Treating sciatica with exercises

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Safe Exercises For Sciatica Pain Relief
Video: 3 Safe Exercises For Sciatica Pain Relief


Sciatica is a painful condition in which compression or irritation of the tailbone nerve causes pain in your leg, hips, and lower back. Physical exercise is a great way to keep your muscles strong and reduce any sciatic pain. Although you can do the exercises at home, the guidance of a physical therapist is very important to prevent damage and to make sure you are in proper form. Exercises for the treatment of sciatica usually focus on strengthening your back muscles, supporting the lower back, and improving your flexibility and posture.

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Part 1 of 3: Exercises

  1. Do the plank. Many health care professionals recommend core exercises, such as the plank, to help relieve pain. Stronger core muscles help to support and relieve the back. They also keep your pelvis in a neutral position, which reduces nerve compression.
    • Lie on your stomach on a soft surface such as an exercise mat. Push yourself off the ground using your forearms and toes to support the body. The elbows should be directly under the shoulder. Make a double chin and keep the shoulder blades back and down to maintain proper spinal alignment.
    • Tighten your stomach, as if you were going to get a punch in the stomach. Pull your hips under you and tighten your glutes, keeping your whole body in a straight, taut line. Try to make yourself as tall and strong as you can, from the crown of your head to your heels.
    • Hold this position for 10 seconds or until you start to wiggle. Breathe normally while doing the plank. Do three sets with 30 seconds of rest in between. Work up to 30 seconds while maintaining good form.
  2. Do the side plank for the oblique muscles. These muscles protect the spine against sudden rotational movements and provide extra support for your back.
    • Start on your left side and on a soft surface, such as an exercise mat.
    • Lift your body off the floor by supporting your weight with the left elbow and the outside of the left foot. Your left shoulder should be directly above your left elbow.
    • Maintain an upright posture as if you were standing upright. Look straight ahead, tighten your stomach, pull your shoulders back and down, and tighten your buttocks.
    • You should hold this position for 10 seconds by continuously contracting your oblique abs (the muscles on the side of your stomach) on the left side.
    • This can be a particularly tricky move. If you have trouble with it, try moving your feet further apart for more support, or place them on the floor with your left knee.
    • Do three sets of 10 seconds. Work up to 30 seconds while maintaining good form. Switch sides and repeat.
  3. Do supine leg lifts. Leg lifts help strengthen your lower abs and relieve your lower back and sciatic nerve.
    • Start by lying on your back on the floor, on an exercise mat or the carpet. Press your lower back down against the floor and retract your belly button.
    • Pelvic alignment is essential to do this exercise properly and not cause further damage. You may need to support your lower back with your hands or bend your knees slightly.
    • Keep both legs straight (if you can) and slowly lift your left leg off the floor, keeping the right knee straight. Hold for five seconds and return to the original position.
    • Do the same with your other leg. Repeat this change five times or as many times as you can.
  4. Try bridge exercises. This exercise helps strengthen the back of your legs, buttocks and lower back.
    • Lie on the floor on your back, knees bent and the soles of your feet flat on the floor.
    • Then push yourself up with the help of your buttocks, keeping your back straight. Your body should form a straight line from your knees to your head.
    • Hold for five to ten seconds and then relax again. Repeat this exercise five times if possible.
  5. Do curl ups. This exercise is similar to a traditional crunch. It strengthens the abs and upper rectus to help relieve pressure on the lower back.
    • Start by lying flat on your back on an exercise mat or carpet. Fold your arms across your chest.
    • Slowly roll and lift your head off the floor, followed by your shoulders. You should feel your entire core (or core) being tightened.
    • Hold this position for two to four seconds or as long as you can. Slowly lower your shoulders and head back to the starting position.
    • Continue this exercise until you can do two sets of 10 curls.

