Approaching a girl in public

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Approach Girls (works EVERY time)
Video: How to Approach Girls (works EVERY time)


It can be difficult to approach a woman in public just like that. But if you pay close attention to her body language and respect her personal boundaries, you won't come across as a creep. The most important thing to do is show respect and follow these steps.

To step

Method 1 of 1: Look

  1. Be respectful. This is absolutely the most important thing when addressing a girl in public, or in any situation. If she's not interested, back off.
    • Remember that different girls have different tastes when it comes to boys, or sometimes they have no interest in boys at all. A girl may just think you're not her type. Either way, there are plenty of other girls out there who think you're great.


  • Hygiene is very important. Wash, brush your teeth, clean your ears, trim your nails, etc.
  • Don't get discouraged if things don't go as planned. Sometimes it is just like that in life. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you.
  • Be sincere, especially when you see someone for the first time. You don't want her to have a completely different image of you because you behaved differently when you first met her.
  • Don't be stingy. If all goes well, pay for her drinks, dinner and taxi home. If she insists on paying her own share, say, "I'll pay this time, you buy next time."But if she really wants to pay herself, don't keep pushing. Then say that you want to pay next time. This is a good way to show that you want to meet her again.
  • Don't start a conversation about a strange interest you have unless it is a shared interest. For example, if you both like to talk about sports, you can watch a game together.
  • Ask your sister, mother or girlfriend for advice. After all, those are women too. Maybe they have good tips for you.


  • If you get rejected in public, don't respond negatively. Just smile nicely and walk away.
  • DO NOT approach women at the gym. They are there to train and usually don't feel like getting hooked.
  • When you approach a girl who's with her friends, try to impress the whole group.