Pack for a trip

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


How you pack your things can have a major impact on the course of your trip. If a tube of toothpaste has exploded in your suitcase, you undoubtedly know that this is true! When packing for a trip, you will first have to collect everything you need on the way and then put it in your suitcase in a practical way. In this article you can read exactly how to ensure that everything fits in your suitcase, but also that your belongings do not leak or get damaged in any other way. We also give a number of specific tips for people traveling by plane or train.

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Method 1 of 3: Pack your things

  1. Make a list of all the items you want to take with you on your trip. Consider, for example, clothing, shoes, toiletries and papers, but also maps, travel guides, books or magazines and the details of your hotel or car rental company. This list can also come in handy when packing for the return journey so that you don't leave anything at your travel destination.
    • Stuff that is often forgotten are toothpaste, a toothbrush, socks, sunglasses, sunscreen, a cap or hat, pajamas, razors and deodorant.
    • Only bring items that you really need. Do you really plan on wearing five different pairs of shoes on your vacation? And four different coats? Take into account the weather conditions and the activities that are on the program during your trip. Before you leave, check to see what the weather looks like at your destination.
  2. Put together complete outfits to avoid taking too many clothes. If you know what the weather will be like at your destination, you can adjust your clothing choice accordingly. Are you not sure what the weather will be like or is the weather at your destination very changeable? Then bring clothing that can come in handy in different situations (for example a thin jacket that you can combine with different tops or dresses, jeans with roll-up legs or shirts with three-quarter sleeves). Also, bring as many items of clothing as possible that you can wear several times. Items with thin fabrics that you can wear over each other are also always practical to take with you.
    • Match the colors of the garments as much as possible. If you bring items that can be combined well with each other in terms of color, you can easily put together all kinds of outfits for different situations.
    • Bring an empty plastic bag to store dirty laundry. If you don't have the opportunity to wash your clothes while traveling, it's best to keep your dirty laundry separate from your clean clothes. A plastic bag is an ideal tool for this, as it can prevent stains or bad odors from ending up in your clean clothes. Moreover, you can see at a glance which clothes in your suitcase are still usable and which are not.
  3. Buy small bottles to carry shampoos, creams, and other liquid items. Many drugstores also sell mini variants of, for example, toothpaste, deodorant and sunscreen. Unless you are taking a longer trip to a remote place, you can always visit the shop at the travel destination itself in an emergency. Are you taking a flight? Then make sure that you transport liquid products in your suitcase as much as possible. You can only take a limited number of milliliters of liquids with you in your hand luggage. The maximum amount of liquids you can transport differs per airline. You can usually find more information about this on your flight ticket or on the website of the relevant airline.
    • Put toiletries in a sealed bag or pouch. An exploded bottle of shampoo can wreak havoc in your suitcase. Make sure that your liquid toiletries are in a waterproof toiletry bag or wrap a plastic bag around these items to be on the safe side.
    • If you are staying in a hotel you can also choose to simply use the shampoo and conditioner that is offered. (Other toiletries such as toothpaste are available at the front desk in some cases.)
  4. Before going through customs, check your luggage. Check carefully that no extra items have been added to your suitcase by someone and that there are no foreign items in the suitcase. Pay extra attention to this if the suitcase you are taking contains someone else's belongings. After all, once you travel, you are the one responsible for the suitcase. Does your suitcase have a front pocket that you can easily open with a zipper? Check this front pocket even more!
    • Are you traveling abroad?, consider having your suitcase sealed at the airport. This way you can be sure that your suitcase will not be opened by anyone and that you reach your destination without luggage problems.
  5. Put heavy items in the bottom of your suitcase, especially if it is a standing model. This will prevent your suitcase from staggering or falling over when you transport it across the airport.
    • Immediately remove the items you are packing from your packing list. Do this carefully to avoid having to completely disrupt your suitcase halfway through packing to check if you have not forgotten something.
  6. Roll up your clothes to save as much space as possible. Place two or three pieces of clothing on top of each other, smooth the pile, then roll them up as if the pile of clothes were a sleeping bag. This way you save space, but also prevent your clothes from arriving at their destination full of wrinkles. If necessary, you can put some pieces of kitchen roll between the clothes to prevent wrinkles. However, you don't have to worry too much about this; in most hotels you will be able to borrow an iron to remove any creases.
  7. Use compression bags to pack thicker items of clothing such as sweaters and jackets. This allows you to save up to 75% of space in your suitcase! Compression bags are special luggage bags that you can roll out of the air. They also resist odors and can therefore be ideal for storing your dirty laundry. Compression bags can be ordered on various websites and come in different variants. For example, there are bags that you can connect to the vacuum cleaner, so that you can easily remove every last bit of air.
  8. Roll fragile items such as jewelry or glass into clothing and then put them in your shoes before putting them in the suitcase. This minimizes the chance that they will be damaged along the way.
  9. Buy one or more pinch rings. A pinch ring can be useful for keeping your most important items together. Use the ring, for example, to attach a bag with travel documents to your suitcase or hand luggage so that you do not lose it somewhere unexpectedly. You can also use a carabiner for this. These are available at most supermarkets, but also at HEMA or Xenos, for example. You can also use the hooks to attach items to your belt so that you are less vulnerable to pickpockets.
  10. Bring enough snacks for hungry moments. Bring light snacks for short trips such as taxi rides, but also savory snacks for example on the plane or train. If you want to eat gluten-free or vegan, it is wise to bring your own meals for long journeys. After all, in some places suitable food is not always available.
  11. Make sure you have something to pass the time with. After all, you will have to wait regularly on the way and then a book, magazine, game or mobile phone can come in handy.
  12. Try to relax as much as possible! On vacation, the idea is that you have as much fun as possible and as little stress as possible. So don't worry too much about organizing and planning your trip. If you find this difficult, book your trip through a reliable travel company. Then your trip will be fully taken care of for you and you only have to sit back and enjoy yourself. Do you prefer to book your hotel and airline tickets yourself? Then check websites like and to read reviews and find the cheapest deals.

