Relieve yourself in the open air

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Fire Drill  - The Office US
Video: Fire Drill - The Office US


If you ever need to relieve yourself in the great outdoors without the conveniences of plumbing, you may be in for a surprise. It can be difficult to find a good place to urinate or defecate without making a mess or being seen and without leaving evidence of your deed. Planning ahead can help you prepare for adventures where you may need to go to the bathroom outdoors.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Planning ahead

  1. Know the law. In many countries, urinating and defecating in public ("urinating in the open") is prohibited. You could be charged with disorderly conduct if you are seen urinating or defecating in public, including public parks or waterways.
    • In some very rare cases, urinating or defecating in public can lead to charges of offensive or lewd behavior, which in turn can lead to you being registered as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
    • Of course, there are times when you are hiking or camping when you need to relieve yourself in public areas. It is vital that you use your common sense and make sure you are in a reasonably screened area when you are doing your business outside.
  2. Leaves no traces. The ethical and responsible way to enjoy nature is to leave no trace of your presence while you are away. Not only does this mean leaving wildlife alone and not destroying natural landmarks, it also means that you don't leave a trace of having relieved yourself. This means that you have to bury your poo well.
  3. Come prepared. If you're going camping, hiking, or having a picnic outdoors, keep in mind that you or your friends will need to relieve themselves at some point during the trip.
    • You'll need a shovel to dig a hole to bury feces, a toilet roll, and a plastic bag to carry used toilet paper when you leave.
    • You will also need a waterless hand cleaner.

Part 2 of 3: Pooping outside

  1. Choose your location. Since you need to be discreet and also have a clean place to bury your poo, remember the following guidelines before squatting:
    • Choose a place that cannot be seen by passers-by, preferably with the shelter of trees.
    • Choose a place that is at least 60 meters from water sources such as lakes or streams, and away from camping sites or other places where people can explore.
    • Try to find a place with soft soil to dig in.
  2. Dig a cat hole. A cat hole is a small hole to defecate in, much like cats dig a hole before going to defecate in the wild.
    • Using the shovel you brought with you, dig a hole 6 inches deep and 4 inches wide. It should be large enough to be a target when squatting above it and deep enough for animals to stay out.
  3. Squat and shit. First, take your underpants and pants down. You can pull them out all the way if you want and hang them over a nearby tree or bush.
    • Then squat over your cat hole and poo straight into it. If you miss, use a branch to sweep your feces to the bottom of the hole.
  4. Wipe with any toilet paper you brought with you. While you have seen people in movies wipe with leaves, you shouldn't try this yourself unless you have a deep understanding of the local vegetation. You might get a huge rash in the worst place imaginable.
    • Put your used toilet paper in the plastic bag you brought with you and put it in another plastic bag to hide the smell. Take it all with you and throw it away when you see a waste bin or when you get home.
  5. Bury your waste. You have to bury it for sanitary reasons. Burying your stool can reduce the risk of someone stepping on it or spreading disease and bacteria.
    • Cover your feces with the soil you scooped out of your cat hole, then cover it with branches, leaves, or rocks to hide it. This will help keep animals away, which can help prevent the spread of germs.

Part 3 of 3: Outdoor urination for women

  1. Find a private place. Find a spot behind rocks or trees for privacy.
    • Don't forget to bring your supplies, including toilet paper, plastic bags, and hand cleaner.
  2. Take your pants and underpants down. If you are wearing a skirt, lift it up and roll it under one arm, then pull your underpants down. If you have enough time and privacy, it is better to take off your pants and underpants completely, in case you get dripping.
    • Put your pants and underwear in a dry place on the ground or a nearby bush. Don't put them too close or they might get dirty.
  3. Squat with your heels flat on the floor. You may be used to squat on the balls of your foot with your feet close together, but this pose is very unstable and hard on the knees. Squatting with your feet hip-width or shoulder-width apart and your feet flat is easier to sustain for a longer period of time.
    • If you are wearing pants you have to be careful that things don't fall out of your pocket when you squat.
  4. Lake. Pee hard at the beginning and end to get a long stream and no drops. Some women find it useful to use one hand to push the labia apart so that the urinary hole is more exposed, but this can also be done by spreading the legs a little more.
    • If you'd rather not squat, you can try the steps in standing urinate as a woman.
  5. Wipe with toilet paper, tissues or a wet cloth. Hopefully you brought a plastic bag with you so you can take the used wipes with you: take it with you when you leave and throw it away when you get home or back at your campsite. If not, throw the toilet paper where you peed.
    • If you need to change a tampon, make sure to put the old one in a plastic bag and throw it away in the first convenient place nearby. Tampons do not decay and the blood will attract animals.
  6. Put your underwear and pants back on. Or you can take your skirt down again when you are wearing it and make sure it is not caught in your underpants.
    • Don't forget to use the hand cleaner you have with you.


  • Women who prefer to pee quickly while standing may want to buy a thing like the GoGirl, which holds you against the vulva and directs the flow of urine away from your body.