Making your uterine lining thicker

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Thicken Your Uterine Lining | TTC, IVF, ICSI, IUI
Video: How to Thicken Your Uterine Lining | TTC, IVF, ICSI, IUI


Healthy uterine lining or endometrium helps women have regular periods and become pregnant. If your uterine lining is thin, it may be difficult for you to conceive. However, a thin endometrium can be treated by modifying your lifestyle at certain points, and you can ask your doctor to help make your endometrium thicker in the medical direction. Stay optimistic - many women manage to thicken their uterine lining and increase the chances of pregnancy.

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Method 1 of 3: Using natural methods

  1. Exercise daily. Exercise improves blood circulation throughout your body, including blood flow to your uterus. Good blood circulation makes your endometrium thicker. Whether you're swimming, running, biking, doing yoga, or just going for a walk, get out for at least half an hour.
    • If you have to sit still for a long time for work, try walking around for two minutes once every hour.
  2. Get at least seven hours of sleep. Make sure you are well rested to keep your hormone levels stable - estrogen and other hormones balance out while you sleep. Try to develop a healthy sleep pattern to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. To improve your sleep patterns, try the following:
    • Have a set time for going to bed and getting up. Try to go to sleep around 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
    • Do not take naps during the day.
    • Only use your bedroom for sleeping. For example, don't watch television in bed.
    • Have a relaxing evening routine such as taking a warm bath or giving a hand massage.
    • Sleep in a cool, dark room.
  3. Reduce stress. Stress and the chemicals it releases can have a negative effect on your body, including your hormone levels. Control stress by taking time every day to relax. Try yoga, meditation, a creative project like writing or painting, aromatherapy, or anything else that will help you relax. If you experience a lot of stress at home or at work, try to practice mindfulness.
  4. Try a fertility diet. Your diet can affect your fertility. Try to eat lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. A diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates can also help. If possible, make sure you get more protein from vegetables and beans than meat. Avoid trans fats and processed foods.
  5. Take herbal supplements. Herbal supplements have not been scientifically proven to thicken your uterine lining, but some herbs can help improve your circulation and increase blood flow to your uterus. They can also help increase the amount of estrogen in your body. You can buy herbal supplements at the drugstore, health food store and on the internet (make sure you buy them from a reliable webshop). Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any herbal supplement. Supplements are natural, but can still interact with other medications or affect medical conditions. Use the following herbs to increase or balance the amount of estrogen in your body, or improve blood circulation:
    • Wild yam
    • Black cohosh
    • Dong quai
    • Licorice root
    • Red clover
    • Raspberry leaf tea
  6. Try acupuncture. Acupuncture helps regulate your menstrual cycle by improving blood flow to your uterus. See a licensed acupuncturist for treatment. The acupuncturist inserts needles in certain places in your body to improve your blood circulation, regulate your hormones and promote healing.
  7. Don't do things that make your circulation worse. Just as you can try things to improve your circulation, you shouldn't do things that make your circulation worse. Some of the most common things that cause your blood circulation to deteriorate are:
    • Smoking: quit smoking! It is bad for your health and impairs your blood circulation.
    • Drinking caffeine: Try to drink only one cup of a caffeinated drink per day. Reduce the amount of caffeine you drink gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
    • Using decongestants: Anti-allergy and sinus medications that contain phenylephrine and other similar substances cause your blood vessels to constrict. So try other products without these ingredients.

Method 2 of 3: Try regular medical treatments

  1. See your doctor. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle or it is difficult for you to conceive, see your doctor or gynecologist. These problems can have many causes, so get a physical exam to rule out causes other than a thin endometrium. If you do have a thin endometrium, your doctor is the best person to treat you.
    • It is important to determine the cause of your thin endometrium in order to best treat the condition.
  2. Try estrogen therapy. The first step in thickening your endometrium is usually to change your hormone levels with estrogen therapy. Your doctor may prescribe you a contraceptive that contains estrogen or prescribe you estrogen in the form of pills, patches, gel, cream, or a spray.
    • Using estrogen can put you at an increased risk of blood clots, heart disease, and some cancers. Discuss your health and family history with your doctor.
  3. Use a vasodilator. Your endometrium needs a good blood supply to thicken, and narrowed veins can cause your endometrium to thin. Ask your doctor if you can take a medicine that dilates your blood vessels, also called a vasodilator, to improve blood flow to your uterus.
    • People with certain medical conditions should not use vasodilator drugs. These drugs can cause side effects such as a fast heart rate, fluid retention, headache, chest pain and nausea. Discuss your health history with your doctor before taking any medications.
  4. Increase your vitamin E intake. Vitamin E can improve blood flow to the endometrium and thicken the endometrium. Eat foods that are high in vitamin E and ask your doctor if you can take a vitamin E supplement, also called tocopherol. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin E for women is 15 mg. Ask your doctor if you can take a higher dose to thicken your endometrium. In studies, women were given 600 mg of vitamin E. Foods high in vitamin E include:
    • Almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and peanut butter
    • Raw seeds and kernels such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds
    • Swiss chard, kale and spinach
    • Sarepta mustard leaves, turnip leaves and parsley
    • Avocados, broccoli, tomatoes and olives
    • Mangoes, papayas and kiwis
    • Wheat germ oil, safflower oil and corn oil
  5. Have your blood iron levels checked. Iron deficiency can cause your uterine lining to thin. Ask your doctor to test the iron level in your blood. If your blood is low in iron, you may need to eat more foods that are high in iron or take an iron supplement.
    • Meat and fish are the best sources of iron.
    • Vegans and vegetarians have a higher risk of iron deficiency. Eat iron-rich grains and vegetables, such as quinoa, lentils, spinach, and tofu.
  6. Take a supplement containing l-arginine. There is clear scientific evidence that taking a supplement containing l-arginine helps people who suffer from heart problems and leg pain caused by blocked veins.Because l-arginine dilates the vessels and improves blood circulation, taking it may help to thicken your endometrium. You can buy such a supplement at the drugstore or health food store.
    • There is no maximum dose for l-arginine, but you can take 0.5-15 mg to treat a variety of ailments. In studies, 6 grams per day was used to treat a thin endometrium. Talk to your doctor about the dose and whether this is a suitable supplement for you.

Method 3 of 3: Consider newer medical treatments

  1. Ask your doctor about low-dose aspirin therapy. It has been found that some women get pregnant faster if they take low doses of aspirin, but it is not known if this is due to the thickening of the endometrium. Only take aspirin with your doctor's approval and after discussing your health history.
  2. Discuss pentoxifylline with your doctor. Pentoxifylline (Trental) is a drug that improves blood circulation. It is used in combination with vitamin E to thicken the lining of the womb in women trying to conceive. It can make you dizzy and cause an upset stomach. Make sure to tell your doctor the following:
    • Whether you are allergic to caffeine or certain medicines
    • Which medicines you take, especially if it concerns blood thinners
    • Whether you have (had) kidney problems
    • Whether you are trying to conceive
    • Whether you will be operated on soon
  3. Research a cytokine treatment. If regular treatments don't help thicken your endometrium, consider trying a newer medical treatment in conjunction with a specialist. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) treatment has thickened the endometrium of women preparing for IVF treatment in studies. This is a new treatment that is still under investigation, but ask your doctor if it is something to consider.


  • The drug Clomid and birth control pills with a large amount of progesterone can make your uterine lining thinner. Ask your doctor if you can stop taking these medications.


  • If your uterine lining is too thick or you have a high amount of estrogen in your body, you are more likely to develop uterine cancer. Make sure you make regular appointments with your doctor to get checked for any problems.