To declare your love to someone

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 easy way to express your love without saying "I love you".
Video: 8 easy way to express your love without saying "I love you".


You may be nervous about speaking out about your feelings for someone, but you will feel so much better once you say this out loud. With a little preparation, you can turn coming out of your feelings into a special moment that you won't soon forget.

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Part 1 of 3: Weighing up the situation

  1. Stop what you are doing for a moment. Think logically and weigh the situation. Think about your relationship with this person and try to predict how your words will be received. Ask yourself if there is a realistic chance the other person will return your feelings. If so, all you have to do is figure out what your next move is. If you know that the other person does not share your feelings, then you have to be very careful.
    • You may have fallen in love with a friend, but you are not sure if they reciprocate your feelings. You have to think long and hard about how your declaration of love will affect your friendship. Falling in love with your best friend can be wonderful, provided they reciprocate your feelings.
  2. Make sure you know for sure. If you've never been in love before, it may be difficult to understand the implications of this phrase. There are many types of love: friendship, family ties, infatuation. If you really feel like you are in love with this person, then you should tell him / her. However, it is important to consider the seriousness of your words.
    • Love means something different to everyone. Some say that young people tend to confuse "true love" with a more superficial crush or "puppy love." Others believe that you can experience deep, meaningful love at any age.
  3. Be sincere with your intentions. Don't tell someone you love them just to get more attention. Only say this if you plan to live up to your words. Romantic love usually means a certain level of caring for and commitment to a person.
  4. Take it easy. If you are not sure, first sense the situation with words that do not carry as much weight. Ask if the other person wants to go out with you, or say that you really like the other person, or that the other makes you very happy. "I love you" can be a phrase of considerable weight - but it's not the only way to show someone you care.
    • Say you love something about the other person. Such as the way the other dances, or his or her train of thought.
    • Feels how the person responds to the less serious confessions. If he / she is receptive to your words and says that he / she likes you very much, then there is a higher chance that your declaration of love will be well received.
  5. Be brave. Know that life is short and that love is a valuable feeling. If you love someone, there is always a chance that they will not reciprocate your feelings, or will stop loving you over time. However, this is something that is happening within you, and something that you cannot ignore. Sometimes this is the only way to move forward, even when you are afraid.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing an environment

  1. Choose a romantic setting. Find a quiet place where you can be alone for a while. Take him / her to a restaurant or garden, or to an impressive outdoor scene when the sun goes down. Make sure he / she feels safe and comfortable there.
    • The place itself will depend on the person you declare your love to. Choose a place that is special to both of you.
  2. Make it a meaningful moment. Declaring love to someone can be a violent event for both involved, and it's important to make it a special moment. You can plan it in advance, or wait for an intimate moment to come naturally. The moment can be compellingly dramatic, or perhaps delightfully simple. Say it when you feel really inspired.
    • This can happen during a beautiful sunset after a perfect day together, or when "your song" is played at a big dance party at school, or when you laugh together, happy to be together.
    • Watch romantic scenes in movies and series for inspiration. Analyze the scenes when the main character declares his or her love to someone. Understand the atmosphere you are looking for.
  3. Make sure you are alone. You can turn it into a dramatic public declaration of love, if you want. However, keep in mind that the person you declare love to may not appreciate the unexpected attention. This is especially important if you are not sure how he / she will respond. When you are alone, you allow the other person to feel more comfortable and to be able to respond calmly.
  4. Schedule the confession. If you don't have a date yet, make an appointment with the person in question. Ultimately, you will have to let things take their course at the moment. However, you can dress the moment so that your declaration of love is romantic and happens at the right time. Make sure you don't rush things and that you know what you're going to say.
    • You can also write a love letter if you cannot meet the person in question. This method can still be very personal, even if it is a bit more abstract.
  5. Try to get his or her full attention. There is no point in declaring your love to someone when that person is distracted by something, is worried about something, or is about to leave. The words will be more powerful when you can stare into each other's eyes. If you already have a special moment together, you can probably just keep going. Admittedly, sometimes there is no "right time." Get his / her attention by saying, "I need to tell you something important."

Part 3 of 3: Declaring your love

  1. Look the other in the eye. When the moment feels right, hold each other's gaze. Eye contact indicates that you are sincere. It also gives you an instant indication of how she feels about what you're saying, and should make you both feel more connected.
  2. Say, "I love you". It's that simple. If you really love this person, then you don't have to justify or embellish it. If you feel the need, it never hurts to convey and explain your love in a poetic way. Above all, be honest and authentic. Only say as much as you want to say.
    • Consider explaining how you fell in love with him or her. Say something that's true, fair, and sweet. Make it unique and give the other person a special feeling.
    • Say it casually or seriously, depending on how relaxed you are. Make sure this person knows you are serious.
  3. Kiss him or her. If your loved one says, "I love you too," you can get excited. This is a special moment. Surf the waves of your emotions and take the experience to an even more magical level. No matter what happens, this is a moment in your life that you will remember for years to come.
  4. Be patient. Give your loved one time to process what you just said. In some cases, he / she can immediately indicate that he / she loves you too. On the other hand, if your confession is a surprise, the other person may need to think about it. Listen and be respectful. Don't get ahead of ourselves.
    • If the person doesn't reciprocate your feelings, that's okay. You may be hurt, but you don't have to be angry. Accept it.
  5. Be proud of yourself. Regardless of how your loved one responds, be proud of yourself for telling him / her how you feel. It takes a lot of courage to tell someone you have a crush on that person and mean it. Whatever happens, now that person knows.


  • Be patient and respectful. If the person needs time to think about your confession, give it. Love cannot be forced.
  • If you are too shy to say this, write a love letter instead. This can be much easier for you.
  • Don't assume the worst right away. If your loved one doesn't have the same feelings for you as you do for him or her, don't immediately assume that it will damage your friendship or that you will never be able to try again.
  • Practice what you want to say in front of the mirror. That way you can get a feel for it.
  • Plan ahead. Think about what you are going to say and think about how you will respond if she says yes or no.
  • Be confident as you speak out for your feelings. This will make it clear to the other that you mean it.