important that you try to stay below 2 grams (2000 mg) per day. Therefore, keep track of how much sodium you take in daily and avoid salt as much as you can.
    • To keep track of how much salt you have eaten, it is a good idea to keep a food diary or to use a special app for this. There are several fitness and health apps that allow you to track your salt consumption throughout the day.
    • A low sodium diet usually prescribes 0 to 1400 mg of salt per day. With a diet with a moderate sodium content, between 1400 and 4000 mg per day is used. A diet rich in sodium contains just over 4000 mg per day.
    • Keep in mind that sea salt and kosher salt contain just as much sodium as regular table salt. It is better to avoid salt substitutes. Salt substitutes often contain potassium chloride, and some people cannot tolerate it. Instead, opt for low-sodium and salt-free seasonings that you can use in place of salt, such as lemon juice, balsamic, apple or wine vinegar, fresh herbs, and salt-free herb and spice blends.
    • Keep in mind that the normal recommended amount of sodium is around 2500 mg per day.

Method 2 of 4: Adjust your eating habits

  1. Eat a moderate, lean diet. If you are trying to lower your blood pressure, it is important that you try to maintain a moderate, healthy, nutritious and balanced diet. Choose a meal based on vegetable products, so with lots of fruit and vegetables and little meat, dairy products and eggs.
    • Try to eat at least 1 meal a day that contains no meat and consists mainly of fruits and vegetables. For example, you could have a salad for lunch consisting of a plate of green leafy vegetables with different types of raw vegetables and seeds, such as grated carrot, cucumber, radishes and some sunflower seeds.
    • If you eat meat and fish, opt for the lean varieties, such as chicken or salmon, without the skin. If you eat or drink dairy products, then also choose the low-fat varieties.
  2. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat. This means you should avoid candy bars, processed carbohydrates and red meat. Such foods are often very tasty, but they offer little nutritional value, and what nutrients they contain can be obtained very well from healthier options.
    • Instead of red meat, eat healthier meats such as chicken or fish.
    • If you are craving sugar, eat a piece of fruit instead of cookies or a chocolate bar.
  3. Get more fiber. Fiber alone won't lower your blood pressure, but it does help regulate your digestion and improve your overall health. Most vegetables contain a lot of fiber, especially green leafy vegetables. Many fruits are also rich in fiber, such as nuts, legumes (beans, lentils and peas), and whole grain cereals.
    • Some of the best foods you can eat to get more fiber include pears, strawberries, avocados, apples, carrots, beets, broccoli, lentils, and white or kidney beans.
    • It is recommended that you eat 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, so to add more fiber to your diet, vary as much as possible with different types of foods.
  4. Eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Many people in the Western world do not get enough omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil), and by restoring this balance a little you can lower your blood pressure in a natural way. Eat fish twice a week or more. Fish contains omega 3 fatty acids and so-called lower fats or triglycerides, which improve the overall health of your heart.
    • Fish is rich in protein and many types of fish, including salmon, mackerel and herring, are also high in omega 3 fatty acids. The omega 3 fatty acids are mainly in the oils of the fish, so if you eat canned fish, do not throw the oil away, but eat it with the fish!
    • It is recommended that you eat no more than one or two servings of lean meat, or chicken or fish, per day.
    • You can also take fish oil tablets regularly to get more omega 3 fatty acids. Just take a good look at the type of fish oil tablets you take. There have been warnings that certain processed fish products may contain increased mercury levels.
  5. Try to get more potassium through your diet. Too much potassium can be harmful, but you do need some of it. Try to get between 3,500 and 4,700 mg of potassium daily. If you are very active you may need more potassium, and if you are a little older or sick, you may need a little less. Some foods that are naturally high in potassium include:
    • Bananas
    • Tomatoes / tomato juice
    • Potatoes
    • Beans
    • Onions
    • Oranges
    • All kinds of fresh and dried fruits
  6. Talk to your doctor about taking nutritional supplements. Ask your doctor if you could lower your blood pressure with natural supplements. Many natural nutritional supplements have been scientifically shown to lower blood pressure, but you should never replace the medicines for high blood pressure you take with a natural one without first talking to your doctor.
    • The best nutritional supplements that can help lower your blood pressure are coenzyme Q10, omega-3, fish oil, garlic, curcumin (from turmeric), ginger, cayenne, olive oil, nuts, black cohosh, hawthorn, magnesium and chromium. Ask your doctor if you can take these supplements without a problem.
    • Vitamins such as B12, B6 and B9 can help lower homocysteine ​​levels in your blood. High homocysteine ​​levels can lead to heart problems.