Method 2 of 3: Pack for a flight

  1. Make sure you know what you not can take with you on the plane. For example, your hand luggage may not be too large or too heavy, you may not take too many liquid items and dangerous products will not be allowed on a trip. You can find the exact rules regarding baggage on the website of your airline.
    • Different safety rules apply in different countries. For example, in most countries you are not allowed to take sharp objects in your hand luggage and there may be no flammable items in your suitcase.Items that at first glance seem harmless can also be confiscated for safety reasons. Consider, for example, nail scissors or unopened bottles of water.
    • The allowed weight and size of your luggage differs per airline. Look up the rules regarding your baggage in advance via the website of the relevant company. However, you can easily take most medium-sized suitcases and backpacks with you when traveling.
    • Do not take peanuts with you when traveling. These can cause allergic reactions in other passengers.
    • On international travel it is often not allowed to bring vegetables, fruit, meat or dairy products. You can still get away with this in most European countries, but these products are likely to be taken on long journeys. This prevents certain bacteria and diseases from spreading around the world.
  2. Separate liquid products from the rest of your hand luggage. Make sure to put your liquid items in a clear, resealable plastic bag in your bag. You will have to show this bag to security at airports. How many milliliters of liquid products you can take with you on a trip differs per airline and per country. In the United States, the following rules apply for carrying liquids in hand luggage:
    • Each package may contain a maximum of 95 grams (3.4 ounces) of liquid. Small bottles of shampoo or hand cream are therefore allowed.
    • All packaging must fit together in a transparent, sealable plastic bag measuring 18x20cm. These plastic bags are available at the airport. Before your bag goes through the security scan, the bag of liquids must be removed from the bag. You then place it separately in one of the luggage bins so that it can be easily inspected by security.
    • To avoid hassle, you can also choose to bring as many permanent toiletries as possible. Consider, for example, a solid deodorant and concealer in powder form. You can also choose to carry liquid products in your hold luggage.
    • Liquid baggage restrictions usually do not apply to medicines (although you must have a medicine passport with you to transport them), breast milk and the like. Just make sure you keep these products separate from your other luggage, just like other liquid items. This way you can easily show them to security.
  3. Only take hold luggage with you if absolutely necessary. In recent years, as a passenger, you increasingly have to pay extra for checking in hold luggage. This can be a reason not to check in a suitcase, but for example only to take a spacious backpack with you on a short city trip. This not only saves you money, but also time because you do not have to wait for your suitcase at your destination. You can limit your carry-on by putting on your thickest clothes during the flight. You can also bring small suitcases for children so that you have everything you need with you despite the lack of hold luggage.
  4. Consider buying a laptop bag. Some airlines allow you to bring an extra laptop bag in addition to a piece of hand luggage. If this is the case with your airline, it might be worth purchasing such a laptop bag. After all, in addition to a laptop, you can also transport other items in the bag, which could come in handy if your backpack is already overcrowded. Incidentally, the laptop itself must be removed from the bag in most countries before going through the security scan at the airport.
  5. Put your most important things in your smallest bag. Many airlines allow you to bring two pieces of hand luggage: a medium-sized item and a smaller item. You will probably have to store the largest carry-on luggage in the overhead compartments above the seats on the plane, so it is wise to put the items you need on the road in your smaller bag. Consider, for example, snacks, a book or a warm scarf.

