Lower your TSH value

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
TSH Results / Levels: How to explain in 80 seconds
Video: TSH Results / Levels: How to explain in 80 seconds


If you have a high level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), your thyroid gland is working slower than normal, a condition known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism develops when your thyroid gland does not produce enough of certain hormones that your body uses to control important metabolic, or chemical, processes in the body. Hypothyroidism can cause fatigue, depression, weight gain and loss of appetite. If not treated, it can lead to obesity, infertility, heart disease and joint pain. If you have hypothyroidism, you can try lowering your TSH to relieve symptoms of the condition. You can take medication to treat high TSH, but you can also make diet and lifestyle changes to address hypothyroidism.

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Method 1 of 2: Taking thyroid medication

  1. Have your TSH value determined. If you experience some of the effects of hypothyroidism, such as constipation, hoarseness, and fatigue, see the doctor to determine for sure if you have hypothyroidism. During the appointment, the doctor will order blood tests to determine if your thyroid is underactive.
  2. Ask the doctor to prescribe thyroid medication. The best way to lower your TSH is to take a synthetic hormone called levothyroxine. This medication is available with a doctor's prescription. It is an oral drug that restores hormone levels and clears the symptoms of hypothyroidism. You will have to take it once a day.
    • Once you take medication, symptoms should improve within 3-5 days. The medication should be fully effective within 4-6 weeks.
    • Always follow the doctor's instructions regarding dosage. Never take more than the recommended dose.
    • Thyroid medication must be taken for life to keep TSH levels low, but fortunately it is relatively cheap. The doctor will be able to tell you what the exact costs will be.
  3. Learn about the side effects of the medication. If you get too high a dose and you take in too much thyroid hormone, you can get side effects. The doctor may need to adjust the dose to match your body's demands. You may also be given a specific type of medication that your body is not responding well to. Go to the emergency room if you have signs of an allergic reaction to levothyroxine: rash, trouble breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:
    • Fast, irregular heartbeat
    • Chest pain and / or difficulty breathing
    • Fever, hot flushes and / or excessive sweating
    • Feeling abnormally cold
    • Weakness, fatigue and / or sleeping problems
    • Problems with memory, feeling depressed or irritable
    • muscle strain
    • Dry house, dry hair, hair loss
    • Changes in the menstrual cycle
    • Vomiting, diarrhea, change in appetite and / or change in weight
  4. Do not take certain supplements while on medication. Iron and calcium supplements can hinder the body's ability to absorb the medication. Furthermore, avoid taking any medication containing cholestyramine and aluminum hydroxide.
    • Consult before taking thyroid medication if you are also taking other medications or supplements.
    • In general, thyroid medication is most effective when taken on an empty stomach, approximately 30 minutes before eating.
  5. Try "natural" thyroid medications with caution. "Natural" thyroid medications are made from animal thyroid glands, usually pigs. You can buy it as dietary supplements on the internet. However, the drug is neither purified nor regulated by the food and goods authority. Avoid buying and using a "natural" thyroid medication that is not prescribed or recommended by your doctor.
    • You can be prescribed these "natural," alternative medication options as an extract or in a dried form.
    • If you'd like to learn more, ask your doctor about Armor Thyroid, a natural thyroid extract available by prescription.
  6. Track your progress. Get regular check-ups by your doctor to confirm that your TSH is decreasing with the help of the medication. In some cases, the doctor will adjust the dose after 2 or 3 months to make sure your body is getting enough of the hormone.
    • After 1 to 2 months on the right dose of medication, your symptoms should improve and you should feel less tired. Your eating habits and weight should also improve.
  7. Have your TSH value tested annually. Schedule an annual test with the doctor to make sure your TSH level is what it should be. The doctor should test the value at least once a year to confirm that the medication is working.
    • You may need to have the value tested more often when you receive a new dose of levothyroxine.
    • Taking thyroid hormone replacement medication is a lifelong requirement for people with hypothyroidism. Do not stop taking the medicine when you feel better as your symptoms will likely return.

Method 2 of 2: Change your diet and lifestyle

  1. Maintain a diet rich in B vitamins and iodine. Follow a diet rich in healthy protein, such as tofu, chicken, and beans, as well as foods rich in B vitamins, such as whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Add to that a good balance of fruits and vegetables, especially sea vegetables because they are rich in iodine. Foods that are naturally high in iodine are good for your thyroid.
    • You can try taking in sea vegetables such as kelp, nori, and kombu at least once a day. Drizzle kelp over your salad or in your soup for extra iodine. Add kombu to your beans or meat. Wrap food in nori.
    • Add nuts and seeds to stir-fries, quinoa and salads.
  2. Exercise regularly. Exercise can help activate your metabolism and counter some of the side effects of an underactive thyroid, such as fatigue, depression, and gaining weight. Run and cycle regularly. Go to a gym and take workout classes. Make it a habit to be active for at least 30 minutes a day.
    • You can also try doing yoga to stay active and reduce stress. Find yoga classes at the local gym or a yoga studio.
  3. Get enough vitamin D every day. Aim to be exposed to the sun for at least 20-30 minutes a day, in the early morning or evening. Expose your arms, legs and wanted to the sun. Too little vitamin D has been linked to hypothyroidism.Increasing the value can improve your hypothyroidism symptoms.
    • If you live in a place where there is very little direct sunlight, especially in the winter months, talk to your doctor about taking vitamin D supplements.
  4. Reduce stress and anxiety. Keep your stress and anxiety in check to keep your thyroid from agitating. Do relaxing activities, such as painting, drawing, and knitting. Try to find a hobby you enjoy to get rid of stress and tension. A workout is also a great way to reduce your stress.
    • You can also do deep breathing exercises to help reduce stress, including a weekly yoga session.