Part 2 of 3: Stretching exercises

  1. Stretch your hamstrings. Standing hamstring stretching is an exercise that can help treat sciatica pain by stretching and lengthening the hamstrings (back of your thigh).
    • Go for a low table or sturdy box. Place one heel on the table or box while standing upright, keeping your foot bent and making sure your toes are pointing towards the ceiling.
    • Slowly bend forward from your waist, making sure to keep your back straight. Try to hit your toes as best you can until you feel a slight stretch in your hamstrings. If you are unable to touch your toes, place your hands on your shin or knee for a more comfortable position.
    • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and then place your foot back on the floor. Repeat this stretch two to three times on each leg.
  2. Bend back. Bending your back forward can relieve pain from sciatica. This helps relieve the irritation or pinching of the nerve.
    • Start by lying back to the floor on an exercise mat or carpet. Bend your knees as you lift them to your chest.
    • You will feel it stretch slightly in the lower part of your back. Keep your knees in a position that gives you a light and pleasant stretching sensation in your lower back.
    • Hold this stretch for thirty seconds and repeat four to six times.
  3. Try the child pose. Commonly known in yoga, the child pose is another exercise for a comfortable and prone stretch that can help relieve sciatica pain.
    • Sit on your knees on a rug or exercise mat. Bring your forehead to the floor and rest your head comfortably.
    • Stretch your arms out in front of you, overhead, and just let them relax, palm down on the mat or rug in front of you.
    • Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat four to six times if you are able and comfortable to do so.
  4. Stretch your piriformis muscle. The piriformis (or "ankle over knee") exercise helps loosen the piriformis muscle and increases its flexibility. Increased flexibility of the piriformis reduces pressure on the underlying sciatic nerve. It is important to stretch the piriformis because, although it is very small and deep, it is located directly above the sciatic nerve. Increased tension in these muscles will put pressure on the sciatic nerve (possibly all the way to the bottom of the leg).
    • Lie on your back on the carpet or exercise mat. Bend both knees at a 90 degree angle and keep feet flat on the floor.
    • Place your left ankle on top of the right knee. Your legs should now form a four. The outside of the left ankle should rest comfortably on the front of the right thigh.
    • Grab the back of your right thigh and slowly pull your thigh forward. You should feel a deep stretching in the left gluteal muscle. This means that the piriformis is stretched.
    • Keep your butt on the floor all the time, and hold this position for 30 seconds. People over the age of 40 must hold this pose for 60 seconds.
    • Switch legs and repeat this two to three times on each leg.

Part 3 of 3: Make lifestyle changes to mitigate sciatica

  1. Stay active. While you may feel like you need to rest or prefer to be physically inactive for a while, studies have shown that being inactive or taking bed rest could be counterproductive in managing sciatica.
    • The USDA usually recommends doing about 150 minutes or 2 1/2 hours of exercise or cardio each week. This equates to 30 minutes, 5 days a week.
    • If you're not currently exercising, are just getting started, or aren't currently exercising for more than 150 minutes a week, start slowly. Start with 60 minutes a week and then slowly build up until your goal is reached.
    • Heavier, higher impact workouts such as running may not be suitable for your current fitness level. However, walking or water aerobics can be calmer and more pleasant for you.
  2. Use hot and cold packs. People with sciatica and other types of muscle pain have successfully used a combination of hot and cold compression to reduce the pain.
    • Start by applying ice to your aching muscles and joints. This helps reduce the inflammation that is one of the main causes of sciatic nerve irritation. Apply the ice pack for about 20 minutes, several times a day. Make sure your ice pack is covered with a towel.
    • After applying hot packs, transfer to applying cold packs. Use this a few times a day for pain relief.
    • You can alternate hot packs and ice packs. If you are exercising, stretching, or strength training, you can start with cold to prevent inflammation and then use heat to relieve the pain.
  3. Take over-the-counter pain relievers. There are several options for treating pain from sciatica. This can help you stay active and in stretching and strengthening the muscles to reduce pain over time.
    • Although the pain you can feel from the sciatica can be intense, you can try self-medication with over-the-counter medications. If you can control pain in this way, it is better than switching to narcotic or opioid medications.
    • Try: Paracetamol and NSAIDs for pain relief. Make sure to read the dosage and instructions. In addition, always consult your doctor, regardless of the painkillers you are going to take.
    • If your pain is not well controlled with this type of medication, talk to your doctor about taking prescription medications for additional relief.
  4. Be careful when lifting heavy objects. If you are going to lift something, consider the weight you will be lifting. Never lift heavy objects that could strain your back or cause more irritation and pain.
    • If you want to lift something heavy, use the correct technique: bend your knees as if you were sitting in a chair, and let the leg muscles do the lifting with the help of your hips, instead of your back muscles.
    • Do not pull heavy things or boxes across the floor; better to push them slowly.
    • Let your work or family members know that you are in pain. Ask for "light work" or help if you need to lift heavy objects on a regular basis.
  5. Maintain good posture. Use correct posture while standing, sitting or even sleeping. This can help keep your condition from getting worse from poor posture.
    • While standing, keep your shoulders back, but relaxed. Lift your head up as if there is thread attached to the center of your head and pull you up. Pull in your stomach slightly and distribute your weight on both feet.
    • Sit with your back straight and a pillow supporting your lower back, your feet planted firmly on the floor. Keep your shoulders relaxed back as you would when standing.
    • When you sleep, make sure your mattress is firm and distributes your body weight evenly while keeping your back in an upright position.
  6. Make an appointment with a physiotherapist. In many cases, pain from sciatica cannot be properly controlled with exercises at home or with over-the-counter pain medications. Make an appointment with a physiotherapist for more intensive therapy.
    • A physical therapist is a healthcare professional who can help you manage your sciatic pain by helping you stretch and strengthen the correct muscles.
    • Ask your doctor for a referral or search online for a physiotherapist near you. Many physical therapists specialize in different types of injuries and pain treatment. Sciatica is quite common and usually known to most therapists.


  • Always consult your doctor first. Your physical therapist knows your medical condition and can determine which exercises are best for you.