Live in peace

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Firm - Live In Peace (live)
Video: The Firm - Live In Peace (live)


Living in peace means living in harmony with yourself, with others and with all the soulful beings around you. While everyone has a different definition of living in peace, of course, there are some general rules for achieving this. Strive for more peace in your relationships, create a peaceful environment for yourself, and encourage those around you to strive for more peace as well. With a little patience and persistence, you will enjoy the peace and tranquility you long for.

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Method 1 of 3: Promote peace in your relationships

  1. Banish negative people from your life. Your inner peace can be disturbed by someone who constantly criticizes you, argues a lot, and blames you for his or her problems. Your daily life becomes a lot quieter when you keep your distance, especially if you see someone like that often.
    • Reduce your contact with a negative friend by making agreements with others and thinking about how to avoid him or her. For example, politely state that you are busy by saying something like, "I'm sorry, but I've been full all week. We'll meet up another time. "
    • If you have negative family members, you need to set boundaries to limit their impact on your peace of mind. For example, if someone demands that you drop everything to help them, just say, "I'm sorry." I can't help you right now because I have other things to do. From now on, let me know a few days in advance when you need my help. "
  2. Teach people to to forgive and let go of resentment and anger. It's frustrating when someone has treated you badly, but it really doesn't help you hold on to your anger. It stresses you and undermines your ability to live in peace. Give yourself permission to forgive this person for the injustice he has done to you and let go of all anger. This process brings a lot of inner peace.
    • For example, don't waste time thinking about how to take back someone who calls you names. Instead, say something to yourself like, "It was really mean of him to say that, but it just happened. I forgive him for what he said and I hope our interaction will be more positive in the future. "
    • Another option is to write him a letter that you don't send. In this letter, describe how he hurt you, but that you forgive him because it is best for you.
    • Not holding a grudge guarantees inner peace, because forgiveness really makes you feel better. Forgiveness teaches you to deal with the negative feelings that arise after a hurtful event. It is more liberating to live through and let go of these feelings than to suppress them.
  3. Help people solve their problems without resorting to arguments or violence. Find ways to solve a problem in harmony, when you meet people who have a problem with each other or when you collide with someone yourself. Encourage people to help you find solutions. Do not raise your voice, swear, and avoid any behavior that could provoke violence.
    • For example, when family members bicker about the TV remote, say, "You both want to see something different." Shall we look for something you both like instead? "
    • When you are upset because a friend lied to you, say something like, "I like you to be honest with me. What can I do to make you trust me more? "
  4. Always express yourself positively. People often express themselves negatively in difficult circumstances. For example, they tell others what they should or should not do. Make your wishes more positive and avoid the words "no", "never" and "stop there" as much as possible.
    • For example, if you want to ask someone to lower your voice, do not say, `` Stop yelling! '' Or is a place for safe and calm communication. '

    Tip: Find a quiet place to cool down when you are angry. Take a deep breath and relax. Get away from your screen and go outside for a walk, preferably in the green.

  5. Promote peace in your workplace. Consult with your personnel manager about the options for promoting a peaceful work environment. For example, what are the strategies in the field of conflict resolution, diversity and complaint handling? Strive for a good relationship with all your colleagues. You can do all this:
    • Be nice and helpful to all your colleagues.
    • Do not participate in gossip and office politics games.
    • Treat your colleagues as team members instead of competitors.

Method 2 of 3: Create a peaceful environment

  1. Be grateful for everything you already have. If you want more and more, you will always be unsatisfied and unhappy. When you are consciously grateful for what you already have on a regular basis, you strengthen your feelings of peace and happiness. Write down ten things every day that you are grateful for.
    • A bed to sleep in, a roof over your head, a nice cup of coffee and a lovely sun are just a few examples of things to be grateful for every time.
    • Focus more on what you do have than what you don't.
  2. Turn your bedroom into a resting point, away from the outside world. It is easier to experience peace if you always have a rest point where you end the day. Make sure your room is clean and tidy. Then you adjust the interior to create the right atmosphere. Try the following:
    • Warm lighting, such as a lamp that you can dim, cluster lighting with LED lights or candles with fake flames.
    • Soft blankets and pillows on your bed.
    • Scented candles and scent diffusers for a nice relaxed atmosphere.
    • Flowers or a houseplant on your nightstand.
  3. Listen to relaxing music during the day. Music affects your mood. It is therefore important what kind of music you choose. Listen to relaxing music such as classical, electronic or New Age music. Listen to it when you work or study and at night before going to sleep.
    • Nature sounds also create a peaceful atmosphere. Try listening to the rain or the waves of the ocean.
  4. Make a comfortable place to meditate. Meditation is a great method to increase inner peace. When you have a special place to meditate, you immediately feel calm and at ease when you sit there. A square meter in a corner or against the wall in your bedroom can be enough. Make sure this place is clean and clutter-free, so that you always have a place where you can escape the outside world for a moment of peace.
    • Place a few nice pillows here, so that you can sit well.
    • A fountain or a house plant enhances the peaceful atmosphere.
    • You can also place a small altar here with, for example, candles, photos or a statue.
  5. Go out regularly to enjoy the peace and quiet in nature. In nature you will find peace and you can relax. Nature sounds, views and oxygen-rich air are calming and lower your stress level. Try to take a walk in the green every day to think calmly and let the daily tension slide away.
    • Go into the woods, take a walk around the neighborhood or go to the park.

    Tip: Occasionally spend ten minutes in a quiet place outdoors, such as under a tree, in a park, or anywhere else where you will not be disturbed.

Method 3 of 3: Contributing to world peace

  1. Go volunteering in your neighborhood to help people. Find out what you can do to help people and make sure there are people who care about them. By supporting people who need help, you can create more peace and harmony in the neighborhood. Volunteering is also good for the volunteer, so it makes you happier too. Find out which organizations are doing good work in your area and register there.
    • For example, register at a homeless shelter, at the animal shelter or as a buddy to take single elderly people on a trip.
  2. Find other people in your area to do something positive together. Together you achieve more than alone. Find out if there are groups in your area who also want to promote peace and join them. Think of interfaith groups, peace movements or specific groups that, for example, want to do something about the bullying problem.

    Tip: consider what your specific talents and skills are and how you can use them to promote local peace. If you are creative, you can, for example, make brochures for a group or event that you want to contribute to.

  3. Attend events and gatherings that want to promote peace. On these occasions you will always find a way to actively participate. Keep an eye on when there is something like this to do in the area and then register with the organization.
    • Think of sponsored walks, raising money for a good cause or meetings that want to increase awareness about the negative consequences of, for example, domestic violence and child neglect.


  • Learn to love yourself more. When you love yourself, you more easily radiate love and peace to your surroundings.
  • Do something unexpected unexpectedly to make someone happy. With this you spread happiness where and when people do not expect it.
  • Give compliments instead of negative comments. Do not gossip about friends, family, colleagues, and the rest of the world. Strive to say only good things about others.