Being able to fall asleep (for children)

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to help your child get a good sleep
Video: How to help your child get a good sleep


It's very annoying when you can't fall asleep easily, and after tossing and turning all night long without sleeping, it only gets worse. This can affect your performance during the day, so it's important to find an easy way to fall asleep. If you're tired of not falling asleep after a long day, try the following steps.

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Part 1 of 3: Relaxing before going to sleep

  1. Try to relax a bit before going to bed. Try a relaxing exercise or hum a song, or just sit quietly and possibly even do some meditation appropriate for children. Sit on your bed or a comfortable surface so that you are rested.
  2. Calm yourself. Erase all the bustle of the day from your mind; it doesn't matter anymore, because tomorrow is a new start.
    • Let go of your negative thoughts. Things will seem much more bearable and manageable when you wake up tomorrow. Letting go of bad thoughts almost always helps.
    • Think of a tower or a city that you can make, with unicorns, and cats, etc. Or think of your stuffed animal or your pet.
  3. Listening to sounds of nature or soft music. If you listen to pop music, rap or rock, your brain will want to party and you will stay awake longer than usual.
  4. Ask your mom or dad for a glass of warm milk or tea. Choose a calm and soothing tea suitable for bedtime, without caffeine. Drink it slowly.
  5. Write in a sketchbook, notebook, notebook, journal or magazine. Write about your day or just scribble to calm your mind.

Part 2 of 3: Avoid things that can interfere with your sleep

  1. Make sure your bedroom is at a comfortable temperature before going to sleep. If you are too hot or too cold, you will likely stay awake.
  2. Make the room as dark as possible. When light comes in, close the curtains or blinds, or block the light with a blanket.
  3. Stop using electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. It is not good for you to play on your computer, phone, iPod, etc. just before you go to sleep. These devices will keep your brain too active and the blue backlights of many devices can stimulate your brain to wake up even longer. stay.
    • Create a "Do Not Disturb" schedule for as many devices as you can start with. This feature will ensure that such equipment cannot disturb you at night, because it will not make any sound at night. If you have an iPhone, turn on the "Do not disturb" feature and leave the set time.
  4. Don't worry about things. If you got scolded at school, laugh about it or stop thinking about it. Thinking about bad experiences can hinder your sleep.
  5. Do not drink caffeinated or sugary drinks 4-6 hours before bed. They can keep you awake. Do not consume too much sugar in the evening and at night to avoid building up excess energy.

Part 3 of 3: In bed

  1. Relax, take a deep breath and let your imagination run wild. Close your eyes and fantasize about whatever you want.
    • Close your eyes and think about the beautiful day ahead.
  2. Read a book. Reading is a great way to keep you relaxed and sleepy.
    • You can try your eyes as you think about the book, such as the characters, or why the story unfolds in a certain way, and what you think could happen.
  3. If you are still awake, go to the bathroom and drink some water. Afterwards, read some more or listen to relaxing music, etc.
  4. Imagine floating on a cloud while lying in bed. Feel how soft it is and imagine floating through the air while being gently held in the folds of the cloud. Or just think about your day or a nice next day.
  5. Count sheep. See how many sheep it takes to fall asleep. It can also help improve your math skills.
  6. Think about all the fun you had today. Choose something positive to think about and you will likely start dreaming of good things.
    • Think about things you enjoy doing or what you plan to do the next day. However, don't worry too much about the things in front of you. Having an exam is better for distracting yourself than concentrating on it while trying to sleep.
  7. Ask a parent to help you fall asleep. One of your parents can sit on the floor next to you and hold your hand, slowly stroking your hand to calm you so that you can fall asleep.
    • If you want to wake your mother or father, do not go into the bedroom, but open the door quietly and ask your mother or father gently if they can come because you cannot sleep.
    • If you wake up at night, ask your parents to calm you down and massage your back or stomach.
  8. Put on some relaxing music. Light jazz or quiet pop music is okay, but classical and lullabies are best. Think of "rest".
  9. Make yourself even more comfortable, if necessary.
    • If you are unable to snuggle up in your bed, lie down in a different position. If you are lying on your back, consider lying on your side or on your stomach.
    • If your pillow starts to feel uncomfortable, turn it over or push it up against the wall so that you are facing the wall when you lie down. A pillow against the wall can be a bit uncomfortable. So, if you have an extra pillow, stack the pillows on top of each other for extra support and comfort.
    • If you like warmth, put a blanket over you. If it is summer and you have air conditioning, ask an older person to make the air a bit colder so that it is cooler at night. Make sure it doesn't get too cold or you might wake up shivering. You can also put your leg over the blanket.
    • If you want something to cuddle, you can (with permission) take your pet to bed with you, cuddle a teddy bear or your pillow.
    • If you roll out of bed at night, tuck your blanket in well so that you can sleep more comfortably and safely.


  • Go to the bathroom before going to sleep. Otherwise you will stay awake because you need to!
  • Don't get up right away. You may find it relaxing to lie in bed.
  • Clear your mind and don't think about anything for a moment.
  • Make sure you are tired before going to bed.
  • Stay under a blanket and close your eyes.
  • Don't try to force yourself to sleep.
    • Lie down in a comfortable position where you are neither too hot nor too cold.
  • Close your eyes and lie under the covers in a nice, relaxing place. Think about what you did that day.
  • Go to the bathroom before you lie down to avoid getting out of bed while trying to sleep.
  • Make sure you go to bed around the same time every night.


  • A comfortable bed
  • Warm milk
  • A book
  • Comfortable pillows
  • Something soft, as this can often help you relax more (like a stuffed animal)
  • A hot water bottle or something warm, if you are cold