Method 3 of 3: Pack for a train journey

  1. Spread heavy items over different bags or suitcases as much as possible. Most trains allow you to take large amounts of baggage with you, which can be very useful if you are traveling for a longer period of time. However, as in airplanes, luggage is stored in compartments above the seats. If you put the heaviest items together in one suitcase, it makes it difficult to then lift your suitcase into one of these luggage compartments. So make sure you distribute heavy items over several bags to avoid this problem.
  2. Always keep your valuables close to you. Your belongings are slightly more vulnerable on the train than on the plane because you stop regularly along the way. This makes it easier for thieves to steal things than in an airplane, which you obviously cannot get off in the air. There is also less staff on trains to keep an eye on your belongings. Make sure that your valuables are always within reach and that you take them with you when you go to the toilet or get something to eat.
  3. Before you leave, check if you can get something to eat on the train. Most trains have a restaurant or offer snacks in some other way. However, in many cases regional trains do not have food supplies and so you will have to buy something at the station before the start of the journey.


  • Start packing well in advance for your trip. Doing everything at the last minute will likely create a lot of unnecessary stress and make it almost inevitable that you will forget to bring something.
  • Always leave some empty space in your suitcase for souvenirs, gifts or other items you purchase during your trip.
  • Try to pack your clothes as compactly as possible. For example, roll up your shirts as tightly as possible, use compression bags for larger garments and possibly use a vacuum cleaner to suck the air out of these bags. You can also use these bags to store smaller items, such as baby clothes or underwear.
  • Do not forget to bring a medicine passport if your doctor has prescribed medicines for you on the go. In some countries it is strictly checked whether the medicines in your suitcase are actually yours.
  • Are you traveling abroad? Then make a copy of your passport and store it in a separate place. If you lose your original passport, a copy can be very useful to get a new travel document.
  • Put your suitcase open on your bed while packing and try on all the clothes you want to take with you so that you are sure that they fit.
  • Check with your travel agency if there are any specific items you will need while traveling.
  • If you are traveling to a tropical destination, bring thin clothing. After all, you will not need thick sweaters here and if it does get cold in the evenings, you can always wear several layers on top of each other.
  • Pack your suitcase three days before departure. That way you don't have to worry about it later and you can concentrate on the journey itself.
  • Do you want to take fragile items in your shoes? First check whether the socks you roll them in are still clean.
  • If you like to wear make-up, make sure you have at least some concealer, foundation, powder, eyeshadow, lipstick and blush with you. Some makeup brands offer special travel kits that contain multiple products. It may be worth purchasing as it saves you the necessary space in your suitcase.
  • Put your most important things together in a large bag.
  • Use empty toilet rolls to wrap cables around, then put them together in a small bag.
  • First pack the most important items such as your clothes, phone and passports. Then move on to less important items such as jewelry, snacks, and makeup. That way you don't have to worry about forgetting something important.
  • Make your suitcase easily identifiable. For example, use a colorful suitcase strap or a striking luggage tag.
  • Use all the empty space in your suitcase, for example by bringing extra socks.
  • Wrap jewelry such as necklaces and bracelets around straws to keep them from tangling.
  • Put matching clothes together so that you can easily put together a nice outfit while traveling. You can also put loose outfits in separate compression bags.


  • Always keep a close eye on your luggage on the way. Before you go through customs, check that nothing has happened to your luggage. This way you can be sure that you will not get into trouble later.
  • Make sure your most important items such as medicines are in your hand luggage. It sometimes happens that suitcases get lost and if that happens, it would be very annoying if you were without medicines.
  • In some countries you are not allowed to take certain food items in your hand luggage and you will be fined if you do so. So check carefully what you can and cannot take with you before you leave.
  • Different baggage and safety rules apply to each travel destination. Before you leave, check carefully what these rules are so that you do not get into trouble.