Method 3 of 4: Provide as few stimuli as possible

  1. Stop smoking immediately. The stimulants in cigarette smoke, such as nicotine, can raise your blood pressure. By quitting smoking, you can help lower your blood pressure, improve your heart health and reduce the chances of contracting other illnesses such as lung cancer.
    • If you find it difficult to quit smoking, ask your doctor how he or she could help you. Your doctor may be able to prescribe you medications to help you quit smoking, or he or she may be able to provide you with information about counseling programs for people who want to quit smoking.
  2. Try to cut down on caffeine. Not drinking coffee, soda and other caffeinated drinks will lower your blood pressure. Even 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day can raise your blood pressure to an unhealthy level, so if you have high blood pressure, it is best to cut coffee altogether.
    • If someone already has high blood pressure, caffeine makes that problem worse because caffeine stimulates your nervous system. Irritated nerves make your heart beat faster, which increases your blood pressure.
    • If you are someone who drinks a lot of caffeine (more than 4 caffeinated drinks a day), you may need to taper your caffeine intake slowly so that you don't get headaches and other withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Lose weight. If you carry extra weight, your heart has to work harder and this increases your blood pressure.By losing this extra weight, with the help of an adjusted diet and more exercise, your heart will have to beat less and your blood pressure will drop.
  4. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Stimulants such as alcohol and drugs, even if you take them occasionally, can harm many organs in your body, including your liver and kidneys. This too can contribute to high blood pressure.
    • Many drugs are stimulants. They make your heart beat faster and your blood pressure goes up. If you stop taking alcohol and drugs, there is a good chance that your blood pressure will drop.
  5. Check your blood pressure yourself and ask your doctor for advice. The doctor can check your blood pressure with the help of a blood pressure monitor and a stethoscope, or you can measure your blood pressure yourself with an automatic blood pressure monitor. If you think your blood pressure may be too high, talk to your doctor to choose the most appropriate treatment method. Typically, blood pressure is divided into categories, including:
    • Normal blood pressure: below 120/80
    • Blood pressure in prehypertension: 120-139 / 80-89
    • First stage of hypertension: 140-159 / 90-99
    • Second stage of hypertension: 160/100 and above

Method 4 of 4: Provide enough relaxation

  1. Reduce chronic stress. If possible, minimize everyday stressors, such as doing business with a lot at stake. When you are under permanent stress, where your body produces stress hormones on a daily basis, your cardiovascular system, or your cardiovascular system, automatically becomes overloaded.
    • This overload occurs because the stress hormones increase your pulse, breathing and heart rate. Your body thinks it has to fight or run and automatically gets ready to do one of those things.
    • Many people temporarily suffer from higher blood pressure when under stress. If you have high blood pressure because you are overweight or if hypertensive is common in your family, then stress will increase your blood pressure much more. This is because your adrenal gland releases stress hormones that cause your cardiovascular system to overload.
  2. To lower your blood pressure, take a relaxing bath or a warm shower. Sitting in a warm bath or taking a hot shower for 15 minutes can suppress your blood pressure for a few hours. A warm bath just before going to sleep can help the body keep your blood pressure lower for several hours or even all night.
  3. Meditate to calm down and lower your blood pressure. Take time every day to unwind, as that way you can reduce your overall stress level. Just by paying attention to your breathing and breathing more slowly, you can lower your blood pressure significantly.
    • While meditating, you can simply focus on deep, slow breathing. Keep doing this until you fall asleep or feel completely relaxed.
  4. Take a walk or exercise in a different way every day. Walk for at least 20 to 30 minutes every day at a moderate speed of about 3 miles per hour. Research has shown that walking in itself has a suppressive effect on high blood pressure.
    • Can't you walk outside? Then use a treadmill indoors. The advantage of this is that you can also walk when it is raining or snowing outside. Moreover, you can even walk in your pajamas on a treadmill without the neighbors seeing you!
    • A long walk before bed takes the strain of a stressful day. Set aside time every day for such a soothing discharge.


  • If your blood pressure remains at or above a value between 140 mmHg and 90 mmHg (140/90) even if you monitor your blood pressure and apply the above tips, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
  • High blood pressure that is not treated or controlled can lead to an increased risk of thickening and hardening of the heart muscle, diabetes, nerve damage, kidney failure, a heart attack or bleeding in the brain.